As many faculty and staff are aware, effective July 1, 2015, the new University Personnel System (UPS) will be implemented. Over the last several years, UW System in collaboration with UPS workgroups and campus Human Resources staff, have been working to develop “Operational Policies” in preparation for this upcoming implementation. In addition to new policies primarily affecting University Staff (formerly Classified), some Operational Policies will also cover Faculty and Academic Staff since language formerly found in the UPGs (Unclassified Personnel Guidelines) or other UW System policies will be inserted into the Operational Policies. The long term goal is that each operational policy will include provisions specific to all employee types within the UW System.
Action Item: Feedback from the campus community is a critical step in moving forward with the finalization of these policies and procedures. We have developed three surveysat with feedback due based upon the UW System deadline. Please review the operational policies linked within each of the surveys and submit your feedback by the respective due date noted. Human Resources will compile all responses and send the feedback to UW System for consideration in finalization of these policies.
Survey 1: Due Tuesday, September 30, 2014
- Compensation Structures and Tools
- Performance Management
- Workplace Expectations
Survey 2: Due Wednesday, October 8, 2014
- Benefits & Leave policies review
- Job-Related Coursework and Training
- Complaint Procedures
- FLSA Designation
- Temporary and Project University Staff
Survey 3: Due Wednesday, October 29, 2014
- Voluntary Reassignment of Formerly Classified FLSA-Exempt Employees to Academic Staff/Limited positions
Please review the campus University Personnel System (UPS) Development website for more information and the latest news in the development of the new personnel system. Human Resources will be in continued communication with the campus community as we move towards the implementation date of July 1, 2015.