ATTENTION: Any employee considering retirement within the next 12 months or any employee within 1 year of minimum retirement age (age 50 for protective category employees or age 55 for all other categories):
The Department of Employee Trust Funds will be in Manitowoc, at Lakeshore Technical College on November 4th and 5th, 2019 and Green Bay, at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College on November 19th and 20th, 2019 to provide an overview of the retirement process and answer questions regarding your WRS retirement. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: calculating your retirement pension, explanation of monthly annuity payment options, filling out retirement applications and beneficiary forms, future annuity adjustments, life insurance, health insurance, returning to work, etc.
ETF has tailored group appointment retirement sessions for members planning (or considering) retirement in the near future. These sessions are similar to an individual appointment in Madison, with the same information presented, as well as the opportunity for WRS members to ask questions of knowledgeable, experienced ETF staff.
ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED. These sessions tend to fill up quickly. If you wish to schedule an appointment for one of these sessions, please contact ETF at the number below as soon as possible. Registration for the Manitowoc sessions will close on Monday, October 21st. Registration for the Green Bay sessions will close on Tuesday, November 5th.
You must already have a retirement estimate to schedule an appointment to attend this session. If you do not currently have a retirement estimate, you may order one when you schedule your appointment. Other dates throughout the year and other locations throughout the state are available, if these dates are not convenient for you.
Ordering an estimate or scheduling an appointment does not require you to retire. This can be for informational purposes only if that is all you need.