The following information affects employees who are enrolled in State Group Health Insurance and/or State Group Life Insurance.
Employees currently pay State Group Health (SGH) and State Group Life (SGL) Insurance premiums two months in advance of coverage. For example, the premiums deducted from July earnings pay for SGH and SGL coverage for the month of September. A decision was made to change the current SGH and SGL deduction schedule so premiums are paid only one month in advance of the coverage month. During the transition period, you will not have SGH and SGL premium deductions for one month – this is considered a premium holiday. Normal payroll deductions will resume after the one‐month premium holiday.
Classified employees (those paid bi‐weekly) will not have a SGH deduction from the November 18, 2010 paycheck and will not have a SGL deduction from the December 2, 2010 paycheck.
Unclassified employees (those paid monthly) will not have a SGH or SGL deduction from the December 1, 2010 paycheck.
For more information, please read the Frequently Asked Questions.
Please e-mail or call 465-2390 if you have any questions.