The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

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Featured Student: Haille Bocek


1)When are you graduating? Spring 2020

2)  What are your career plans? Goal is to eventually become a Forensic Psychologist

3)  Why did you major in psychology? Originally psychology was not my first major, however, after some struggles and deep thought psychology was the best option to include all of the things I am passionate about; criminal justice and mental health.

4)  What do you do for fun? Anything outside or including sports: nature walks, swimming, volleyball, fishing, etc.

5)  What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? One of the best academic accomplishments I am most proud of is becoming the Psychology Lab Coordinator at UWGB. It has opened my eyes to research and how much we rely on the community to reach our research goals!

6)  What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? One of my favorite books related to psychology is Saving Normal by Allen Frances.

7)  What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? One thing I would like to accomplish before graduating that is not related to academics is walking all the trails in the arboretum.

8)  What else do you want people to know about you? One thing that I believe in is advocating for yourself when seeking help for your mental health, many clinicians use medication as the first option for treatment after diagnoses (mixed with other options) but you know yourself the best. If medication is not something you want there are so many different treatment options out there that may help.

Featured Student: Addison Hunter

1) When are you graduating? I am graduating in the Spring of 2020
2) What are your career plans? I want to go into some form of counseling whether it be in a school with kids or working elsewhere with adults.
3) Why did you major in psychology? I majored in psychology because I have always known that I wanted to help people become their best selves and be there for support when needed. I love learning about different disorders and how to help people that need it most.
4) What do you do for fun? I love spending time with my family and friends whether its relaxing or going to the mall or doing something outside. I really enjoy reading and finding new things to experience with the people that I love.
5) What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am very proud of the Independent Study that I am going to have the chance to do next year which will improve my understanding in psychology overall and I am also proud of branching out on campus when it comes to volunteering and being part of clubs.
6) What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite book related to Psychology is The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. It focuses a lot on mental illness and gives an insight into the mind of somebody who is very much struggling with the people around her but also struggling with her mental illness.
7) What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? One thing that I want to accomplish before graduation is trying to become more involved in the clubs on campus because I think that it will really improve my college career as I look back on these years in the future. I want as much experience working with people as possible.
8) What else do you want people to know about you? I really love getting to know others and being a part of the Psychology department and branching out has allowed me to meet so many new people who have the same passions as I do. I am very thankful for all of the experiences that I have had so far at UWGB!

Successful Tips for Students: Finals Preparation

How to ACE Studying for Finals

Study, Study, Study : This may seem self exclamatory but studying does help! Focus on the information you aren’t as confident about first and review the material that you are comfortable with as the day gets closer.

Space it Out : Instead of cramming the night before try to space out your studying at least a couple of days if not a couple of weeks prior. Looking at the material a couple of weeks before the exam and simply lengthening the study session as the test gets closer will create the most benefit.

Mix it Up : Don’t feel the need to study for just one exam, unless you only have one exam. Mix up your study session with different subjects and material to help give your brain a break. Moving from one subject to the next will also keep the productivity level up while keeping yourself engaged.

Projects: Before the week of finals commences try to get as many of projects and papers out of the way to help avoid high levels of work load and low amounts of sleep.

Use Your Resources: There are a plethora of sources to help you ACE your finals and classes. The writing center in the library is an excellent way to have someone look over any projects and papers you feel unsure about. There are also simple things you can do to help create success such as planning study sessions with friends, rewriting your notes, going to see your professors, using quizlet, looking up helpful internet resources and videos, and just repeatedly exposing yourself the the material you strive to learn.

Feeling Overwhelmed? : Self care is extremely important for managing stress and heavy work loads. If you feel excess stress it is healthy and OK to take study breaks and give yourself some time to breath.

With these helpful hints in mind I am confident you will find finals to be a Success!

Author: Katie Sorebo

Featured Student: Meghan Hoffman


1) When are you graduating? I am graduating May of 2020

2) What are your career plans? My career plan is to be a BCBA for a school district or a center that works with those with autism.

3) Why did you major in psychology? I majored in psychology because I enjoy working with those with special needs and knew I wanted my career path to involve working with people with special needs.

4) What do you do for fun? For fun I enjoy being outside, especially during the summer out on the boat. I also enjoy horse back riding and playing guitar.

5) What is your favorite movie related to psychology? I really enjoyed the movie Split.

Successful Tips for Students: Campus Resources Academic Addition

Academic Resources for Psychology Students 

Psychology Student Success Center: This is a fabulous resource for students involved or thinking of Psychology as a major. The center helps students declare, schedule classes, tutoring services, review papers, discuss what the department has to offer and much much more!

Psychology Professors: Your professors are there to help learn and develop your skills for the future. Attached is the link for all the UWGB psychology professors as well as their office hours and emails. Reach out! They are there to help YOU in classes, schedules, career plans, and your future goals!

Academic Advising: Academic advisors are an extremely useful resource! They are there to help with class schedules, career prospects, research, connections, the graduate school process, the hiring process, and general academic advice.  Link:

Scholarships: Who doesn’t want to get paid to go to school! There are a plethora of scholarships and financial aid to help you continue your education. What’s the harm in just applying! Link:

Tutoring Services: This is a fabulous school wide service to help you receive the very best education you can, it is there to help! There are also employment opportunities for those who want to become a tutor. Link:

Writing Center: Similar to the tutoring services there is a specific center just for writing. Schedule an appointment with the center and have someone review any writing of yours, what a steal! Link:

Bursar’s Office: This office is the office of plenty when it comes to questions regarding  payments, financial aid, and college finances. Link:

Career Services: As the name suggests career services helps individuals discover and find jobs, career goals, and even student employment! Link:

These are just a few of the many resources available for students on campus. UWGB has a multitude of ways to get involved, stay involved, and help you reach success!

Author: Katie Sorebo


Featured Student: Macy Brown


1)   When are you graduating? Spring, 2019

2)   What are your career plans? To pursue becoming a Child Life Specialist and continue working closely with the elementary schools in the area of Green Bay, however, we will see where Child Life brings me!

3)   Why did you major in psychology? I majored in Psychology because I really enjoy people and what they think. It is also really fun to learn about how people work, and the factors that make people how they are.

4)   What do you do for fun? I enjoy watching movies, playing ultimate frisbee, going to music festivals, and doing all that with friends! I really enjoy staying busy and putting my best efforts into my job opportunities.

5)   What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? Taking the chance of studying abroad, it was by far the best experience I have ever had. I was able to travel and study at an amazing school in Scotland!

6)   What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? Shutter Island, Fight Club, and The Shining for movies. For books, many Sherlock Holmes and The Girl on the Train. For a TV show related to psychology, I would say my favorite is Criminal Minds and My Mad Fat Diary (British TV series).

7)   What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I have already accomplished my goals I set out for myself. At this point I am ready to move forward and thankful for the support I had here.

8)   What else do you want people to know about you? Whenever facing a challenge I always keep moving forward and use my core group of people.

Successful Tips for Students: Goal Setting

Setting a Goal 

Have a Game Plan: In any sport or activity athletes and coaches develop game plans that help them reach their full potential in a game, season, and in life. After hard word and dedication that goal can become a reality. Think of yourself as an academic athlete with professors, academic advisors, and faculty members as your coaches. Develop a game plan for your college career so you can best achieve your desired goals!

Long vs Short Term Goals: You want to make both long and short term goals. The short term goals should be small and considered stepping stones to help you reach your ultimate long term goal/s.

Make them Realistic: Every person is different with different abilities, strengths, and passions. The things you are personally good at and have a passion for should be reflected in your goals and accomplishments too!

Goal Types: Why limit yourself to just academic goals? Go for that marathon, part in the play, or position at work. Goal setting can be done to help achieve anything, at anytime, with anyone, the possibilities are endless so why not got for it!

Author: Katie Sorebo




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