Spring Time and Snowflakes

Spring break already happened, I put my flip-flops by the door, I’ve attended more than one day of classes without a jacket, and I finally took down my snowflake window clings to be replaced with beautiful flowers.

But, apparently, Wisconsin is a little confused about this “spring” thing. Continue reading Spring Time and Snowflakes

In Times of Crisis

When I was younger I heard somewhere that in times of crisis, you find out where your real support system is. The week before spring break, I had a love/hate relationship with finding that out.

The Monday before break happened I was sitting through a lab and as the professor was giving his final notes, everyone began to clean up their tables and grab their bags. My first reaction is always to take out my phone and ID and move them to my pockets for easier access. I had four frantic missed calls from various family members and knew something was wrong. Continue reading In Times of Crisis


Are college professors mean? Are they harder on you than in high school? Some of you many assume that as the years go on, they just get tougher. But the truth is, the professors don’t get tougher, it’s the material that does. It’s just natural that the classes are going to get tougher. We are growing as students and college is meant to challenge us and prepare us for the future. Not that the material is too difficult, because it is very manageable if you attend class and put a reasonable effort towards your work.  The professors want you to succeed more than anyone. They may seem tough, but it is just them challenging you. Continue reading Professors!

Meet The Professor

One of the reasons I love attending UWGB was solidified yesterday in the first day of classes. Although I sat through classes that I can see the potential of being extremely challenging for me, I found that the professors impressed and inspired me.

One in particular, a professor for my new science class, spent ten minutes before a relatively large lecture class, shaking hands of students, asking where everyone was from, and asking a question about it that showed he was actually paying attention to your answer. Continue reading Meet The Professor

“I Wish I Was Home…I Wish I Was Back There”

(Since I’m a big musical theater nerd in my spare time…I decided that I could sum up my life and the title for this blog in that quote from the musical THE WIZ.)

At the end of finals week I was more than happy to leave GB. Not the fabulous school, not my friends, but a nice break from academia was welcomed. Even though I would miss some amenities of Green Bay like cable and high-speed internet (which explains the lack of posting, and I apologize)- nothing beats home-cooked meals and old friends. Continue reading “I Wish I Was Home…I Wish I Was Back There”

Cofrin Library

What place on campus do you think has the most visitors this time of year? Yep…you guessed it, it’s the library. With exams and finals next week, students will be having a date with their books this Saturday night instead of their significant other.

The Cofrin Library at UWGB has 8 floors but there are only really 6 that are important to students. Continue reading Cofrin Library

Once In A Lifetime Experience

I was always told that in college you get so many new opportunities and experiences- this week- I finally understood what everyone was talking about.

For the Freshman Seminar classes (small classes offered exclusively to freshmen in the Focus program that help to enforce Green-Bay’s interdisciplinary approach to learning) each class had read a book by Kevin Sites called In The Hot Zone: One Man, One Year, Twenty Wars. Kevin Sites was a foreign correspondent for ABC, NBC, and CNN until he decided to be a self-sufficient journalist for Yahoo!. He won several awards for his reporting, book, and documentary on this year-long journey through all of the world’s conflict zones. Continue reading Once In A Lifetime Experience

The Bathroom

That’s right; bathrooms have never been as fun to talk about as they are here at UWGB.

When on our first day of orientation we compiled a list of reasons people came here to GB the phrase “my own bathroom” was quite prominent.

It may be a selling point of our campus, something that appears on the pro list (or con when you realize you have to clean it), or just a fun fact you may have heard about our campus but we have our OWN bathroom. No flip-flops in the shower rule and no walking down the hallway in a towel in any on-campus housing. Continue reading The Bathroom