2015 Bellin Run Corporate Challenge

Bellin Run

Register today for the 2015 UW-Green Bay Bellin Run Corporate Challenge
Bellin 10K Run/Walk • Green Bay, WI • Saturday, June 13, 2015

Get out and enjoy some fun with co-workers, family and friends by participating in friendly competition and promoting a healthier lifestyle. Employees, students, family and friends are encouraged to sign up to participate as part of the UW-Green Bay Corporate team!

Register as part of the corporate team and enjoy these benefits:
VIP Race Packet Delivery- all registrants’ race packets will be delivered to UW-Green Bay for pick-up the week before the event
A Corporate Challenge custom gift from Bellin and a UW-Green Bay Corporate Challenge T-Shirt if registered by May 1

When registering, please use Team Name: UW-Green Bay Team Password: 840

Interested in designing this year’s UW-Green Bay Corporate Challenge t-shirt or training with fellow employees?? Contact the Wellness Committee for more information.

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

Visit the Wellness Committee website for information on other wellness topics, newsletters, and up

Wellness Newsletter and Upcoming Events

View the February Newsletter!


The UW-Green Bay Wellness Committee Presents:

What: Wellness Lunch and Learn
Heart Healthy Living

When: Thursday, February 19, 2015
12:15 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Where: Alumni Rooms A/B, University Union

February is Heart Health month. In interest of heart health, this months’ Lunch and Learn is focused on what it means to have a healthy heart and how we can keep it that way. Alex Stenner, student intern with the Kress Events Center, will present on building action steps into everyday habits for the promotion of healthy heart function- not running away from heart disease. Attendees can expect to examine lifestyles, habit, behavior, and immediate options that promote heart health.

Check out the attached newsletter for more on heart health, or visit the American Heart Association website for more news about the heart.

UPS – Additional Operational Policy Feedback Requested

Several additional UW System Operational Policies are now available for your review.

This round of Operational Policies includes:

Please review these Operational Policies and complete the survey to submit your feedback no later than February 13, 2015.  You may also review the campus University Personnel System (UPS) Development website for more information and the latest news in the development of the new personnel system. Human Resources will continue to provide additional information to the campus community as we move towards the implementation date of July 1, 2015.

To view the Operational Policies that have been posted for feedback prior to this survey, please visit UW Systems University Personnel Systems development website.

Thank you.

Leadership Green Bay Informational Brown Bag Session

2015-2016 Leadership Green Bay Program Information

Each year, the University sponsors up to two employees to participate in the Leadership Green Bay program.  This program was established in 1983 by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and offers select individuals the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills while enhancing the well-being of the Green Bay area. Program goals include enhancing the participant’s knowledge of the Green Bay community; obtaining a greater awareness of issues that face the Green Bay area; enhancing leadership skills; and making an impact on the Green Bay Community.

Participants meet one day per month, October through May, following a two-day overnight retreat in September. Programs focus on Green Bay’s local economy, education, local history and heritage, diversity and cultural awareness, human services, government, and environment. In addition, small groups work on projects designed to enhance awareness of community problems, identify systems and methods to effect change, and develop their project management, team, and presentation skills. The groups meet on their own time outside Leadership Green Bay sessions.

To learn more about Leadership Green Bay, please consider attending the following session, which will feature an informational presentation by Tom Lyga, Director of Education and Leadership for the Green Bay Chamber of Commerce, as well as a panel of UW-Green Bay employees who have graduated from the Leadership Green Bay program:


Leadership Green Bay Informational Brown Bag Session

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

1965 Room, University Union

Click here to register

All UW-Green Bay employees are eligible to express interest in being considered.  Supervisors are also encouraged to nominate employees for participation in this program. If you are nominating someone, be sure to contact the people you are nominating to determine if they are willing to participate if selected.  After the deadline, two employees will be selected by the Position Review Committee, and will asked to complete the nomination materials representing UW-Green Bay.

In order to express interest in participation, or to nominate an employee, please complete the Leadership Green Bay Interest Form.  This form should be filled out and signed by the employee, their supervisor, and the Dean/Division Head (if applicable).  Completed forms must be received in the Human Resources office by Friday, February 27th for full consideration.


You are also welcome to visit http://www.titletown.org/programs/leadership/leadership-green-bay for more information about this program.


If you have questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or hr@uwgb.edu.

Campus Connection Program

Are you interested in being a mentor for new employees?  Would you like to meet new people and share your wisdom and experiences as a UW-Green Bay employee?  If so, please consider becoming a “Campus Resource Person” within the Campus Connection Program!

Human Resources, in partnership with the University Staff Committee (formerly CSAC) and the Academic Staff Governance Committee is introducing an updated new employee mentor program to include both University Staff (Classified) and Academic Staff employees. This program will be called the Campus Connection Program.

The goal of the Campus Connection Program is to foster a cooperative network among University Staff and Academic Staff employees, as well as to cultivate a sense of community on campus.  The program benefits new employees by giving them a friendly resource (a campus resource person).  In return, existing employees have the opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge.

As a campus resource person, you would help new employees acclimate to the campus culture and help them become an active campus community member.  You would meet with the new employee, invite them to university events, and act as a resource.

Click on these links for more information about the Campus Connection Program and the Campus Connection Program Mentor Checklist.

If you are interested in being a campus resource person:

  1. Have a discussion with your supervisor to discuss the feasibility with your workload.
  2. By October 31, 2014, send an e-mail to HR at hr@uwgb.edu with your supervisor copied expressing interest.
  3. HR will be in contact with all interested mentors to arrange a training session and tour.

** Please note: If you have participated in the Campus Connection Program in the past and are currently on our list of volunteers, please send us an e-mail to express your interest in remaining on the list.

Please contact Human Resources at x2390 or hr@uwgb.edu if you have any questions!

UPS Operational Policy Feedback Requested

As many faculty and staff are aware, effective July 1, 2015, the new University Personnel System (UPS) will be implemented. Over the last several years, UW System in collaboration with UPS workgroups and campus Human Resources staff, have been working to develop “Operational Policies” in preparation for this upcoming implementation. In addition to new policies primarily affecting University Staff (formerly Classified), some Operational Policies will also cover Faculty and Academic Staff since language formerly found in the UPGs (Unclassified Personnel Guidelines) or other UW System policies will be inserted into the Operational Policies. The long term goal is that each operational policy will include provisions specific to all employee types within the UW System.

Action Item:  Feedback from the campus community is a critical step in moving forward with the finalization of these policies and procedures. We have developed three surveysat https://www.uwgb.edu/hr/campus/ups/policies/index.html with feedback due based upon the UW System deadline.  Please review the operational policies linked within each of the surveys and submit your feedback by the respective due date noted. Human Resources will compile all responses and send the feedback to UW System for consideration in finalization of these policies.

Survey 1: Due Tuesday, September 30, 2014

  • Compensation Structures and Tools
  • Performance Management
  • Workplace Expectations


Survey 2: Due Wednesday, October 8, 2014

  • Benefits & Leave policies review
  • Job-Related Coursework and Training
  • Complaint Procedures
  • FLSA Designation
  • Temporary and Project University Staff


Survey 3: Due Wednesday, October 29, 2014

  • Voluntary Reassignment of Formerly Classified FLSA-Exempt Employees to Academic Staff/Limited positions


Please review the campus University Personnel System (UPS) Development website for more information and the latest news in the development of the new personnel system. Human Resources will be in continued communication with the campus community as we move towards the implementation date of July 1, 2015.

UW Credit Union Fraud and Scams Seminar

The UW Credit Union is offering a fraud and scams prevention and awareness seminar for students, faculty, staff and general public.

As part of National Money Smart Week, the student organization Enactus has scheduled a Fraud and Scams – Awareness and Prevention Seminar.  Current trends in financial crime, identity theft, and ways to protect yourself will be discussed.  The seminar will take place on Tuesday, April 8th from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. in Phoenix Room C, University Union.

Wayne Resch, Branch Manager – UW Credit Union
Susan Bach, NE WI Regional Director – Better Business Bureau

Prior registration is not required, and there is no cost to attend.  Please contact Wayne Resch, 608-232-5000, ext. 2382,  if you have any questions.

Compensation Study Forum

To UW-Green Bay Employees:  Compensation Study Forum

Please mark your calendars for an additional forum that has been scheduled to discuss the Fox & Lawson Compensation Study and the salary adjustments the University is making as a result of this study.

This forum is scheduled for Friday, September 13, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. in the Christie Theater.

Compensation Study Forum

To All UW-Green Bay Employees: Compensation Study Forum

The Chancellor’s Cabinet and the Compensation Steering Committee invite you to a University wide forum to discuss the Fox & Lawson Compensation Study and the salary adjustments the University is making as a result of this study.

This forum is scheduled for Monday, August 5, 2013 at 3:30 p.m. in the Christie Theater.

This session will be recorded and available online for those who cannot attend. In addition, a second forum will be scheduled at the beginning of the academic year (late August).

NEW Office Support Exam and RE-TEST REQUIREMENT

Due to the postponement of the new University Personnel Structure(UPS), UW-System will use the Office of State Employment Relations (OSER) recruitment policies and procedures for all classified vacancies that occur in the next two years until UPS is implemented.  As part of this, all Office Support Positions must be certified from a central register housed by OSER. OSER has recently revised the Office Support Exam for all classification titles listed in the attached document. The first administration of this new exam will be on August 10, 2013.

Please note the following implications of this new Office Support Exam:

  • All previous exam scores will expire upon creation of the new Office Support exam register which is anticipated to be available for use in September.
  •  All applicants who have taken the Office Support exam in the last year must RE-TEST beginning in August 2013. Even if you have taken the exam as recently as June 2013, you must RE-TEST to continue to be considered for Office Support positions.

The Wisc.Jobs Home page will display a banner about the new exam and the Monthly State Exams page will be updated on July 19th with pre-registration information for the August 10, 2013 Multiple Choice Exams. This will also include information about the office support RE-TEST requirement.

Thank you for your interest in employment with the State of Wisconsin. Please help us spread the word about this re-test requirement and forward this information on to anyone you know that may be interested in an Office Support Position.

If you have any questions, please contact Christine Olson, olsonch@uwgb.edu or (920) 465-2846.