- Facebook
- UWGB PsycHD Club
- UWGB Psi Chi
- Instagram:uwgb_psychd
- Snapchat: gb_psychclub
- PsycHD: sophd@uwgb.edu
- Psi Chi: sopsichi@uwgb.edu
PsycHD Club Officers
Name: Cecelia Limmex
Major: Psychology with a General Emphasis
Minor: Humanities with a World Culture Emphasis
Position: President
Future Plans: Attend graduate school for Social Work.
Name: Taylor Kegen
Major: Psychology
Minor: Human Biology
Position: Vice President
Future Plans: Become a child counselor.
Name: Stephanie Felland
Major: Psychology
Minor: Women and Gender Studies
Position: Secretary
Future Plans: Pursue Masters in Social Work or Counseling.
Name: Hannah Mohoric
Major: Psychology with a Mental Health Emphasis
Minor: Sociology
Position: Public Relations
Future Plans: Either pursue School Psychology or Behavioral Health.
This year was the very first Independent Learning Experience Event sponsored by the PsycHD Club. You can learn more and access the information that was covered at the meeting and all those amazing opportunities here: Independent Learning Experience Information
Have you heard of Sport Psychology before? Can you describe it? Did you know that the Psychology program here at UWGB had two sport psychologists on the faculty and a Sport Psychology masters program?
Let’s break it down…
Drs. Jana Fogaca and Alan Chu are the two Psychology faulty who are Sport Psychologists. They both work with students on research regarding sport psychology and they are the two in charge of the master program. Here is what they had to say about some further information on sport psychology for those of us who are fairly new to the topic.
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