Now that the Budget Repair Bill (Act 10) has been upheld by the Wisconsin Supreme Court and is in effect, the Budget Repair Bill FAQ has been updated to include clarification on health insurance and WRS contribution effective dates. Information regarding changing or cancellation of various benefit plans is also included in this FAQ.
The effective dates for the additional payroll deductions are as follows:
* Classified (or others paid bi-weekly): August 25, 2011 paycheck
* Unclassified (12 month): September 1, 2011 paycheck
* Unclassified (9 month): September 30, 2011 paycheck
Academic year (9 month) employees who had multiple health insurance deductions taken from the June 1 paycheck will have an adjustment made to reflect the amount that should have been paid for the payroll month of August (for September coverage). More specific information will be made available at a later date about this additional deduction.
Also attached to the Budget Repair Bill FAQ is a letter that was recently sent to all agency heads from Cynthia Archer, Department of Administration Deputy Secretary, regarding the status of the Supplemental Health Insurance Conversion Credit (SHICC) program. The letter states that there are no provisions in Act 10 that would impact SHICC benefits and at this point there are no provisions in the 2011-13 biennial budget that would impact SHICC benefits.
* Budget Repair Bill FAQ:
* High level two page summary of the impact of the legislation:
* Main resource page on the budget is available at:
We will continue to provide you with updated information as it becomes available. Please contact Human Resources at or ext. 2390 with questions.