In 2016, all covered state group health insurance plans will offer $150 for completing the Well Wisconsin Incentive Program. There are two steps to completing the program.
- Participate in a biometric screening.
- If you participated in the biometric screening on Monday, April 18th, results will be sent to your health plan on the 15th day of the following month. Please allow time for the health plans to process this information, as the turnaround time for these results to be integrated with your Health Risk Survey will vary by health plan.
- If you did not participate in the on-site screening, you may still complete the biometric portion with your doctor. A special form will need to be completed by your doctor. Visit and click on your insurance plan in the column to the left for a direct link to the form, under the heading ‘”Taking Your Assessment with Your Doctor.”
- Complete the online Health Risk Survey required by your health plan.
- Use your biometric screening results to complete the survey. Visit and click on your insurance plan in the column to the left for a direct link to the online Health Survey. This quick, easy survey is designed to help you gauge well-being factors to pinpoint possible health risks.
NOTE: All participants should check their health insurance provider’s information on the Well Wisconsin website for any additional information and requirements that may be necessary to qualify for the incentive.
Once the biometric screening and health survey is completed, the $150 incentive is issued by your health insurance provider and sent directly to your address on file. Please note that it may take up to 12 weeks after the 15th day of the following month before you receive the incentive payment. Some health insurance providers pay on a quarterly basis.
Effective January 1, 2016, adult children will no longer be eligible for the Well Wisconsin Incentive program. The incentive will continue to be available for active employees and retirees participating in the State of Wisconsin Group Health Insurance Program and their enrolled spouse/domestic partner. This is the result of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) recent ruling on the applicability of Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) to employee wellness programs and the proposed rule amending GINA to allow spouse participation.
Well Wisconsin program and other taxable wellness-related incentives. According to the federal government and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) financial reimbursements for wellness-related expenses such as gym memberships, fitness classes, the cost to participate in Community Support Agriculture (CSA), and rewards for participating in health or wellness programs or challenges are classified as a fringe benefit that must be treated as a taxable wage subject to income and payroll taxes.
- Federal regulations require the payroll centers to receive financial data regarding incentives issued to employees and their covered family members. Your health information is protected by federal privacy regulations and will never be shared with your employer.
To learn more about your wellness assessment, go to (