The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Author: Ryan Martin (page 9 of 13)

Psychology and Stuff: Relationships (with Dr. Rebecca Reed, Dr. Joel Muraco, and Jenny Carrillo)

IMG_7405In our special Valentines Day episode, we talk with relationship experts, Rebecca Reed (University of Kentucky) and Joel Muraco (University of Wisconsin-Green Bay), along with University of Wisconsin-Green Bay psychology student, Jenny Carrillo).

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PSI Talks: #NoFilter- How Social Networking Changes the Way We Think, Behave, and Feel (Allie Nelson)

In this engaging and funny talk, Allie Nelson (class of 2015) explains how Facebook and Twitter reshape the way we experience emotions, think about our lives, and more.

One of six interesting talks from University of Wisconsin-Green Bay psychology students and alumni on December 7th, 2015 at the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts.

Featured Student: Michelle McChesney


  1. When will you graduate? I graduate in Spring of 2017.
  2. What are your career plans? After I finish my bachelors degree in psychology and human development, I plan on attending graduate school to get my masters in school counseling. Then I hope to work in a high school as a school counselor.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? I majored in psychology because I knew I wanted to have a career where I could work with people and help people. I loved psychology in high school and really wanted to dig deeper into the field in college.
  4. What do you do for fun? In my free time I love hanging out with friends, taking pictures, and exercising.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? The academic experience that I am most proud of is presenting research at the Midwestern Psychological Association Conference in Chicago. Completing research with Psychology and Human Development club was an amazing learning experience. Presenting at the conference taught me so much and brought me one step closer to reaching my future goals.
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite movie related to psychology is definitely Inside Out. I love the movie and I love how children can be introduced to psychology principles at such a young age.
  7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? Before I graduate I hope to complete an honors project researching high school student’s and what impacts their likeliness of attending college.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? I really love volunteering with Circle K. I usually spend at least 1 weekend a month volunteering and giving back to the Green Bay community.

Psychology and Stuff: Autism Spectrum Disorder (with Cindi Gondeck and Will Vogt)

IMG_7251(1)In our latest episode we talk about Autism Spectrum Disorder with Cindi Gondeck, a Behavior Treatment Therapist at Fox Valley Autism, and current UW-Green Bay Psychology student, Will Vogt.

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Featured Alumnus: Jenny Olson

Jenny Olson Headshot

  1. When did you graduate? I graduated in 2007 with a double major in psychology and human development.
  2. What do you do now? I’m an assistant professor in Marketing at the University of Kansas where I study consumer behavior.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? I’ve always been fascinated by human behavior and understanding what drives our decision making. No other major is as all-encompassing as psychology – it covers topics ranging from motivation, learning, perception, memory, social relationships, attraction, aggression, to attitudes, etc. It definitely provides the basis for several other disciplines (marketing included!)
  4. What do you do for fun? In addition to my research on romantic relationships, I love traveling, trying new restaurants (desserts are my weakness), skiing, and taking Instagram pictures.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of completing my dissertation!
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show, related to psychology? The book, Nudge, is a must-read. It’s a great introduction into behavioral economics and how simple modifications (“nudges”) can help people lead more rewarding, happy lives.
  7. What an important goal or accomplishment you are currently working on? I’m preparing to teach my first semester as an assistant professor. I look forward to sharing psychological principles and research findings in my courses!

UWGBpsych February Challenge! #GBpsychchallenge

Join us for the UWGBpsych February Challenge on Facebook and or Twitter


Psychology and Stuff: Stereotype Threat (with Dr. Kate Burns and Allee Schramm)

IMG_7248(1)In this episode we talk with social psychologist and stereotype threat expert, Dr. Kate Burns, along with one of her research assistants, Allee Schramm.

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