Leadership Green Bay Sponsorship for 2025-2026

Each year, the University sponsors one employee to participate in the Leadership Green Bay program.  This program was established in 1983 by the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce and offers select individuals the unique opportunity to develop leadership skills while enhancing the well-being of the Green Bay area. Program goals include enhancing the participant’s knowledge of the Green Bay community; obtaining a greater awareness of issues that face the Green Bay area; enhancing leadership skills; and making an impact on the Green Bay Community.

The cohort of professionals gather once a month October through May (following an overnight retreat in September) to learn about social issues, challenges, and opportunities facing the Green Bay area, get exposure to relevant leadership education and skills, and become community stewards. Each monthly gathering has a specific focus (from local government to education to the economy), and learners are immersed in a full-day interactive lesson that includes guest speakers, team-building exercises, and networking. The program culminates by participants organizing into teams, identifying social or public opportunities, and working on community projects that are designed to raise awareness of an issue, improve team skills, and effect change. Past projects can be found here. 

All UW-Green Bay employees are eligible to express interest in being considered.  After the deadline, one employee will be selected, and will asked to complete the application materials representing UW-Green Bay.

In order to express interest in participation, please complete the Interest Form. This form should be filled out by the interested employee and will then be electronically routed to their supervisor, the Dean/Division Head, and Area Leader as applicable.  Completed forms must be received in the Human Resources office by Friday, March 21, 2025 for full consideration.

You are also welcome to visit https://www.greatergbc.org/talent-education/talent-development/leadership-green-bay for more information about this program.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Human Resources at (920) 465-2390 or hr@uwgb.edu.