The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Author: Ryan Martin (page 10 of 13)

Featured Student: Sarah Busko


  1. When will you graduate? May 2016
  2. What are your career plans? My plans are to go off to graduate school in forensic psychology and eventually get a job in the court system or be a therapist for juvenile offenders.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? I majored in psychology because I saw my family members struggle with undiagnosed mental illnesses. Additionally, I lost a family member to suicide which impacted my life and I became interested in therapy. Then I took a psychology course in high school and I was hooked!
  4. What do you do for fun? For fun I enjoy reading and volunteering.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of presenting my research on survivors of suicide in the PSI Talks. I hope that my talk really informed people and made a difference in our community. This experience was huge for me personally to talk in front of that many people and it made me more confident in my speaking abilities.
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite movie related to psychology is One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. As far as books go my favorite would have to be Unbearable Lightness. My favorite TV show related to psychology hands down is Dexter!
  7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? Before I graduate I hope to expand Habitat for Humanity which is a student org that I have been involved in since I was a freshman. I would like to make international build trips more available to GB students. I went on one and it was an amazing and life changing experience so I wish more students had that opportunity.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? I would like people to know that I had a great four years at Green Bay and have really enjoyed everything about being a psychology major. For me getting involved in my major early made all the difference as it allowed me to make great relationships with professors.

Here’s What’s Coming Up, UWGBpsych Students

Well, spring semester classes start in 5 Days, 12 Hours, 14 minutes, and 38 seconds (but who’s counting).  Here are just a handful of the things you have to look forward to next week:

  1. Weekly Podcasts (now available on ITunes): By request, a new episode of our podcast, Psychology and Stuff, will drop every Thursday afternoon.  Our first guests, Dr. Kate Burns and Allee Schramm, will talk about Stereotype Threat, other research they’ve done, and more.
  2. Featured Students/Alumni: Each Monday, we’ll feature one of our students or alum on the blog so you can get to know a little bit about what they’ve done, what their plans are, and what they hope to accomplish before they graduate.  First up, recent UWGB Psychology Rock Star Winner, Sarah Busko.
  3. Upcoming talk, Intersecting HEARTS: Health, Emotions And RelaTionShips: On February 11th at 5pm in the Alumni Rooms, the Psychology and Human Development Club is sponsoring a talk by Dr. Reed, a post-doctoral scholar in Psychology at the University of Kentucky.  She will be talking about how human health – both psychological and physical – is intricately linked to our close relationships.
  4. The PSI Talks Videos: Remember those incredible talks from UWGB Psychology students and alumni last semester? Well, we’ve got the videos and we’ll be releasing them off and on throughout the semester.  First up, Allie Nelson, and her fascinating talk on social media.
  5. Even More From the Student Orgs: Keep an eye out for even more great programming from the Psychology and Human Development Club and Psi Chi.  Fun events, volunteer opportunities, presentations, and more on the way.  Stay up to date with them by downloading the app via iTunes or Google Play.

Six Things Every New Psychology Student Should Do Right After They Declare

Are you a new UWGBpsych major?  If so, you may be wondering what to do next.

Well, here are 6 things you should do now that you’ve declared your major in psychology.

  1. Download the UWGB Psychology App. You can find it on ITunes or Google Play
  2. Connect With Us on the Social Web. We’re on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Follow/Like us.
  3. Start Listening to Our Podcast. Psychology and Stuff comes out weekly and is a good way to get to know faculty, learn about jobs and internships in the community, and hear about interesting psychology-related topics.
  4. Start Watching Our Career Shows. Psyched for Careers and Psyched for Grad School come out a few times a semester and are both really good opportunities to reflect on your career plans.
  5. Learn About Individualized Learning. We have five types of individualized learning opportunities (e.g., research assistantships, internships) and they can be extraordinary learning opportunities. Learn more about them here.
  6. Commit to Frequent Meetings with Your Psychology Advisor. Your advisor is the person you should go to if you have questions about classes, need career advice, or have other questions or concerns. If you forgot who your advisor is, see here for a reminder.

Psychology and Stuff: Episode 4

IMG_6574Our fourth episode of “Psychology and Stuff” includes a discussion with Health Psychologist, Dr. Regan A. R. Gurung, current psychology student, Vince Badalamenti, and Dr. Ryan C. Martin, chairperson of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay Psychology program.  Do we find out what the A. R. stands for?  You’ll have to listen to find out.

You can listen to Episode 4 Here.

Meet The Psych Report

The Psych Report is the Newsletter for the Psychology program at UW-Green Bay. If you look around a bit, you’ll find it’s more than just a newsletter. Here are the highlights:

  • Upcoming Events: A place you can go to see all the upcoming events the psych program or our student orgs have to offer.
  • Psychology Student Org Info: Both Psi Chi and the PHD Club have homes here. You can meet the current officers, watch a little movie on why you should get involved, or find out how to get involved.
  • Career Show/Grad School Show/Podcast: We have two Youtube shows, Psyched for Careers and Psyched for Graduate School, and a podcast, Psychology and Stuff. Each of these has a page with tons of information about what they are and why you should give them a listen. Likewise, we archive our previous episodes there so you can go back and give them a watch/listen.
  • Easy Links to All our Social Networking Sites: Up on the right side of the page, you’ll see links to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram so you can easily check out what we are up to.
  • All of Our Videos in One Place: We make a lot of videos. Some are informative, some are inspiring, and some are just for fun. Regardless, we put them all in one place for you to check out.
  • Categories for Posts: Finally, if you’re searching for posts on particular topics (e.g., career info, registration info), you can click just on the category over there on the right. That will take you just to information about that topic.

Psychology/Human Development (PHD) Club Update

Jenny CarrilloPHD Club is excited to announce some plans for the rest of the semester!!!

On Tuesday, October 27th and Wednesday October 28th, PHD will be hosting the “Haunted C-Wing” where students are encouraged to participate in a spooky scavenger hunt and talk with their Psych/Hum Dev professors! The C-Wing will be decorated in Halloween theme and Faculty will be handing out candy to students who stop by. Students who complete the scavenger hunt will be entered to win a cool UWGB Psych themed prize.

PHD is also collaborating with Psi Chi in collecting non-perishable food items in “Trick or Treat So Others Can Eat”! Students from both clubs are welcome to help collect food items from surrounding neighborhoods or simply bring in donations. Donations will be given to UWGB’s Campus Cupboard to help other students in need.

Lastly, PHD is excited to continue the UWGB Psych Music Videos and would like volunteers to help plan ideas and be part of the promotional videos!

Our next meeting is October 27th at 5:30 in MAC 201 (The Gathering Room)

If you have any suggestions or question, please feel free to email President Jenny Carrillo at

The 2015 Psych Star Awards

We’re excited to announce the first ever Psych Star Awards, to be awarded at the end of the Fall 2015 semester.

  • Psych Research Star
  • Psych Service Star
  • Psych Rising Star
  • Psych Rock Star

Be on the lookout for more information on the awards, including the nomination and selection process. All declared psychology majors will receive an email with the award criteria and nomination and selection process later this week.

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