54218 Challenge
Sunday, July 13 – Saturday, July 19
Sign-up today for our week-long 54218 Challenge designed to help faculty, staff and students live healthier using 54218 every day!
Live54218 Mission: To create environments in the community that support and promote all residents daily in:
5 – Consuming 5 fruit and vegetables
4 – Drinking 4 bottles of water
2 – Having less than 2 hours of screen time (outside of your work)
1 – Participating in at least 1 hour of physical activity
8 – Sleeping 8 hours a night
Benefits: Live54218 Vision to make Brown County, Wisconsin (and our UW-Green Bay Campus) the healthiest community in the nation!
Registration: To participate in the challenge, send an e-mail to the Wellness Committee at wellness@uwgb.edu by Friday, July 11th.
Tracking Form: Complete the tracking form and submit the form electronically to wellness@uwgb.edu or by intercampus mail (HR CL710). Forms must be turned in by Noon on July 23rd to be considered for prizes.
Prizes: Participants filling in 100% (all 84) of the circles will be entered into a drawing to win one of two UW-Green Bay sweatshirts from the Phoenix Bookstore. All other participants completing 90% (76 or more) of the circles will be eligible for a Wellness Water Bottle.
For additional 54218 opportunities in our community check out: www.Live54218.org.