And over here we have….your future. by Amy Manske

I have been giving tours at UWGB for almost 3 years. It’s a similar routine; we see the remarkable view of campus from the eighth floor of the library, wander the Kress Events Center, and make a stop in a residence hall to show off our famous personal bathrooms. Why would I love giving a tour of a campus I see every day? The easy answer is because every person I meet on a tour makes me feel even better about choosing UWGB. Continue reading And over here we have….your future. by Amy Manske

Admitted & Committed

Admitted students day was this past Friday, March 5th!

Students who have already been admitted for the fall ’10 semester had the opportunity to revisit and rediscover all of the wonderful and exciting things that UWGB has to offer them. Students participated in fun activities like basketball at the Kress, unlimited games at the Phoenix Club, and pictures in the University Bookstore display window while modeling their FREE t-shirt! Continue reading Admitted & Committed

See for Yourself

Hey guys!

Spring semester is underway here in Green Bay, and I’m really looking forward to new classes, new friends, and (let’s face it) a new season without any snow.  With spring coming up fast, most of you high school seniors (along with the expert guidance from your parents and friends) have already made or are making your final decisions as to which University you should attend.  For myself, a variety of different factors were important in making my decision for college, but after I visited the campus I was 100% sure I wanted to come to UW-Green Bay. Continue reading See for Yourself

Senioritis Anyone?

I think I had senioritis as a Junior in high school~can anyone else relate?
It’s getting to be that time of year when Seniors are feeling the senioritis bug biting pretty hard. Do whatever it takes to avoid this disease-it can really hurt your chances of success in college. Did you know that colleges do “take-backs?” They do-trust me.

Continue reading Senioritis Anyone?


Hey Everyone!

The time has come (yet again) to enroll for my spring semester classes. My favorite time of year, when SIS (Student Information System) is checked more compulsively than facebook! Luckily, UWGB students don’t have to deal with the stresses of enrollment alone. Academic advising provides students with advisers on a walk-in basis through November 20th. The advisers are so helpful, and go above and beyond to answer any questions or concerns students might have about their classes or major. I definitely encourage anyone with questions or concerns to stop in.  It will only take about 20 minutes of your time! Continue reading Enrollment

Must See Attractions in Green Bay

Hey Everyone!
If you guys are ever looking for something to do in Green Bay, here are some fun ideas to try…

1) Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
For all of you animal lovers, Bay Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary is the perfect place to visit! With a variety of different animals, they’re sure to have something for everyone. The wildlife sanctuary is open all year round, and it’s FREE! Continue reading Must See Attractions in Green Bay

Why should you visit a college BEFORE you apply?

  1. All colleges are different. Don’t assume that if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.
  2. Location, location, location! Do you like the big city atmosphere, or something a little quieter? Take a walk around the campus and check out the surrounding area.

Continue reading Why should you visit a college BEFORE you apply?