On Wednesday, January 04, 2023, Fue Lee started as a Counselor with The Wellness Center.
His preferred pronouns are he, him, his and he indicates that his name can be pronounced as ‘ph’ue or Foo as well.
Prior to coming to UW-GB, he worked at Rogers Behavioral Health for four years. His hobbies include anything outdoors with the family including camping, kayaking, fish, hiking, biking, swimming, and that he and his family like to try new food! His hometown is Green Bay and he has graduated from this university with an undergrad and grad degree in Social Work. His wife is Kia and he has two daughters, Kota and Sage, and two sons, Ben and Jay.
He would like to share the quote: “If you love it, you will teach yourself, if you don’t, others will teach you.”
Welcome Fue!