The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Category: Games and Fun (page 1 of 3)

What’s in the Box Video Challenge

Finding Little Albert: A Journey to John B. Watson’s Infant Laboratory 

Watson’s original experiment looked to classically condition baby Albert to be afraid of fluffy objects or animals. Watson and graduate student Rayner used loud noise to eventually classically condition Little Albert to fear fussy objects such as rats and bunnies. When they would show Albert the fluffy object or animal, Continue reading

Psychathlon: The Online Psychology Trivia Game

Online Psychology Trivia in Just Three Simple Steps: Remind ♦ Kahoot ♦ Play

Step 1: Sign Up for Text Alerts Via Remind

CaptureStep 2: Download the Kahoot App


Step 3: Play… and Win!
When you get a notification about a new game, play along.  We’ll have a new game every other week or so and you’ll get three days to play. wwwwwww


Poll: Who is Your Favorite Psychologist?

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Extracurricular Psychology Badges

You can now earn badges for your involvement in psych department extracurricular activities.  Here’s how:

Step 1: Enroll in the UWGB Psychology D2L Page

  1. Login to D2L.
  2. On the D2L Homepage, click self registration.
  3. Click “UWGB Psychology” from the list of courses.
  4. Follow the instructions from there.

self-registerStep 2: Check out the available badges

You can see the list of available badges by going into the UWGB Psychology class  you just joined, clicking on “Awards” and clicking on “Available Badges.”  There are too many to list here but there are badges for…

  • Attending P/HD or Psi Chi events and speakers,
  • Joining Psi Chi,
  • Participating in professional development activities,
  • and more.


Step 3: Earn badges 

From there, it’s simple.  Do what you need to do to earn badges, tell a Psi Chi or P/HD Club officer, and they will credit you.  If you have questions, contact Ryan Martin (, Allee Schramm (, or Annemarie Schwery (

App All Star

See if you can earn them all!


UWGB Psych March Madness, Championship

Here are the final match-ups. Please vote in each of the polls below.

See here for more information about the studies.

You have until 8:00 pm tonight to vote. Results will be available soon after.

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UWGB Psychology March Madness, Round 4

Here are the eight second round match-ups. Please vote in each of the polls below.

See here for more information about the studies.

You have until 8:00 pm tonight to vote. Results will be available soon after.

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UWGB Psychology March Madness: Round 2

Here are the eight second round match-ups.  Please vote in each of the polls below.

See here for more information about the studies.

You have until 8:00 pm tonight to vote. Results will be available soon after.

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