Winter Break Fitness Challenge


What: Winter Break Fitness Challenge
When: Monday December 23, 2013 – Sunday, January 26, 2014
Where: UW Green Bay Kress Events Center
Whether you frequent the Kress or have yet to visit since the announcement of the Faculty/Staff Free Membership Program, NOW is your time to do so while working towards rad prizes! All Faculty/Staff have free UNLIMITED access to the Kress Events Center over the Winter Break time period.To Participate:

  1. Visit the Kress during business hours and check-in at the front desk (campus ID & a second pair of shoes required).
  2. Ask the front desk attendant for an entry slip for the Faculty/Staff Winter Break Fitness Challenge.
  3. Complete the slip(s) and give back to the front desk attendant to enter for the drawing.

See the flyer for more information, including prizes and timelines for the drawings.  Let’s keep it HOT inside the Kress these cold winter days!