As part of Employee Appreciation Week, celebrated May 11- 15, employees across campus were entered into a drawing for daily preferred parking and free lunch with campus leadership. And the winners are… Drumroll please…
Daily Preferred Parking:
Monday, May 11, 2015
- Andrea Felmer
- Robin Kepler
- Lynn Brandt
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
- Tina Tackmier
- Eric Craver
- Carl Graf
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
- Amanda Hruska
- Dan Moore
- Jake Timm
Thursday, May 14, 2015
- Lynn Niemi
- Jena Richter
- Jan Malchow
Friday, May 15, 2015
- Toni Bergeron
- Amy Henniges
- Wayne Chaloupka
Lunch with Leadership (Friday, May 15, 2015):
- Christin DePouw
- Josh Goldman
- Monika Pynaker
- Tina Tackmier
- Liz Teubert
Congratulations to all the winners! Winners will be contacted directly with information on parking or lunch details.
Check out the HR blog for full details on all Employee Appreciation Week events. Thank you for all you do!
“There’s No UWGB without U!”