“The Great Re-Wiring of Childhood” Goes to College: A Reflection on Jonathan Haidt’s THE ANXIOUS GENERATION

Article by Tara DaPra, Teaching Professor & 2024-25 Instructional Development Consultant

book cover for "The Anxious Generation" with a sad girl looking at a phone, surrounded by a sea of smiley emojisJonathan Haidt’s new book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness, was supposed to be about how the rise of smartphones and social media were damaging democratic society. But when he wrote the chapter on adolescent mental health, he knew there was much more to say about what smartphones and social media were doing to children and teens, what Haidt has dubbed “the Great Rewiring of Childhood.” This book is essential reading to help us understand our students today, the youngest of whom were in 8th grade when the pandemic began, and how the college classroom can be the space for them to re-wire once more.

First, how we got here: Haidt claims that two big shifts have happened to create this re-wiring in children born after 1995. First was the decline of what he dubs “the play-based childhood,” which began even earlier, in the 1980s, when fears about safety permeated the culture. Instead of children being allowed to wander parks and neighborhoods with one another, as you or your parents might have done, children were continually supervised, giving rise to the term “helicopter parenting.” They could no longer take the ordinary risks of childhood—or, in turn, develop the resilience and confidence those opportunities provided.

Then in the late 2000s, with the advent of the iPhone, the “phone-based childhood” was born. But instead of parents providing the same vigilant protection against internet-based dangers, they did the opposite, underprotecting children during vulnerable stages of brain development. For girls, their time was largely spent on social media, while boys were pulled into the spheres of gaming and pornography.

On this two-pronged shift in childhood, Haidt writes,

We decided that the real world was so full of dangers that children should not be allowed to explore it without adult supervision, even though the risks to children from crime, violence, drunk drivers, and most other sources have dropped steeply since the 1990s.[1] At the same time, it seemed like too much of a bother to design and require age-appropriate guardrails for kids online, so we left children free to wander through the Wild West of the virtual world, where threats to children abounded. (67)

While some argue that Haidt overstates the correlation between the rise of smartphones and adolescent mental illness, the thrust of Haidt’s argument is that the “the Great Rewiring of Childhood” has created “the Anxious Generation.”

Thankfully, this book does more than describe the problem. He also offers solutions, starting with advice for parents to protect their children. First, Haidt argues that parents must delay giving children their own smartphones, arguing that an internet-connected watch or the texting and basic apps of a “dumbphone” is all they truly need. He praises the movement “Wait Until 8th” (224) but then advises parents to wait even longer, until high school, and encourages parents to support one another in this. It’s so much easier to hold out, he says, if parents do it together.

Second, he tells parents that children should not have social media accounts before 16 and argues for stronger age-verification laws. Haidt writes, “Let kids get through the most vulnerable period of brain development before connecting them to a firehose of social comparison and algorithmically chosen influencers” (15). (This parent is going to wait until her kids are 16 for both social media and smartphones, if she can help it.)

But beyond personal action, Haidt advocates for collective action. In particular, he argues that schools play an important role in driving change, and he calls for phone-free schools, all the way from elementary school through high school. He doesn’t endorse the compromises that some local K-12 districts are exploring, such as students putting phones in a pouch when they walk into a classroom or allowing access during the lunch hour. Instead, Haidt writes, “Students should store their phones, smartwatches, and any other personal devices that can send or receive texts in phone lockers or locked pouches during the school day” (15). This means no phones for seven hours, full stop—not until the final bell has rung. The Anxious Generation (and his blog After Babel) describes schools that piloted such programs, and the results were astonishing: students talked to one another. They engaged in class activities and felt less lonely and they learned. They weren’t thinking about the next text or that mean social media post they had to wait forty minutes to respond to. They were free.

Finally, Haidt calls for young children being allowed much more free and unsupervised play, including “junkyard playgrounds” (259), which the New York Times reported on in 2019 but also 2016 and 1971. Haidt argues that letting children play without constant adult intervention is essential to their well-being: “That’s the way children naturally develop social skills, overcome anxiety, and become self-governing young adults” (15).

But what does this mean for those of us teaching and serving college students today? What control do we have over their use of phones in our classrooms, between periods, or, for that matter, how much free play they were afforded as children, how much screen time they had as teenagers who came of age during the pandemic?

We can, of course, encourage students to put away phones during our face-to-face classes, and I do, especially during the five- or ten-minute increments that students are freewriting or otherwise generating ideas for a larger project. But I’d bet that most of us are not interested in policing phones. Instead, I’d argue that when teaching face-to-face classes, we should lean in to what’s always made those such effective learning spaces: facilitate rich discussions. Haidt writes, “Synchronous, face-to-face, physical interactions and rituals are a deep, ancient, and underappreciated part of human evolution” (57). We can create space in our classrooms for students to talk to one another, to make eye contact, to take small risks, and, with any luck, to be producers of knowledge. And even as some students talk more than others, let’s not forget the benefits of active listening: “When people practice silence in the company of equally silent companions, they promote quiet reflection and inner work, which confers mental health benefits” (207).

“The Great Rewiring of Childhood” has changed our college classrooms, and not for the better. But our students are hungry for the chance to “develop social skills, overcome anxiety, and become self-governing young adults.” Like those who saw the value of letting kids play in piles of construction debris, we can create the space and then watch while our students create from it.

a large group of smiling students standing by the Phoenix statue

Understanding Today’s UWGB Students: Trends & Strategies for Success

Article by Kris Vespia, Director of the Center of the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL)

As CATL prepares for our semester-long focus on Teaching Today’s UWGB Students, the first step is to identify who those students are. There’s a common narrative out there that UW-Green Bay’s students are fundamentally different today in terms of their academic backgrounds due to our direct admission initiative. There are certainly some ways in which our student body has changed in the last five years, such as the number of high schoolers we serve, but the reality is that there have not been substantial changes in the average ACT score or other academic preparation measures in recent years. However, what is also true is that many of the issues instructors tick off their list of concerns are prominent in national publications today. For example, “Is This the End of Reading?” is the provocative title of a 2024 Chronicle of Higher Education piece that appeared at about the same time The Atlantic published an article highlighting the difficulty of getting undergraduates at Princeton to engage with full texts. A professor from North Central College contemporaneously bemoaned the difficulty students had achieving more than a superficial understanding from readings (Kotsko, 2024). Stories about a “crisis” in college student mental health abound, and statistics support an increase in self-reported anxiety, depression, and trauma (Mowreader, 2024).

If the issues students are facing are not unique to UWGB and its characteristics, what does account for changes in college students over time? Psychologist Jean Twenge (2023) asserts that one large contributor is systematic birth cohort effects. Traditionally aged undergraduates today are members of what is commonly called Gen Z (b. 1995-2012). The first iPhone was introduced in 2007. Think about what that means. Gen Z members and beyond have always obtained information instantaneously and have had it at their very fingertips. Moreover, that information came in easily digestible and often entertaining bits. Is it any wonder that these students would not have much patience with close reading of a long text? Of course, we shouldn’t use “generational differences” to oversimplify the issues. Let’s face it, students of all ages today have different expectations than their instructors probably did in college, given how readily available information has become. If you want to test that out, ask your current students how many of them use TikTok, Instagram, and other forms of social media as a news source.

As we know that behavior is typically influenced by multiple factors, let’s also consider the impact of No Child Left Behind and Common Core on the academic skills that were emphasized in the K-12 curricula that shaped today’s students. What about the pandemic and the learning loss that occurred during that time? It is also not surprising to hear about prevalent mental health concerns in student populations given that it was seen as a “crisis” well before the pandemic hit (Vespia, 2021). Then there are larger economic changes and the cost of tuition nationwide – how has that impacted the multiple roles students must assume? And in what ways has the increased accessibility of education via online learning made it possible for parents and full-time workers to add school to their already-full plates? Finally, let’s not forget AI and the ways in which it makes summaries of articles or a decently written essay just a few keystrokes away. In addition to asking students about the source of their news, you might find it instructive to ask them about their perspectives on the use of AI and academic integrity, which could be quite different from your own.

You may now be asking yourself: so where does that leave us? Well, for one thing, it leaves us in a place of hopefully respecting even more the students with whom we work. They are balancing school with increasingly complex lives in a world that seems to be changing by the minute. It also leaves us with a number of evidence-based teaching strategies, some of which CATL will explore this semester in our blogs and event series. Here are just a few. Did you know, for example, that instructor mindset can play a significant role in achievement gaps among STEM students? CATL looks forward to talking about that research and offering some growth mindset interventions for you and your students. There’s also trauma-informed pedagogy, which does not ask instructors to be therapists, but rather emphasizes creating effective learning environments by, for instance, giving students agency and choice where possible, but maintaining appropriate limits on those choices. Teaching with transparency is another potential tool. Being authentic in the classroom, using the TILT framework in assessment, and demystifying the so-called “hidden curriculum” can all be very effective. You can even find collections of strategies in articles such as McMurtrie’s (2024) “Why Generation Z Gives These Professors Hope.” Ultimately, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges instructors face, whether it’s the use of AI or struggles with student engagement. Validating those frustrations and trying to work through them is essential to good teaching. It’s also crucial to remember, though, that these issues are likely not unique to UWGB. As such, we have many resources to help us as we partner with our students in the teaching and learning process. CATL looks forward to assisting on that journey.

Students repainting the large Phoenix logo on the ground

Teaching Today’s UWGB Students: A Preview of CATL’s Spring 2025 Programming Series

Article by Kris Vespia, Director of the Center of the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL)

One of the comments I have heard the most since becoming CATL Director is some variation on the following: “I just don’t understand students today. They [fill in the blank].” Whether that sentence is completed with “don’t do their reading,” or “balance more than I ever had to,” instructors clearly have a sense that current students are walking a different path than they did in their college days.

CATL has decided to tackle this topic with a connected programming series this semester that will invite everyone to engage not only with the question of who our students are but also what strategies we can use to work with them more effectively. We have constructed a Canvas course of articles and other resources related to “Teaching Today’s UWGB Students,” and we will continue to update it during the term. We are also hosting three events related to this theme. First, on Feb. 17 at 3:30 p.m., we will co-host, along with Student Access and Success, an online panel of secondary school educators from common feeder schools for UWGB. Teachers, student services personnel, and administrators will talk about what they see in today’s high school students and share strategies they find effective in working with them.

After spending time considering student characteristics in February, we will turn in March and April to consider evidence-based pedagogical strategies that research suggests are effective with a broad range of students. On Mar. 7 at 9 a.m., our own Dr. Amy Kabrhel and her brother, Dr. Steven Anschutz, who wrote his dissertation on the topic, will address “Growing Your Mindset,” and CATL will share some practical tips for integrating it into your teaching. On Apr. 4 at 9 a.m., we will welcome former Wisconsin Teaching Fellows and Scholars Co-Director, current River Falls’ CETL Director, and published author Dr. Cyndi Kernahan for a live online discussion of “Teaching with Transparency,” and how that can facilitate student engagement and learning.

We see these different events as inter-related, and we will offer the opportunity to earn a “Teaching Today’s Students” digital badge if you engage with all three topics by either attending each of the three synchronous events or by contributing to an asynchronous alternative in the Canvas course for any live presentations you miss. Note that we will also have a series of blogs on related topics throughout the semester, such as “Understanding Today’s UWGB Students” and “Regular and Substantive Interaction (RSI).”

Please watch Teach Tuesday for upcoming blogs and look for Outlook invitations to the three events described above. We look forward to engaging with you.

A collection of colorful frames displayed

UWGB Canvas Gallery: A Virtual Exhibition of Teaching

About the Exhibition

Have you developed standout strategies in your Canvas course that could inspire or benefit your colleagues? The “UWGB Canvas Gallery: A Virtual Exhibition of Teaching,” hosted by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL), is the perfect platform to share your innovative teaching and design approaches with fellow instructors. To participate in this showcase, we invite you to submit some of the materials you’ve developed in Canvas. They should be materials you already have, making the workload minimal, and they can be from a Canvas site for any course modality: in-person, online, virtual classroom, and more! Accepted work will be displayed in a virtual Canvas course gallery where others on campus can engage and view your work. This virtual gallery-style exhibition is more than just showcasing your work; it is about building a community where educators across UW-Green Bay can learn from one another by sharing the creative strategies that often only students see.

Call for Submissions

We are looking for submissions that highlight a range of teaching and design strategies that use Canvas effectively. You can submit a single Canvas item, such as an assignment, page, quiz, or discussion, or share an entire module that demonstrates effective teaching practices and supports student success. Examples of what you might share include:

  • A welcoming course introduction Canvas module that sets students up for success
  • Creative Canvas discussion boards that foster deep, meaningful dialogue
  • Innovative assessments that challenge traditional formats, such as project-based learning or peer feedback in Canvas
  • Thoughtfully designed group activities that encourage collaboration and active participation and use Canvas Groups to set up effective teamwork and communication
  • Gamified elements that motivate and reward student achievement such as using mastery paths or badging in Canvas
  • Visual and interactive elements that simplify complex concepts and enhance learning shared in Canvas
  • Effective use of module pre-requisites to scaffold learning
  • Well-written instructions for more complicated tasks in Canvas, such as the use of PlayPosit

In your submission, consider how your materials might:

  • Demonstrate inclusive teaching and digital accessibility
  • Foster student engagement and success
  • Support students in achieving course learning outcomes
  • Promote transparency or reduce invisible curriculum
  • Facilitate students’ ability to succeed in an online learning environment
  • Incorporate evidence-based teaching strategies, such as scaffolded assignments or use of the TiLT framework

The application period has concluded.

We look forward to seeing your contributions and showcasing the excellent work of our UW-Green Bay instructors!

Event Follow-Up: Improving Accessibility in Learning Materials

On Wednesday, Mar. 6, 2024, CATL teamed up with Assistant Professor of Humanities, Kristopher Purzycki, for a workshop on improving the accessibility of educational resources shared in courses and on campus. This session explored common accessibility pitfalls in crafting digital learning materials, covering tasks like creating and sharing PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and Canvas elements such as media and syllabi. As a continuation of this workshop, we’ve compiled practical accessibility tips and demonstrations for instructors to incorporate when creating learning materials.

Prioritizing Accessibility Matters for Student Success

Meeting certain accessibility standards is not just about compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; it is also crucial for enhancing student success and engagement. Accessibility (specifically digital accessibility) proactively eliminates barriers during the design and creation phase of materials.

In cases where accessibility measures still pose challenges for learners, students can work with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) to seek formal accommodations and instructors will work with SAS to fulfill the accommodation request. Many students may not disclose their disabilities to their university or face other obstacles hindering them from receiving formal accommodation. Consequently, academic success often relies on students’ individual efforts and faculty commitment to accessible learning materials. While not proposing a complete overhaul of course materials, CATL hopes to promote simple steps to enhance the accessibility of educational learning materials, all in the pursuit of student success.

  • Make course changes based on level of seriousness.
  • Learn and adapt based on experiences and student feedback.
  • Use the UWGB library as a resource to help refresh and update your class materials/readings.
  • Use the Accessibility Checkers available to you in Microsoft Office (like Word, PowerPoint, Excel) and Canvas). 

Canvas Accessibility Tools to Help Review Your Course

Expand the titles below to learn how to use the accessibility tools and checks available to you in Canvas.

How to Use the Canvas Accessibility Checker – Video Demo

Validate Links in Your Canvas Course – Video Demo

Note: This video is demonstration is from Arizona State University Learning Experience (LX) and displays their specific instance of Canvas. While UWGB’s Canvas may operate and look different, the validate course link application works the same. Need more? View the Instructor (Canvas) guide on Validating Links in Canvas.


Using the Canvas Course Accessibility Checker UDOIT – Video Overview

Learn even more with UWGB's Knowledgebase guide on using the UDOIT Cloud Accessibility tool to check your Canvas course accessibility.

Video Accessibility with Kaltura My Media and Automatic Closed Captions

Expand the titles below to learn how to upload your own course videos to Kaltura My Media. This allows for automatic machine-generated closed captioning, caption editing, and transcription addition for videos in your Canvas courses or those shared with students.

How to Upload Videos and Add Captions with Kaltura My Media 

View this instructional guide on how to edit captions in Kaltura My Media from UW System.

How to Embed Videos and Add Transcripts with Kaltura My Media – Video Demo

Review this step-by-step guide on how to embed Kaltura videos in Canvas. New recordings that are uploaded to Kaltura use a v7 video player which allows the option for students to toggle on a transcript when viewing your videos embedded in a Canvas course.

If your videos use the old player, you will need to upgrade those embeds to use the v7 video player. For more information about how to update your Kaltura video player embeds, see this blog post on Upgrading Outdated Kaltura Players in Canvas.

PDF Accessibility with Adobe Acrobat – Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Scanning

Expand the title below to learn how to enhance the accessibility of your PDFs by using OCR  scanning. While OCR scanning doesn’t guarantee full accessibility for assistive technologies like screen readers, Adobe Acrobat Pro offers additional tools to improve accessibility before sharing PDFs digitally.

How to Use OCR Scanning with Adobe Acrobat Pro for PDFs – Video Demo

Before creating your own PDF documents and PDF scans of readings, contact the UWGB library and ask if they already have a digital resource available.

Image Accessibility and Informative Alt Text

Expand the title below to learn more about writing helpful alt text for images with specific examples, such as when you are creating your syllabus.

How to Add Alt Text in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint – Video Guide