2014 Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) Benefit Presentations
Each spring and fall, the Department of Employee Trust Funds (ETF) hosts free presentations for employees throughout the state on WRS and other benefit programs. ETF offers two different benefit presentations: one for those within five years of retirement and one for new and mid-career employees.
New & Mid-Career Employees
These one-hour evening presentations are designed for WRS members who are more than five years from retirement. ETF provides accurate information about WRS benefits early in a member’s career so that they can make sound, strategic decisions over the course of their careers. Topics covered at each presentation include vesting requirements, various ways to enhance a WRS retirement benefit, purchasing service, military service credit, the Core and Variable Trust Funds, contribution rates, the importance of a beneficiary form and how to complete one, as well as how “life event” changes affect retirement benefits.
Presentations in our area:
- Green Bay
- Monday, April 14, 2014
- 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
- Northeast Wisconsin Technical College – Lecture Hall (SC132)
Tentative Fall 2014 WRS Presentations set for: Appleton, Marinette, and Wausau. We will send out more information when details become available.
WRS Members Nearing Retirement
These two-hour evening presentations are designed for WRS members who are within five years of retirement. Attendees will receive the information they need to make important decisions at retirement. Topics covered at each presentation include WRS annuity options, return-to-work rules, post-retirement annuity adjustments, the Core and Variable Trust Funds, the importance of keeping a beneficiary form up to date, purchasing service before retirement, the difference between a joint survivor and a beneficiary, as well as how “life event” changes affect WRS retirement benefits.
Presentations in our area:
- Appleton
- Thursday, March 6, 2014
- 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
- Fox Valley Technical College – Cafeteria/Commons
- Marinette
- Monday, March 3, 2014
- 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
- Marinette High School – W.J. Jones Auditorium
Tentative Fall 2014 WRS Presentations set for: Green Bay. We will send out more information when details become available.
For full details on ETF’s presentations, including locations of other presentations not in the Green Bay area, please see the ETF Employer Bulletin or visit ETF’s website: http://etf.wi.gov/.