Take a Mental Trip to Fall Asleep

It’s often hard to drift off at night, especially if you’ve had a busy or stressful day. About 1 in 4 adults experiences insomnia at least occasionally. If your regular wind-down routine isn’t doing the trick, try something called guided imagery.

Pound Ridge Golf Course

Think of a place where you’ve been before, and mentally trace the route in your mind. If you like to golf, “walk” the course in your mind. Tune in to the warmth of the sun and the smell of the fresh air, and imagine that you’re there. Or take a walk through your childhood home, or through a museum you’ve visited before. You can also retrace the steps of a walking or running route. Directing your attention in this way—taking a mental trip—can help you ease into restful slumber. Challenge yourself to try out guided imagery before you head to bed tonight!


Article from the StayWell Company, LLC