Welcome Maruf Hossain!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Natural and Applied Sciences Department welcomed Maruf Hossain on July 1, 2016, as the Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology!  Prior to his appointment at UW-Green Bay, Maruf worked as a Research Assistant and Herff Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Memphis.  He also worked as an Assistant Professor at Ahsanullah University, as a Lecturer at American International University, and an Engineer at Telecom Malaysia International, all of which are located in Bangladesh.

Maruf served as Treasurer of IEEE HKN, University of Memphis Chapter 2015-2016, Treasurer of Bangladesh Students Association, and the University of Memphis Chapter 2013-2014.

Maruf holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Memphis, TN.  He earned his Master’s of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology.

Maruf is originally from Khulna, Bangladesh, and has a wife and son.  Welcome, Maruf!