The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Category: Featured Students/Alumni (page 7 of 14)

Featured Student: Andrea Gaudreault

1. When will you graduate? I plan on graduating in May of 2018—too soon!
2. What are your career plans? My career plans are currently up in the air. I originally wanted to be a high school guidance counselor but I am not sure if that track is for me. There is just so much to do in psychology that I have not been able to narrow down to just a few areas!
3. Why did you major in psychology? I majored in psychology because I wanted to learn more about the human body and mind. I also want to help break the negative stigma around mental health and to teach people that we cannot read your mind… yet.
4. What do you do for fun? I like to go on walks to the bay, paint, watch tv, listen to music, do crafty things and go shopping!
5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? The academic experience that I am most proud of was when I was a sophomore, during my second semester I was in Research Methods in Psychology. We had to do the poster board projects and my project idea was then made into the experiment and tested. My project won over my professor for my class. I and my group got recognized for our hard work and it was such a rewarding feeling! It still fills me with a sense of pride even though that was a few years ago.
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? That is a tough one! There are so many to choose from.
7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? The single thing that I hope to accomplish before graduating is to get a job or internship within the field of psychology. Everyone might say that, but it’s the truth for me.
8. What else do you want people to know about you? I have never had a goose hiss at me while on campus!

Featured Alumni: Kimberly Martiny

Alumn21. When did you graduate? I graduated in 2010 with a major in Psychology and two minors in Human Development and Studio Art. My intentions were to continue my education in the field of Professional Counseling and Art Therapy. During my internship in my final semester, I worked as a mentor at a school in Sheboygan, where I fell in love working with kids and in the educational setting. I graduated, then reenrolled immediately for my Art Education degree and license. I finally gave up my college life at UWGB in May of 2013 and went on to become an Art Educator in Rhinelander, WI.

2. What do you do now? I am just starting my 5th year as an Art Educator in the School DIstrict of Rhinelander. In my 5 years of teaching, I have been in every building and have taught all ages, K-12. Currently, I am working at our Elementary Charter School (grades K-5) as their Art Teacher and School Counselor, and at Central Intermediate School (grades 4-5) teaching Art.

3. Why did you major in psychology? I have always been intrigued by how the mind works and how we are influenced by outside factors that make us the way that we are. I have had personal experiences with various mental health issues that have spanned between family and friends and feel a significant amount of compassion for those who suffer from illnesses we cannot see. Additionally, I have a huge passion for the Arts and wanted to utilize my talents to help others cope with whatever it is they need. Self-expression is so incredibly powerful and I fully believe that tapping into an individuals personal creativity (be that art, music, movement, etc) can have powerful and positive influence on healing, coping and growing.

4. What do you do for fun? As I live in the Northwoods of WI, I have found new ways to entertain myself, as I don’t exactly have a mall or exciting nightlife near me 🙂 I got a Welsh Corgi when I first moved here and she is a huge part of my fun. Poppy and I go kayking together, she accompanies me on road trips to the UP, we camp and do lots of walks and/or snowshoe. I love reading, making art, visiting our local coffee shops, running and coming back to Green Bay to visit friends. And shop.

5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am so proud of everything I have done for myself academically. I am currently wrapping up my School Counseling Master’s from Concordia University, and feel so blessed to still be able to utilize my previous experiences and degrees to fit a position that I am excited about, but one that I can also tailor to reflect who I am and what I believe. My district has been very supportive of my Master’s program and looks forward to me using my artistic tools to support our kids.

6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show, related to psychology? Oh my gosh. I have to narrow this down!? By a landslide, I love the movies Freedom Writers (for both the teaching and psychology) and Black Swan. Columbine, by Dave Cullen was recommended by Dr. Martin during an Abnormal Psychology course and remains one of my favorite books to date. I just finished re-reading it and have passed it on to coworkers. As far as TV shows, I really get into the gross ones, like Criminal Minds, Hannibal, Law and Order, etc. I have also been enjoying Serial Killers podcasts during my longer runs as well.

7. What an important goal or accomplishment you are currently working on? As mentioned previously, I am wrapping up my Master’s degree in School Counseling. Upon completion, I have considered looking into getting my specialist license in Art Therapy, but we will see where life takes me first. I am just enjoying being almost done at this time. In the teaching world, I have been pushing my student’s art into the community as much as possible. I recently worked with my Art Department in the development of a K12 Art Show to be held at a local gallery here in town. This will be the first show of its kind here and I am super pumped and very proud to see my idea lifted off the ground with so much community support. It will be fantastic.

Featured Student: Jessica Wolf

  1. When will you graduate? I will graduate in the spring of 2019.
  2. What are your career plans? My career plans are to go to graduate school for Health Psychology or Sports Psychology.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? I enjoy studying memory and brain function, and I have always had the need to help people.  I am interested specifically in cognitive neuroscience.  I love how it combines biological sciences and the study of human behavior.
  4. What do you do for fun? I play for the Women’s volleyball at UWGB. I love to read and travel in my spare time!  I love to go home back to Minnesota and spend time on the lake with my family.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I helped found Kappa Beta Gamma, the international sorority, on campus.  I am also excited to do research with Dr. Gurung this semester, and gain more insight into what studying psychology is all about.
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? I am addicted to Game of Thrones, both TV show and novels. I love the manipulation and mind games in all the character’s personalities and the overall plot.
  7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I hope to have one of my manuscripts accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Featured Alumni: Stephanie Penneau

Alumn11. When did you graduate? I graduated in 2010.

2. What do you do now? I play a lot of roles in my life right now! I started a business with my husband in 2010 that serves students (high school and college) and businesses in their personal and professional development. We offer incredible workshops and trainings that I believe are truly life changing. He’s a UWGB grad as well (from Arts Management). I’m technically the Director of Client Services for our company, but as anyone who runs their own business will tell you, I pretty much take on any role that’s currently necessary to fill, from accounting, to marketing, to sales analytics! I had always planning to go on to grad school for psych, but about 2 years ago, I came to realize how much I would love to be a Certified Nurse Midwife. So, I’m currently enrolled in a 2nd degree program to get my BSN, with plans to ultimately become a Nurse Practitioner, with a certification in midwifery. I’m also a momma to two incredible kids, and love this stage of parenting!

3. Why did you major in psychology? I have loved psych so much, for most of my life! I love the thought and science that goes in to understanding how people relate to each other and their world, and I love that this is something we can literally measure and gain further understanding on with scientific procedures!

4. What do you do for fun? I love to read! I love to be outside, so I spend a lot of time hiking or playing outside with my family. I also love to cook and experiment in the kitchen- and that’s something I get to enjoy just about every day!

5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? Quite a few. UWGB’s psych program and their incredible faculty offered me opportunities I wouldn’t have had access to at many other programs. I got to be an RA for an incredible professor for 2 years, and truly enjoyed the rigorous work of doing quality research, and being published! I also really loved being a TA- teaching in that respect was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.

6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show, related to psychology? Oh my gosh! There’s too many! I love the book Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, and the tv show Nurse Jackie (a great look at addiction). Also, guilty pleasure- Private Practice- there’s a psychologist on staff, so it counts!

7. What an important goal or accomplishment you are currently working on? I guess my nursing degree! It’s a lot different than psychology, but I feel that my coursework is really informing my approach to this in a unique and practical way. I am so excited to serve women in their healthcare- to meet them where they are, offer holistic approaches to serve them and their families best, and learn best practices in support in all areas mental, physical, and emotional. A midwife is a partner in a woman’s health for the long term, and that is something that pairs incredibly well with psychology and human development!

Featured Student: Rosalyn Stoa

  1. When will you graduate? I plan to graduate in May of 2020.
  2. What are your career plans?  As of now, I plan to attend grad school for Industrial Organizational Psychology and eventually work toward making people happier and more efficient in the workforce.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? In high school, AP psych was the only class I wanted to take. I think I thought I would learn how to read minds or something. Although I didn’t quite learn how to do that, I found the subject to be intriguing and challenging. I originally planned to major in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and minor in Psychology, but after taking Research Methods in Psychology, I knew that just a minor would not suffice. I think the marketing/psych combination can be an incredibly useful and potentially dangerous tool.
  4. What do you do for fun? I really like watching and painting with Bob Ross, cooking something new, kayaking, juggling, learning a new skill, playing sports, and hanging out with my friends. I also really enjoy grocery shopping.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? It might sound kind of lame, but I think the academic accomplishment that I am most proud of was the first time I saw a p<.05 when doing research. It was my freshman year in Research Methods and our study was about whether coloring a complex mandala reduced stress more than coloring a basic mandala. While we didn’t find a difference between groups, we found that overall, coloring did reduce stress. How cool is it to learn something new!?
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite book and movie related to psychology is definitely One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. My favorite psychology TV show might be Life, which aired sometime around 2007. It’s about Detective Charlie Crews, who was framed for the murder of his business partner, but was exonerated due to an excellent lawyer. The whole two seasons, he is called upon to solve various crimes, all the while covertly investigating his own. The producers did an excellent job of bringing a very complex conspiracy together.
  7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I can only pick one thing? Relating to psychology, I’d like to have a journal article published. Unrelated to psychology, I’d like to somehow get into the Richter Museum and see the cool stuff in there.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? Most people call me Roz. I’m on the swim team here. I work for Mischief and Magic and make balloon animals. I bought a fish on my 18th birthday because I thought I would get carded, but I didn’t and it was a little disappointing. He’s still alive and his name is Ernest.


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Check out a full list of our featured students and alumni.

Featured Student: Becca Abhold


1. When will you graduate? I will be graduating in Spring 2018.

2. What are your career plans?  I want to work with children, so I’m planning on working in early childhood education in some way.

3. Why did you major in human development?  It honestly took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to major in. After I sat down and seriously thought about what I want to do with my future, I realized that all my favorite classes in high school and college were human development and psychology classes. I was seriously considering being a psych major because I’m really interested in mental illnesses and counseling, but knew that would take a master’s degree, and I decided grad school is not for me at this time. Once I figured that out, I decided that majoring in human development just made sense for me.

4. What do you do for fun? I love to cook, make art, play with animals, swim, spend time with friends and family, and do makeup.

5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? Getting into Psi Chi. I’m especially proud that I was elected as secretary for the 2017-2018 academic year.

6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? Movie: Gone Girl or Girl, Interrupted, book: Room, TV show: Scrubs. (I’d argue those are all at least loosely related to psychology)

7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating?  This is kind of vague, but I want to make sure I take advantage of more opportunities I have available while I’m here, be it as a TA, research assistant, or another internship.

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