The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Category: Featured Students/Alumni (page 4 of 14)

Featured Student: Susan Schober

1) When are you graduating? 
I am graduating this Spring (2019)!
2) What are your career plans? 
I am interesting in working in an area specific to forensic psychology. This could be anything from jury consulting to working in family courts. I’m interested in it all!
3) Why did you major in psychology? 
I knew that psychology was going to be my major ever since I took AP psychology in high school. I wanted to learn why people act the way they do.
4) What do you do for fun? 
I am a member of the Women’s Club Volleyball team, so I really enjoy traveling with my team and competing in various tournaments throughout the year. I am also a HUGE Packer’s fan, so watching their games is another hobby of mine.
5) What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? 
I am very proud of the internship that I had at the Green Bay Police Department. Not only did I get to shadow the different positions at the station, but I also got to go on a few ride-alongs and create a presentation regarding suicides in Green Bay.
6) What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? 
Even though there are some obvious stretches, Split is an awesome movie relating to psychology. My favorite book relating to psychology is called Behind Closed Doors. I don’t want to spoil anything about it for anyone, so go check it out!
7) What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? 
I am beginning an honor’s project in Dr. Cowell’s research lab on criminality and morality this semester, and I really hope to find significant results once I finish the study!
8) What else do you want people to know about you? 
I went on the study abroad trip to South Africa last January and was charged at by a rhino on the Safari. Our Land Rover had to speed away so quickly, it was terrifying, but it was also the greatest experience I’ve ever had. Please consider going on that trip!

Featured Student: Cory Rauch

Unknown1)  When are you graduating?  December of 2019 (most likely)

2)  What are your career plans?  I plan to earn a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and intend to work as a professor and researcher. I am particularly interested in the cognitive and neurological processes of decision making in the contexts of morality and political ideology.

3)  Why did you major in psychology?  I have always been interested in understanding why people do the things that they do. While I was in the Air Force I saw how impactful an individual’s decisions can be, whether good or bad. I think those experiences really motivated me to think and learn more about how we determine the “right” course of action in the face of uncertainty and time limitations.

 4)  What do you do for fun? I enjoy spending time outdoors; camping, fishing and mountain biking with my wife and son.

5)  What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of?  The work I’ve done as a research assistant to Dr. Cowell has been the most rewarding part of my experience at UWGB. I have had the opportunity to present research at a number of conferences and to work closely with a number of really outstanding people.

 6)  What is your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? Two books really come to mind, “The Illusion of Conscious Will” by Daniel Wegner and “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Khaneman. Taken together I think these two books really illustrate the complexity and nuance of factors contributing to our decision making.

 7)  What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I set a goal, when I got to UWGB, of having my first publication before I completed my undergrad. Beyond that I would like to contribute to the research community at UWGB by growing our reputation as an institution producing high quality research and providing excellent opportunities for undergraduate research.

 8)  What else do you want people to know about you? Outside of school I founded and work as Advocacy Director at a non-profit organization, Intellegere Project, which seeks to advance progressive policy and citizen engagement in Wisconsin through public and civil discourse.

Featured Student: Paige Richardson

1. When will you graduate?
May 2019
2. What are your career plans?  
Right now, I’m looking into Industrial/Organizational Psychology.
3. Why did you major in psychology?  
It was my favorite class in high school, and I felt confident majoring in it since it is related to any field where people are involved (which is most of them)!
4. What do you do for fun?
I like hiking and biking.
5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of?
It’s been really awesome to be a part of both Psi Chi and Phi Eta Sigma honor societies, and I’m super excited to be the Vice President of Psi Chi for the 18-19 school year!
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology?  
I love the movie Inside Out, and a show I have been watching recently is Bull, which is about forensic psychologist.
7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating?  
I had the opportunity to study abroad in Spain this summer, which was a phenomenal experience.
8. What else do you want people to know about you?
I love pugs!

Featured Alumni: Emily Vogels

Unknown1. When did you graduate? 

May 2013
2. What do you do now?
I’m an Experimental Psychology PhD student at the University of New Brunswick. I primarily study sex and relationships in the digital age. However, I also dabble in some cross-cultural research, educational practices research, and parenting research. On a day to day basis, I work on research, mostly writing and trying to publish my manuscripts. I had 3 accepted this summer. 
3. Why did you major in psychology?
My path to a psychology major was not one of early passion or decisiveness. When I first entered college, I liked too many subjects to have a clear path so I started taking GenEd courses that sounded interesting. When I saw an academic advisor, they asked if I was planning to go into psychology as I had most of the lower-level credits done for a psych major. I had never considered a career in psych. Although I have taken AP Psych in high school, I thought counseling had sounded exhausting & research had sounded boring. Plus, I had done poorly on my final project for AP psych, so I thought I wasn’t good at it. I decided to try out more psych classes while taking other classes in different areas. I asked my friends if they thought I would do well in psychology. They thought I’d be a great therapist. My junior year I had to officially declare a major. I had very much enjoyed my psych classes, and I had done well in them (better than AP Psych). I thought maybe I could be a couples counselor. So, I went for it – I declared a psych major (& a human development major… & an English minor…).
Side note: I changed my mind about doing therapy the fall of my senior year …while I was applying to grad school. I found out that I really like research. It is very interesting and exciting when you are in control of the topic.   
4. What do you do for fun?
I like to play board games, draw, paint, cook, go to concerts and plays, read, and watch movies/TV/Netflix. I also like to hang out with my friends, my cat, and my husband.
5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of?
At UWGB, I was most proud of earning the Chancellor’s medallion. Since graduating UWGB, I have been proud of being able to mentor students in research.
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show, related to psychology?
Movie – Stanger Than Fiction OR Fight Club
Fiction Book – the Matched trilogy by Ally Condie has a really interesting psychology component in its dystopian setting
Non-Fiction Book – Wasted by Marya Hornbacher OR As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl by John Colapinto
TV Show – The Good Place
7. What’s an important goal or accomplishment you are currently working on?
I’m currently working on my dissertation proposal so I’ll say my dissertation. 

Featured Student: Anna Formella

1. When will you graduate?
December 2018 
2. What are your career plans?
I hope to become a Mental Health Counselor and work in a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. 
3. Why did you major in psychology?
I never really had an interest in school and I often struggled in math and science classes.This made me feel like I wasn’t smart enough to succeed in school. My sophomore year of high school I took a psychology class and I really enjoyed it. It was the first time I felt invested in a class and wanted to learn more. I knew growing up that I wanted to help people and better the world and counseling will allow me to do that. 
4. What do you do for fun?
I like to work out at the Kress, participating in my sorority, hanging out with friends, and the occasional Netflix binge.
5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of?
Making honor roll every semester and being inducted into Psi Chi. 
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology?
My all-time favorite book is Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. The book is written in English and Russian slang so if that is not your thing the movie adaptation directed by Stanley Kubrick is also great. 
7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating?
I hope to make a positive impact on the psychology department and the students within it. I have so many peers and faculty members that I look up and admire and I hope I can set that kind of example to even one student here on campus. 
8. What else do you want people to know about you?
I enjoy playing the ukulele and singing.

Featured Student: Katie Sorebo

1. When will you graduate?
I plan to graduate in Spring 2020.

2. What are your career plans?
I hope to continue my education in Graduate School to eventually become a professor and researcher.

3. Why did you major in psychology?
The driving force behind my Psychology major is due to my curiosity on why people act, think, and react the way they do.

4. What do you do for fun?
I have a love for reading, writing, rowing, coaching, and rock climbing.

5. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology?
I have a moderate addiction to the show Criminal Minds, a love for the sports movie Miracle based on a historic hockey game in 1980, and every year I read the book George Washington’s Secrete Six around Thanksgiving.

6. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating?
I hope to make a positive impact on this campus as well as gain experience within the different subsections of psychology and what this field has to offer.

7. What else do you want people to know about you?
I am a very friendly and adventurous person who loves hugs, essentially I am a care-bear.

Featured Student: Kaylor DeLaet

1. When will you graduate?
December 2018 (whoop whoop)

2. What are your career plans?
Once I graduate from UWGB, I am planning to further my education and attend graduate school for school psychology. My ultimate goal is to become a School Psychologist for children.

3. Why did you major in psychology?
I majored in psychology because I always knew I wanted to work with children, but I knew teaching wasn’t for me. I have always enjoyed taking psychology classes in high school and I wanted to combine my love for children and psychology, which I then came to find out I made the right choice because I love it!

4. What do you do for fun?
I am a member of Zeta Omega Tau on campus so I love spending time with all my sisters. I also love spending time with my family and going home on some weekends. I enjoy being outside whether that be rollerblading, biking, or even just taking a walk, I love the outdoors. Aside from that, I love spending my time volunteering and being surrounded with good company.

5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of?
One of my academic experiences I am most proud of is getting accepted into Psi Chi, the Psychology Honors Society. Too add to that, I am definitely most proud of being voted secretary for Psi Chi for the Fall 2018 semester, I am beyond blessed and honored!

6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology?
Well, aside from school work, I do not have much free time, but the only show I watch is Grey’s Anatomy, and I feel like there are some episodes dealing with psychology (I love Grey’s Anatomy).

7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating?
I really hope I can make more connections with Psychology professors before I graduate. I feel like they have so much knowledge to give and my first few years here at UWGB, I was always intimidated to go and meet with them, so I really hope I can be able to get to know them more and expand my knowledge.

8. What else do you want people to know about you?
No matter what, I always try to see the best in things. College is a stressful rollercoaster for most students and if I stay positive, I feel like it helps. I just always try to stay happy!!

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