Torch Calories with a Super Move!

Spend at least 3-minutes trying one of these super moves today! Most of us have no problem consuming enough calories to power through the day. On the other hand, burning calories—especially if you’re trying to shed a few pounds or maintain a healthy weight—can be more challenging. If this is your goal, look beyond a gentle stroll or set of crunches and try a “super calorie burner,” an exercise that requires a high amount of energy to perform. Examples include jumping jacks, running up and down stairs, and running in place with high knees.


One of the best calorie burners is jumping rope. It’s simple to do, and all you need is an inexpensive jump rope. It’s a great calorie burner because it’s a full-body exercise that requires you to lift your entire body weight each time you jump. If you haven’t exercised in a while, start out gradually—just a minute or two at a time—to avoid soreness and reduce your risk of an injury.

Article from the StayWell Company, LLC