The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

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Title: Episode 68: PSI Talks!


Description: In this episode Dr. Ryan Martin talks with all five 2019 PSI Talks Speakers: Cory Rauch, Sophia M. Sielen, Rachael Smith, Rosalyn Stoa, Morgan Storkson, and Shayla Warren. Each gives a brief explanation of their topics along with how they became interested in them. The PSI Talks are part of the 2019 UW-Green Bay Psychology Week, brought to you by Bellin Health Psychiatric Center. Learn more at

Title: Episode 67: Stereotyping and Biases with Dr. Will Cox

Description: In episode 67, Dr. Martin is joined by Dr. Will Cox from the University of Wisconsin – Madison to discuss his research surrounding stereotyping and biases. The work done in Dr. Cox’s lab focuses on understanding and weakening narrow thinking, as well as the mechanisms that sustain stereotypes and prejudice.

Featured Student: Allison Degner

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1)  When are you graduating? I will graduate May 2020.

2)  What are your career plans? My plan is to work as an Industrial Organizational Psychologist or Clinical Counseling.

3)  Why did you major in psychology? I majored in Psych because I like learning about and helping others with mental health issues, doing research, and learning about the human brain and mind.

4)  What do you do for fun? I love to dance on the Hip-Hop team, go to campus events, and binge watch Netflix!

5)  What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I was awarded the Psych Rising Star Award!

6)  What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite movie is Split, book is YOU, and TV show is Sense 8.

7)  What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? To get into Graduate School.

8)  What else do you want people to know about you? I’m an Event Coordinator for GTP! Stop by the OSL to chat about upcoming events!

Title: Episode 66: The Importance of Sleep with Dr. Jason Cowell

Description: In this interesting episode, Dr. Ryan Martin is joined by Dr. Jason Cowell to discuss sleep. They cover how to get healthy sleep, what happens if you don’t get enough, and why this topic is important.

Title: Episode 65: Camp Lloyd with Dr. Illene Cupit

Description: In this new episode, host Dr. Ryan Martin is joined by Dr. Illene Cupit and students Taylor Gulbrand and Hannah Roffers. Throughout the episode, they share information and experiences surrounding Camp Lloyd. Camp Lloyd is a day camp for children grieving the loss of a loved one, where they learn the normality of grief and have a fun week with peers!

Successful Tips for Students: Time Management

How to Manage Your Precious Time

Time Management is an important life lesson that helps students, employees, and everyday people succeed. Not only is time management a skill professors, friends, and even future employers desire it helps you keep your sanity as well!


Scheduling out your time is super important! It keeps you on track, responsible, and  aware everything going on in your life. As busy college students the benefits of scheduling out every aspect of your life is key. You could make it as detailed as you wish but knowing when and where you need to be places and do things helps you stay focused.


Prioritizing has many benefits including planning, future career’s, as well as keeping you happy and healthy. One suggestion is to make a list, of all the things going on in your life. Take the list and figure out where everything ranks from highest priority to lowest priority. This with help with scheduling as well as putting your time into the things you really see worth in and enjoy!

Plan Ahead

Have you ever felt the sense that many things are happening all at once and you just can’t seem to catch up?  This feeling is never fun, but if you start looking ahead at the coming days, weeks, or even months you can start planning and handling what’s to come. When you start to look ahead you can create a game plan or ever start spacing things out so when crunch time comes it’s not so bad!

Wiggle Room

In life things happen, your car won’t start, you forgot to eat lunch, or even your shoe came untied you tripped down the stairs and now you are in the ER! Now I hope that never happens to anyone but the point I am trying to make is that purposefully leaving space in your day or even between responsibilities gives you some time to collect yourself before jumping into your life again.

Let’s go find Success!

Author: Katie Sorebo

Featured Student: Brynne Wolfe


  1. When are you graduating? I plan to graduate May 2019.
  2. What are your career plans? I plan to become a Licensed Professional Counselor and work with adolescents and adults who suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD etc.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? I majored in psychology because it gave me the opportunity to find a career in which I can help people improve their mental health.
  4. What do you do for fun? In my free time I like to bake, exercise, paint, watch movies and spend time with my friends and my dog.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of completing my Bachelor’s degree two years after graduating from high school with two majors in Psychology and Human Development.
  6. What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite movie is Gone Girl and TV show is either Dateline or 20/20
  7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I hope to finish this semester with a 4.0 GPA.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? I love helping people in any way possible. It is very important to me that my family and friends know I am here for them if they are struggling or simply need someone to talk to.
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