Annual Open Enrollment Period Begins on October 6

Mark your calendars! The Annual Benefit Open Enrollment period is October 6 – 31, 2014 for participating plans.

Annual Open Enrollment information will be available on the My UW System Portal, under the Annual Benefit Enrollment Period section.  A summary will be provided directly on the portal, however detailed benefit information about the open enrollment period will be provided by clicking on the Read More>> link at the bottom of the section as it becomes available.

*New for 2015* Each health plan will now offer a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) in addition to their current regular plan.  An HDHP provides coverage much like the regular plans except you must meet the annual deductible before services are covered.  A Health Savings Plan (HSA) will be available for those who elect to enroll in a HDHP plan.

Our office will be sending out additional information pertaining to open enrollment, including 2015 premium rates, by the end of next week.  You will also be receiving email communications from UW System HR throughout the open enrollment period.


Training Opportunities:
We will be holding an informational training session on benefit changes and updates for 2015 this Friday, September 26th from 10:30-11:30 as part of the 2014 All-Employee Training Series.   If you have not already registered for this session and would like to attend, please email

The Employee Benefits & Wellness Fair will also provide you with an opportunity to learn more information about your benefits and options you have during the annual open enrollment period.  We will also be offering Benefits Open Lab sessions again this year where you can stop by to ask benefits questions, learn more about 2015 benefits changes, and receive assistance with the E-benefits enrollment process.  Click here for details on the fair and for dates of the Benefits Open Lab session.

And as always, if you have any questions regarding Open Enrollment or your benefits, please feel free to contact:

Kimberly Danielson
Classified & Unclassified CPS Benefits Specialist
Phone: 920-456-2196

Sue Miller
Unclassified Benefits Specialist
Phone: 920-465-2816


Don’t miss your once a year opportunity to enroll or make changes to your benefits!