Due to the COVID-19 Event, UW-Green Bay has restricted access to campuses for the public, staff, faculty, and students. Consistent with Chancellor Alexander’s communication on June 15, 2020, the University will allow access to campus buildings from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday starting July 1, 2020. Access will be permitted for employees, students, and members of the public transacting University business.
All employees will be allowed to return to their work areas during the above listed times, but will be required to adhere to the established Employee Workplace Expectations which are set forth in the linked document. These expectations have been established to protect both employees and members of the public who access University facilities. Please carefully review the attached, and confirm your receipt and understanding by completing this electronic acknowledgment form. Employees will not be permitted to return to campus on or after July 1, 2020 until the acknowledgment is completed.
The University continues to encourage all employees to work remotely so long as they wish to do so and are able to perform their assigned work in a remote environment. Prior to returning to your work area, please advise your supervisor of your desire to return so they can appropriately establish staffing as well as secure the necessary safety materials for your office space. If you have been requested to return to work and do not feel comfortable doing so, please advise your supervisor who can work with Human Resources to resolve the issue.
If you have any questions about the attached documents, provisions of safety materials, or other concerns, please contact Human Resources at hr@uwgb.edu for assistance.