MAJOR TALK: Undecided is OKAY!

When I first came to UWGB back in 2006, I was told by students, professors, and advisors that not having a Major in mind was okay. In fact it was a good thing. Why is that a good thing you say? Wouldn’t it be better to have a plan and know what you want to exactly do before you enter college? Well, it’s a fact that many students end up changing their minds once or twice anyways once they are in college. I’m not saying that having a plan is bad, because I’ve seen people have a dream in High School and stick with it through college. But, if you don’t have a clue, you are definitely not alone and a Major will find you. It is kind of weird how it works, but somehow something shows up and takes you in a path that you never thought you would go down. Continue reading MAJOR TALK: Undecided is OKAY!

Signing Up For Classes

Signing up for classes is pretty easy. If you are going to be a new student at UWGB, you will probably be signing up for your first semester of classes during the FOCUS program in early summer. You will have very helpful people walk you through the process there, but I will give you a little look inside the process of signing up for classes each semester. Continue reading Signing Up For Classes

What do I write in the personal statement?

Personal statements are the number one reason people procrastinate in submitting their applications. Not knowing what to write can feel overwhelming and therefore we say “I’ll do it tomorrow.” I’m hoping I can give you some insight and help you to submit that application today! What they are not:

  • A chance to tell your life story (I was born in 1991 to Mark and Rhonda….)
  • A great moment to tell us how great UWGB is (trust us, we know)
  • Something you should skip over in the application process
  • A place to make excuses for poor performance in high school

Continue reading What do I write in the personal statement?

Letters of Recommendation

You might be wondering if letters of recommendation are worth it? Today, I’ll give you the insiders view of letters of rec.

Who should get letters of recommendation? They can be very helpful for people who might be “on the bubble” which means they have the minimum college prep classes in high school, an OK gpa and an OK ACT.  They can also be good for people who maybe had a rough time in high school or have extenuating circumstances.

How many letters of rec are appropriate? One or two typically. Three would be the maximum number…any more than that and the value added decreases. Continue reading Letters of Recommendation

The Bathroom

That’s right; bathrooms have never been as fun to talk about as they are here at UWGB.

When on our first day of orientation we compiled a list of reasons people came here to GB the phrase “my own bathroom” was quite prominent.

It may be a selling point of our campus, something that appears on the pro list (or con when you realize you have to clean it), or just a fun fact you may have heard about our campus but we have our OWN bathroom. No flip-flops in the shower rule and no walking down the hallway in a towel in any on-campus housing. Continue reading The Bathroom