Big Brothers Big Sisters is an organization that started with a mission “to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.” The official start of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Brown County program started in 1977 but it was unofficially started in 1972 by the YMCA and 1974 by the YWCA. The Big Brothers Big Sisters program is supported by donors and volunteers who are matched up with local youth in the community. This program is the largest and most effective youth mentoring organization in the U.S. Bigs are paired with a child between the ages of 7 and 13 and are asked to spend a few hours a week for at least one year to help impact the child’s life. You can be a Big starting at 16 and do it as a single person or a couple. The impact of being a BIG is tremendous on the children. Youth who are paired with a Big are 52% more likely to remain in school and 75% more likely to earn a 4-year degree. If you are interested in impacting the lives of those in our community and would like more information, please stop up to the Human Resources office (CL 710) and pick up a brochure. If you’d like to learn more about this great organization, please visit their website
*All information in this blog post was taken from Big Brothers Big Sisters website.