UW-Green Bay Cheer Tryouts

The UW-Green Bay cheer squad will be conducting tryouts for the 2010-11 season in April. We are looking for talented young men and women who love exciting Packer games at Lambeau Field and exciting Phoenix basketball games. If you are interested, please contact Coach Ann Rodrian at rodriana@uwgb.edu for the exact dates and necessary forms. Guys, no previous cheer experience is necessary.


Hey Everyone!

The time has come (yet again) to enroll for my spring semester classes. My favorite time of year, when SIS (Student Information System) is checked more compulsively than facebook! Luckily, UWGB students don’t have to deal with the stresses of enrollment alone. Academic advising provides students with advisers on a walk-in basis through November 20th. The advisers are so helpful, and go above and beyond to answer any questions or concerns students might have about their classes or major. I definitely encourage anyone with questions or concerns to stop in.  It will only take about 20 minutes of your time! Continue reading Enrollment

Basketball Begins

This saturday kicked off our first basketball games, and pep band performances of the year! Both the men and women’s teams won, making for some fun weekend entertainment.  Saturday was also halloween, and members dressed up in costumes ranging from a Banana to a ladybug (that was me!). Here is the link to a video of our Phoenix Fight Song. Enjoy!

Go Phoenix!


Student Employment

You are probably asking yourself if you should be getting a job while you are attending UWGB as a freshman. And the answer that I would give you is…you sure can if you want. Personally, I didn’t have a job during my freshman year because I wanted to focus on my grades and ease into the “new” college life. In other words, I didn’t want to take on too much too fast. I then worked during winter and summer break to make some extra cash for the following semester. If you do decide to get a job, I would recommend a job here on campus. There are many different opportunities and the convenience is unbeatable. Especially if you don’t have a vehicle, you can walk to work just like you walk to class. In fact, as I write this right blog right now, I am at “work” for the Office of Admissions. Continue reading Student Employment

UWGB Madness

For some sports fans the month of March can’t come fast enough. March means March Madness and the College Basketball Tournament of course. I haven’t followed much of the action this year because I didn’t fill out any fantasy brackets, but it was nice to see the UWGB women’s team make the tourney and it was fun to watch Terry Evens from the UWGB men’s team in the dunk contest. But for those who don’t follow College B-Ball at all, it’s okay cause this blog isn’t about sports anyways. Continue reading UWGB Madness

Spring Time and Snowflakes

Spring break already happened, I put my flip-flops by the door, I’ve attended more than one day of classes without a jacket, and I finally took down my snowflake window clings to be replaced with beautiful flowers.

But, apparently, Wisconsin is a little confused about this “spring” thing. Continue reading Spring Time and Snowflakes

In Times of Crisis

When I was younger I heard somewhere that in times of crisis, you find out where your real support system is. The week before spring break, I had a love/hate relationship with finding that out.

The Monday before break happened I was sitting through a lab and as the professor was giving his final notes, everyone began to clean up their tables and grab their bags. My first reaction is always to take out my phone and ID and move them to my pockets for easier access. I had four frantic missed calls from various family members and knew something was wrong. Continue reading In Times of Crisis

Fighting The Freshman 15

When I talked to people about college they all warned me about “the freshman 15” a scary term referring to how easy it is for freshman to gain weight now that they are making their own nutrition choices. I didn’t believe them, but just in case, I packed my fat-jeans in my college stuff and came prepared. Continue reading Fighting The Freshman 15

When Katie Met Katie

Over the course of my last semester in high school, I started using more technology in my search for the perfect college.

This year, way more than last, most colleges and universities are using more technology to reach students and discuss what’s important about their institution and why it might be perfect for each prospective student. (Just for example, check GB out using e-mail, AIM, Twitter, Flickr, Delicious, Youtube, Myspace, and Facebook- as well as, of course, this blog). Continue reading When Katie Met Katie