In follow up to the e-mail below from Chancellor Harden we would like to pass along additional information as it pertains to the proposed University Personnel Systems implementation delay.
The Joint Finance Committee of the Wisconsin Legislature last week passed an omnibus motion on UW System issues that, if adopted as part of the 2013-15 State of Wisconsin Budget, will revise the implementation date of the University Personnel System (UPS) and the HR Design project at UW-Madison. The language of the omnibus motion reads:
In addition, delay the effective date of provisions adopted under 2011 Act 32 related to the creation of personnel systems for UW employees that would be separate from the state personnel system until July 1, 2015.
The language of the motion needs to be reviewed and statutory language will need to be drafted and placed into the Legislature’s budget proposal. The budget will need to be passed by the full Legislature and then sent to the Governor for action and approval. However, assuming the intent of the omnibus motion remains intact, the implementation date of UPS and HR Design will be delayed by two years to July 1, 2015. It is important to note that if this motion remains intact and is adopted, it does not end the work that has been done on this important project, but will provide UW System employees more time to contemplate and refine recommended personnel systems that will meet the diverse and unique needs of UW System universities, colleges, and extension.
Due to this motion and the potential delay of UPS, the Open Forum on UPS scheduled for Tuesday, June 4th at 1:00 p.m. has been cancelled. A Q&A document is being developed and will be shared on UW-Green Bay’s University Personnel Systems website as soon as it becomes available.
Please contact Christine Olson or Sheryl Van Gruensven if you have any questions regarding this topic.