Wisconsin Retirement System Presentation for Employees Who Are Nearing Retirement
A representative of the Department of Employee Trust Funds will present retirement benefit information for members who anticipate retiring during the next five years. Learn about topics that are important to the process and the decisions that need to be made when retiring in the WRS, including:
- Annuity Options/Lump Sum Option
- Beneficiary Designation Forms
- Retirement Benefit Calculations
- Core Trust Fund and Variable Trust Fund
- Purchasing Service
- Annual Annuity Adjustments
- Additional Contributions
- Return-to-Work Rules
- Health Insurance/Life Insurance
Date: Monday, September 14, 2015
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
Room SC-128 (Executive Dining Room)
2740 West Mason Street, Green Bay
No registration is required, visit etf.wi.gov for other learning opportunities.