1. When will you graduate? I plan to graduate in May of 2020.
  2. What are your career plans?  As of now, I plan to attend grad school for Industrial Organizational Psychology and eventually work toward making people happier and more efficient in the workforce.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? In high school, AP psych was the only class I wanted to take. I think I thought I would learn how to read minds or something. Although I didn’t quite learn how to do that, I found the subject to be intriguing and challenging. I originally planned to major in Business Administration with an emphasis in Marketing and minor in Psychology, but after taking Research Methods in Psychology, I knew that just a minor would not suffice. I think the marketing/psych combination can be an incredibly useful and potentially dangerous tool.
  4. What do you do for fun? I really like watching and painting with Bob Ross, cooking something new, kayaking, juggling, learning a new skill, playing sports, and hanging out with my friends. I also really enjoy grocery shopping.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? It might sound kind of lame, but I think the academic accomplishment that I am most proud of was the first time I saw a p<.05 when doing research. It was my freshman year in Research Methods and our study was about whether coloring a complex mandala reduced stress more than coloring a basic mandala. While we didn’t find a difference between groups, we found that overall, coloring did reduce stress. How cool is it to learn something new!?
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite book and movie related to psychology is definitely One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. My favorite psychology TV show might be Life, which aired sometime around 2007. It’s about Detective Charlie Crews, who was framed for the murder of his business partner, but was exonerated due to an excellent lawyer. The whole two seasons, he is called upon to solve various crimes, all the while covertly investigating his own. The producers did an excellent job of bringing a very complex conspiracy together.
  7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I can only pick one thing? Relating to psychology, I’d like to have a journal article published. Unrelated to psychology, I’d like to somehow get into the Richter Museum and see the cool stuff in there.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? Most people call me Roz. I’m on the swim team here. I work for Mischief and Magic and make balloon animals. I bought a fish on my 18th birthday because I thought I would get carded, but I didn’t and it was a little disappointing. He’s still alive and his name is Ernest.