An Opportunity for Human Dev or Psych Major/Minors

What is Psi Chi?

Psi Chi is an organization at UW Green Bay for Psychology and Human Development majors and minors. The mission of Psi Chi is to produce ethical, well-educated, and socially responsible members who are committed to enhancing the science of psychology in their professional and daily lives, for the benefit of society. Continue reading An Opportunity for Human Dev or Psych Major/Minors

A day in the life of a UWGB student- written by Gina Durkee

It’s a gorgeous day, the sun is shining, and billowy white clouds are floating in the sky. Walking on my way to Mary Ann Cofrin Hall, I see two squirrels running to the nearest tree. Speaking of trees, there are certainly a lot of them. Taking a walk through campus almost feels like a day at the park; sprawling green grasses can be seen everywhere, and wildlife dashes before your eyes. The air smells like summer; crisp, fresh and inviting. However, I doubt anyone will find a Shoe Tree in any local park! The Shoe Tree is definitely unique to the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. Continue reading A day in the life of a UWGB student- written by Gina Durkee

And over here we have….your future. by Amy Manske

I have been giving tours at UWGB for almost 3 years. It’s a similar routine; we see the remarkable view of campus from the eighth floor of the library, wander the Kress Events Center, and make a stop in a residence hall to show off our famous personal bathrooms. Why would I love giving a tour of a campus I see every day? The easy answer is because every person I meet on a tour makes me feel even better about choosing UWGB. Continue reading And over here we have….your future. by Amy Manske

What is YOUR favorite spot on campus?

What makes a place memorable? The location? Function? Ambiance? A potential student considers all of these when choosing a school, and UWGB has plenty of places to offer for consideration. I asked several UWGB students about their favorite place on campus and I got a wide variety of answers, all of which helped display the many assorted appeals of our campus. Continue reading What is YOUR favorite spot on campus?

The legend of the shoe tree

When will you embark on the tradition, and what will your parting message be?

Each year seniors commemorate their graduation by knotting the laces of a worn pair of sneakers and lofting them high into the branches of a campus landmark, the Shoe Tree. The origins of this custom remain a mystery. No one knows who started it but everyone has a tale to tell about it. Continue reading The legend of the shoe tree

Sophomore Slump

We all hear about it, but I didn’t experience it until this semester, and boy did it hit me like a ton of bricks!  Sophomore slump is in full force for me and I know it can be extremely difficult to overcome if you don’t have the proper tools to avoid it.  It’s all the same, whether it be my sophomore slump or your high school ‘senioritis’ (which can also be a nasty bug to catch!),  all the motivation to do well in school is totally lost.  Students say they often feel depressed or confused, with no motivation or desire to go to class or do homework.  Sound familiar?  If so, you’ve caught the bug!   Here are some homemade remedies just for you… Continue reading Sophomore Slump

Spring Break: My Way

Hey bloggers and blog readers!

Spring break is over, and its time to start getting back into the swing of things for the rest of the semester. But before I do, I wanted to share my spring break experience with you all. This year, I decided to forgo the beaches and have a relaxing spring break at home. It was nice to catch up on sleep, vege out on the couch, and not have to work about Chemistry homework for an entire week! I also spent a lot of quality time with my family and friends from home and even perfected my golf swing for when Shorewood opens. The only down side to my break was the timing. The majority of my friends from home still had class, or had already been on spring break, so it was difficult to find time to hang out. My friends who are still in High School also had classes during the week, so the only time I could see them were on the weekends. But never fear! We’ll all get a chance to hang out when we go home this weekend for Easter! Continue reading Spring Break: My Way