The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Category: PsycHD (page 1 of 2)

Getting to Know Your Psych Orgs

We have the PsycHD club and Psi Chi which is the Psi Chi honor society. ANYONE and EVERYONE who is interest in psychology or learning a bit more about psychology is welcome to attend both organization’s meetings and events.
The sponsored meetings/events are every Tuesday at 6:00pm in MAC 210 and are also live on Zoom for those who wish to attend virtually. PsycHD and Psi Chi switch off weeks in which they sponsor meetings/events. This semester we are planning incorporating something each week whether it is guest speakers, Q&A panels, workshops, social events, and much more. If this interests you please stop by MAC 210 Tuesdays at 6:00pm.
You can also keep up with our social media where we will post updates about events and meeting on:
  • Facebook
    • UWGB PsycHD Club
    • UWGB Psi Chi
  • Instagram:uwgb_psychd
  • Snapchat: gb_psychclub
If you have anymore questions feel free to email the clubs at:
  • PsycHD:
  • Psi Chi:

Getting to Know Your Psych Org Leaders


PsycHD Club Officers

Cecelia Limmex

Name: Cecelia Limmex

Major: Psychology with a General Emphasis

Minor: Humanities with a World Culture Emphasis

Position: President

Future Plans: Attend graduate school for Social Work.

Taylor Kegen

Name: Taylor Kegen

Major: Psychology

Minor: Human Biology

Position: Vice President

Future Plans: Become a child counselor.

Name: Stephanie Felland

Major: Psychology

Minor: Women and Gender Studies

Position: Secretary

Future Plans: Pursue Masters in Social Work or Counseling.

Name: Hannah Mohoric

Major: Psychology with a Mental Health Emphasis

Minor: Sociology

Position: Public Relations

Future Plans: Either pursue School Psychology or Behavioral Health.

Name: Jocelyn Hamann

Major: Psychology

Position: Treasurer

Future Plans: Either working with older adults or doing something in the school system.

Independent Learning Experience Event

This year was the very first Independent Learning Experience Event sponsored by the PsycHD Club. You can learn more and access the information that was covered at the meeting and all those amazing opportunities here: Independent Learning Experience Information

Extracurricular Psychology Badges

You can now earn badges for your involvement in psych department extracurricular activities.  Here’s how:

Step 1: Enroll in the UWGB Psychology D2L Page

  1. Login to D2L.
  2. On the D2L Homepage, click self registration.
  3. Click “UWGB Psychology” from the list of courses.
  4. Follow the instructions from there.

self-registerStep 2: Check out the available badges

You can see the list of available badges by going into the UWGB Psychology class  you just joined, clicking on “Awards” and clicking on “Available Badges.”  There are too many to list here but there are badges for…

  • Attending P/HD or Psi Chi events and speakers,
  • Joining Psi Chi,
  • Participating in professional development activities,
  • and more.


Step 3: Earn badges 

From there, it’s simple.  Do what you need to do to earn badges, tell a Psi Chi or P/HD Club officer, and they will credit you.  If you have questions, contact Ryan Martin (, Allee Schramm (, or Annemarie Schwery (

App All Star

See if you can earn them all!


Meet The Psych Report

The Psych Report is the Newsletter for the Psychology program at UW-Green Bay. If you look around a bit, you’ll find it’s more than just a newsletter. Here are the highlights:

  • Upcoming Events: A place you can go to see all the upcoming events the psych program or our student orgs have to offer.
  • Psychology Student Org Info: Both Psi Chi and the PHD Club have homes here. You can meet the current officers, watch a little movie on why you should get involved, or find out how to get involved.
  • Career Show/Grad School Show/Podcast: We have two Youtube shows, Psyched for Careers and Psyched for Graduate School, and a podcast, Psychology and Stuff. Each of these has a page with tons of information about what they are and why you should give them a listen. Likewise, we archive our previous episodes there so you can go back and give them a watch/listen.
  • Easy Links to All our Social Networking Sites: Up on the right side of the page, you’ll see links to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram so you can easily check out what we are up to.
  • All of Our Videos in One Place: We make a lot of videos. Some are informative, some are inspiring, and some are just for fun. Regardless, we put them all in one place for you to check out.
  • Categories for Posts: Finally, if you’re searching for posts on particular topics (e.g., career info, registration info), you can click just on the category over there on the right. That will take you just to information about that topic.

Psychology/Human Development (PHD) Club Update

Jenny CarrilloPHD Club is excited to announce some plans for the rest of the semester!!!

On Tuesday, October 27th and Wednesday October 28th, PHD will be hosting the “Haunted C-Wing” where students are encouraged to participate in a spooky scavenger hunt and talk with their Psych/Hum Dev professors! The C-Wing will be decorated in Halloween theme and Faculty will be handing out candy to students who stop by. Students who complete the scavenger hunt will be entered to win a cool UWGB Psych themed prize.

PHD is also collaborating with Psi Chi in collecting non-perishable food items in “Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat”! Students from both clubs are welcome to help collect food items from surrounding neighborhoods or simply bring in donations. Donations will be given to UWGB’s Campus Cupboard to help other students in need.

Lastly, PHD is excited to continue the UWGB Psych Music Videos and would like volunteers to help plan ideas and be part of the promotional videos!

Our next meeting is October 27th at 5:30 in MAC 201 (The Gathering Room)

If you have any suggestions or question, please feel free to email President Jenny Carrillo at

UWGBpsych 2014-15 End-of-the-Year Review

It’s been a big year and we wanted to take some time at the end here to recap the awesome things our students and faculty did in 2014-15.

Older posts

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