Title & Total Compensation Project – Supervisor Session Recording

The University of Wisconsin System has embarked on a complete redesign of its current classification and compensation structure. The goal of the Title & Total Compensation Project (T&TC) is to modernize the existing title and compensation programs which will, in turn, attract and retain the best talent for the organization.

After a lengthy delay due to COVID-19, it has been announced that the new title structure will be implemented in November of 2021. The full title and standard job description library is currently posted on the UW System Title & Total Compensation Project website.

To prepare for implementation, employee-manager conversations will take place between July 1, 2021 and September 10, 2021. For more information about T&TC (basics, history, mapping information, etc.), please view the recently-published T&TC Open Forum Recordings.

The Office of Human Resources and Workforce Diversity recently held sessions for supervisors to learn more about the logistics of employee-manager conversations. For a recording of the supervisor session, please click here.

Additional information and resources for the Title & Total Compensation Project can be found on the UW System Title & Total Compensation Project website. Supervisors are encouraged to review the Employee-Manager Conversation Toolkit and eLearning Module for more information about the Project and the role of a manager during the employee-manager conversation process.

In addition, more details specific to supervisors regarding next steps in employee-manager conversations will be delivered via email on June 25, 2021. Please watch for that communication.

On behalf of the campus project team and leadership, we would like to thank you for your continued engagement as we take the next steps in this initiative. Please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu or ext. 2390 if you have questions.