TASC is transitioning to a new system platform effective January 1, 2016. Therefore the websites for plan years 2015 and 2016 are separate and distinct.
Use the following website for the 2016 plan year: https://partners.tasconline.com/ETFEmployee
Please Note: If this is your first time logging into the 2016 TASC system, use the below logic to log in. You will be prompted to change your password upon first login.
Username: First initial of first name + full last name + date of birth (mmddyy) + last 4 digits of your Social Security Number. Example: jsmith0315815643
Password: Same as username
Health Care Flex Spending:
For health care expense claims incurred within the 2015 Plan year (1/1/2015-12/31/2015), you can file claims through the end of the run-out period, which is March 30, 2016. After the run out period, you can carry over up to $500 of unused health care flex spending funds into the 2016 plan year. Any unused funds over the $500 carryover limit are forfeited. Carryover funds will be transferred and available in your 2016 health care flex spending account in mid-April 2016.
Dependent Day Care Flex Spending:
With the 2015 change to implement the $500 carryover provision to the health care flex spending, the grace period option was changed to a runout period for all Employee Reimbursement (ERA) Programs. The IRS prohibits an ERA plan to have both a carryover provision and a grace period option. Dependent day care expenses incurred after December 31, 2015 are not eligible for reimbursement with 2015 funds.
For dependent day care expense claims incurred within the 2015 plan year (1/1/2015-12/31/2015), you can file claims to your 2015 dependent care flex spending account through the end of the run-out period, which is March 30, 2016. Any unclaimed dependent day care funds are forfeited.
Please contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or payrollandbenefits@uwgb.edu with any questions.