University Staff Performance Evaluations

The new year is upon us, and with it begins the University Staff performance evaluation process for 2015. Supervisors should initiate the review process with employees within the next week.

Human resources will be hosting training sessions to familiarize supervisors and employees with the review process. Sessions will be held in the 1965 Room of the University Union. If you are a new employee or if you would like a refresher on the process please plan to attend one of these sessions.


Per Operational Policy TC4, compensation adjustments must be based upon merit and employee performance.  Therefore, any future pay adjustments will be contingent upon satisfactory performance.

In an effort to facilitate timely completion, evaluations are due by Friday, March 25, 2016.

Please note that annual performance evaluations are not required for individuals who have had a probationary review on or after July 1, 2015 or for new employees that have been hired since this date. Contact Human Resources if you have any questions about the University Staff performance evaluation process.