
  1. What are your career plans? After graduation, I intend to attend graduate school and work towards a career in the Counseling field.
  2. Why did you major in psychology? Generally speaking, I have always had an innate passion and fascination for the field of Psychology-An insatiable desire to learn about the mind and what causes us to act the way we do. In essence, to understand what motivates peoples’ behaviors/actions/thoughts. Clearly, psychology is interwoven into the Counseling field, which is where my true psychological passion lies. One major factor associated with counseling is the ever-glowing desire to help other people in their lives. It is incredibly rewarding to help others navigate through problems and overcome hardships with the support necessary.  Talking with people, being apart of something that is larger than myself is quite fulfilling.
  3. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am glad that I decided to be involved on campus; including officer positions in two clubs and volunteering for various other tasks on campus. I am incredibly thankful that two professors have given me the opportunity to be their research assistants, as well as doing an honors project. I’m proud that I am surrounded daily by such dedicated Psychology Professors who have helped me grow academically. Another accomplishment I am proud of is that the research I did (as a research assistant) with my fellow researcher, Michaella Brickner, was accepted at the Midwestern Psychological Association in Chicago. In addition, we are both presenting this research at the 15th Annual Academic Excellence, which is a new and exciting experience for the both of us.
  4. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? Publish in a journal with one of the wonderful Psychology Professors here at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay.