The “Women’s Network” ERG is rebranding itself to stay current and best reflect the core interests of its members. The core purpose of the ERG will broaden to networking focus, rather than a leadership focus. This change can easily be made with the recent addition of UWGB’s Institute for Women’s Leadership (IWL) which offers leadership resources for women. Exciting ERG updates below:
- ERG name: The new name is the “Women’s Network” (previously named “Women’s Leadership Network”)
- Co-chairs: Beginning May 1, Lynn Niemi and Kris Cumbers will serve as co-chairs of the ERG; Sheryl Van Gruensven and Susan Gallagher-Lepak will continue on the Advisory Committee and as ERG members
- Women’s Network Advisory Committee: The newly established committee includes Lynn Niemi, Kris Cumbers, Sheryl Van Gruensven, Susan Gallagher-Lepak, Jena Richter Landers, and Joy Wick. There is one opening for an additional Advisory Committee member – let Lynn Niemi know if you want this spot!
The mission of the Women’s Network is to connect, encourage, mentor, inform and help women navigate work and life balance. The ERG is open to anyone at UW-Green Bay. Values of the ERG include diversity, equity, empowerment and leadership.
As a reminder, select IWL events, such as Caffeinated Conversations and Stories from Experience, are available to Women’s Network ERG members at no cost (use your UWGB email address and code UWGBIWL when registering). Also, UWGB faculty, staff and students can attend for free the upcoming Celebrate 2023 “Phenomenally You” event on April 20, 2023 presented by the IWL. For more info: Celebrate 2023 – Phenomenally You