Syllabus Snippets

Required Statements

Academic Integrity

Syllabi must include a statement on academic integrity with a link to UW System’s Academic Integrity Policy (UWS Chapter 14). Consider also including explicit guidelines on the use of tools like generative AI (see the section on AI further below for examples).

The appropriation of others' work as your own is plagiarism and a major citation error. Examples of plagiarism include forgetting to add a "Works Cited" entry for a source you include in your paper; summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting the ideas of others without any citations; and borrowing or purchasing papers from others. Incidents of plagiarism will be handled individually in accordance with UW-Green Bay's Plagiarism Policy.
To avoid any problems, please make sure that you appropriately cite all information you use in course assignments, and that you complete all individual course work independently. If you’re unsure of how to cite your information or what requires citation, I and others are here to help! For more information, please refer to The Learning Centercitation basics from our Libraries, and the UW System’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Student Accessibility Services

Syllabi must include a statement that identifies the process for requesting academic accommodations for a disability. For more information see the Student Accessibility Services website.

The University of Wisconsin–Green Bay supports the right of all enrolled students to a full and equal educational opportunity. Reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities is a shared faculty and student responsibility. If you need any academic accommodation due to a disability, you must self-identify and register with the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Office. To register, you will need to complete an online application (GB ACCESS) on the Student Accessibility Services website. GB ACCESS empowers you to request accommodations that would best support your learning in each class. Your request will be sent electronically to the SAS Office for review, approval and dissemination to faculty. Accommodations are not automatically available for each class, each term and do not go into effect until the request through GB ACCESS process is complete. Please contact the SAS office if you have any questions about the accommodation process or our role in supporting your learning. Once your request has been sent, the faculty, the SAS office and you can work together to ensure you have equal access. Location of SAS: Student Services Room 1700; phone: (920) 456-2841; email: and website.

The University of Wisconsin–Green Bay requires that students with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations to ensure their equal access to course content. Qualified students with disabilities who will require accommodations in this class are encouraged to make their requests through the Student Accessibility Services Office and communicate with that office as soon as possible. Note: Prior to receiving accommodations, verification of eligibility from the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is required. Disability information is confidential. Students can find the application for services on the SAS website or in the SAS Office, Student Services Building, room 1700.

In addition to any required full statement about Student Accessibility Services, Dr. Lisa Aspinwall of the Disability and Advocacy Research Network (DARN) suggests including a statement like the following in your syllabus.

“We are committed not only to the letter but also the spirit of the ADA. If you qualify for accommodations in any aspect of the course, we encourage you to use them, starting with the first class. Please see the professor as soon as possible so that we can work together to make arrangements.”

Other Statements to Consider

Active Engagement

Instructors teaching in modalities that rely on online participation may wish to include a statement outlining expectations for student engagement.

Sample statement provided by Nichole LaGrow.

Although this is an online, asynchronous class, there are regular and frequent interactions in our class. A class week begins on a Wednesday at midnight and ends on a Tuesday at 11:59 pm. If a student is unable to engage with activity for an entire week, he/she should contact the instructor to discuss the absence. Extended absences should be processed through the Dean of Students.

Bereavement Policy

For more information see the Deans of Students’ full bereavement policy and procedures.

Upon approval from the Dean of Students, students who experience the death of a loved one are allowed one week, commencing from the day of notification to the Dean of Students, of excused absence. Students may also take a Bereavement Leave of Absence for the semester in which the death occurs. Permission to do so will occur upon consultation with the Dean of Students.

Class Attendance Policy

UWGB instructors adopt a wide variety of classroom attendance policies.

Attendance is required, not simply because you need to be present to learn, but also because we need you as part of our learning community. If you miss class, you are responsible for getting notes from a classmate and for checking email and Canvas for updates. If you miss consecutive days of class, please send me an email to inform me of your situation. Please arrive to class on time, as latecomers are a distraction to everybody in the room. Because I give all students three absences without penalty, I do not keep track of the reasons for every absence. If you have a special excused absence, such as university business, military service, or a serious family emergency, however, please do let me know.

Your participation is welcomed and encouraged as this is a gathering place where we can improve our listening and speaking on a range of social problems and issues. Participation will be evaluated in terms of evidence:

  1. of your preparedness for class (timeliness of assignments, demonstrating you have read the materials, etc.)
  2. that you are present in class in both body and mind (alert, paying attention, listening respectfully, etc.)
  3. of your active participation (asking questions, offering your perspective, providing constructive feedback to your colleagues, etc.)
  4. of your leadership and participation in small group discussions in class.

Classroom Environment

Similar to the inclusivity policy, many instructors include language about the sort of environment that enables learning and respectful debate. Some write this in advance of the course, while others include the students in its construction.

Classroom Environment: The classroom should be an arena for voicing opinions and arguments in the spirit of debate, but should also display civility and tolerance. Students will bring different experiences and beliefs to bear on the materials we read, and our discussions must allow for a range of viewpoints to be expressed.  One of the central tenets of feminism is that the “the personal is political.” In other words, knowledge and social change cannot be divorced from lived experience. The ideas and issues that we discuss will often have direct bearing on students’ past experiences or personal philosophies, and it is reasonable to occasionally share these connections.  At the same time, such comments should remain connected to the course readings, and allow for the participation of everyone in the class.

Class environment: In order to provide a stimulating and effective learning environment, everyone is expected to follow shared codes of conduct. As noted above, we will construct our own policies on the first few days of class. In order to foster fruitful discussions we should all strive to create an environment of mutual respect—for it to be mutual, we all have to have a stake.

All interactions in class should be civil, respectful, and supportive of an inclusive learning environment for all students. If you have any concerns about classroom participation or classroom dynamics, I encourage you to speak with me, with Dr. X, the X Department chair, or your advisor. You may also share your concerns with the university through Phoenix Cares.

Civility and Online Etiquette: Civility and decorum are expected at all times. You are welcome to your own opinion and encouraged to express it, but you must do so in a mature and sincere manner. You must also make sure your opinions are informed and well-supported – this is not your personal soapbox. You may find it helpful to review these guidelines for online etiquette.

“The topics that we're covering in this class are often difficult, not just intellectually but emotionally. While I expect there to be rigorous discussion and even disagreement in the course of our class discussions, I ask that you engage in discussion with care and empathy for other members in the classroom. Aim to disagree without becoming disagreeable. In this class, we will not shy away from the uncomfortable. Critically examining and assessing our most basic assumptions and values is not just one of the tasks of philosophy but is an activity vital to living an authentic life. I urge you to have the courage to be uncomfortable in this class. In exchange for your courage, I will work to ensure a classroom environment that supports your taking these intellectual and emotional risks.”

Source: Whitman College

Civility and Inclusivity Policies

Many instructors choose to share an inclusivity policy to promote an inclusive classroom environment.

I wish to confirm my conviction that a college campus must be a safe place for the discussion of ideas. As such, I expect each member of the class to treat one another with tolerance for ideas discussed from a variety of perspectives. I respect the dignity of every person and will not allow discrimination against anyone based on religion, age, disability, ethnic origin, race, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation. Let’s approach one another with good intentions and openness

Our class is a kind of community, and we are also part of a larger university community that expects civility and inclusivity from its members to help us creative a good learning and living environment for everyone. The classroom should be a place where we can freely exchange ideas. We should, though, be able to disagree with and challenge one another’s ideas in a respectful way that does not involve attacks, insults, or discriminatory language or behaviors. If you have not already, please review UWGB’s Inclusivity & Civility Statement.

"It is my intent that students from all diverse backgrounds and perspectives be well served by this course, that students' learning needs be addressed both in and out of class, and that the diversity that students bring to this class be viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. It is my intent to present materials and activities that are respectful of diversity: gender, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, race, and culture. Your suggestions are encouraged and appreciated. Please let me know ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students or student groups. In addition, if any of our class meetings conflict with your religious events, please let me know so that we can make arrangements for you."

Source: Syllabus Checklist – University of Iowa College of Education

Course Materials and Recordings

Materials for this course, including documents, videos, assignments, quizzes, and lectures, were created or assembled specifically to enhance the learning of students in our class. I want you to use the materials for your own studying, but please realize they may be copyrighted or my protected intellectual property. You must get my written consent first if you want to share lectures, videos, readings, etc. with people outside of our class or on any publicly accessible platform (e.g., CourseHero, Quizlet, other websites, listservs, etc.).
To create the most comfortable learning environment possible for your classmates and for me, I do not allow students to record audio or video of my lectures or our class sessions. An exception to this policy can be made if you provide documentation of official accommodations to record through Student Accessibility Services. Please talk to me if you have questions or concerns about this policy.

Digital Devices in the Classroom

Many instructors include policies about the use of electronic or digital devices within the classroom. There is a wide variety as to how instructors tackle this issue.

Electronic Devices in the Classroom: There is now overwhelming evidence, based on systematic research, that “multi-tasking” with digital devices interferes badly with learning. Even having a smart phone on the table or desk takes a toll on concentration. Please silence and stow (out of sight) all mobile phones during class. No texting or messaging in class. If you are experiencing a personal emergency that requires you to take calls or receive text messages, consider taking advantage of the three emergency absences that I allow. Otherwise, please let me know about your situation and try to minimize disruptions. You may use a laptop computer, e-reader, or tablet in class for referring to assigned course materials, for in-class assignments, and for taking notes (although, based upon research into note-taking, I do not recommend that you try to type notes in class). Please avoid the temptation to check email, browse the web, etc., during class. If you have trouble staying focused on class, I recommend that you turn off wifi access unless you need it for a specific assignment or discussion.

Personal electronics – You may use your laptop or mobile devices to read the e-book version of the text or complete in-class assignments and exercises. However, using them for any activities that are not class-related activities is against course policy. Please also turn your cell phone to silent or turn it off altogether.

Generative AI Use (Copilot, etc.)

All instructors are encouraged to include a statement outlining their policy on generative AI (GAI) use in their course. They should also remind students to never input personally identifiable information (PII) or sensitive information into a GAI tool (please see UW System Policy 1040.A). Reinforce that students, as assignment authors, are ultimately responsible for citing GAI use and for verifying the accuracy and appropriateness of any content created all or in part by GAI.

In addition to the syllabus, CATL strongly recommends that instructors provide clear instructions about whether and how GAI may be used on every individual assignment for their course. There are traffic light icons (red light, yellow light, and green light) that can be used, along with verbal explanations, for assignment instructions and with the sample policies below.

For this course, you may use GAI tools on all assignments, activities, and assessments. Although other tools are permissible, you are strongly encouraged to use Microsoft Copilot and to sign into it with your university credentials. Doing so provides some additional security, and Copilot is the only tool supported by the GBIT Service Desk. To maintain academic integrity in line with UWS Chapter 14, you will be expected to properly document and cite how you have used GAI when you use it. For this course, we will use (insert preferred citation style). Examples of GAI citations are available at: 

For this course, you may use GAI tools, but only with expressed permission beforehand. Although other tools are permissible, you are strongly encouraged to use Microsoft Copilot and to sign into it with your university credentials. Doing so provides some additional security, and Copilot is the only tool supported by the GBIT Service Desk. We will practice using GAI to supplement your own ideas rather than replace them so that you can develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. You are only permitted to use GAI tools in the ways I have outlined in our course assignments in order to promote your achievement of course learning outcomes and to uphold academic integrity (please refer to UWS Chapter 14 for more information). You will be expected to properly document and cite how you have used GAI on assignments. For this course, we will use (insert preferred citation style). Examples of GAI citations are available at: 

For this course, you may use Microsoft’s Copilot (with your UWGB login credentials), but only with expressed permission beforehand in specific assignment instructions. No use of any other GAI tools (e.g., ChatGPT, Grammarly, Gemini) is permitted and doing so could be an academic integrity violation (please refer to UWS Chapter 14). When using Copilot, you will be expected to properly document and cite how you have used it. For this course, we will use (insert preferred GAI citation style). Examples of GAI citations are available at: 

For this course, I am requiring that you refrain from using any generative AI (GAI) tools (e.g., Chat GPT or anything similar) when completing assignments, quizzes, or exams. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to, using GAI tools to generate or summarize ideas, create text or code, answer questions or discussions, or review material that you have written yourself to obtain feedback. Any such use of generative AI tools will be considered academic dishonesty (please refer to UWS Chapter 14 for more information). Although I recognize the widespread use of GAI in other disciplines, in this class, we will focus on developing certain professional skills without GAI, such as critical thinking, creativity, generating hypotheses or new ideas, and communication. I need to support you in developing your own ideas and engaging in independent thinking, as this will help you learn and grow as a student and as a future professional. 

FERPA and/or HIPPA statement 

The Family Education Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law designed to protect the education records of students from kindergarten to graduate school. Read more on UWGB's FERPA overview page.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law designed to protect medical records and the sharing of patient medical data. “Covered Entities” who must comply with these regulations are Health Plans, most Healthcare Providers, and Healthcare Clearinghouses. Read more about HIPPA on the US Department of Health and Human Services official website.

Late Work/Deadline Policy

Most instructors include transparent language describing late work and/or policies about deadlines on their syllabus.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS: Late assignments will be accepted as circumstances in life do happen, but please be aware that scores will drop by 10% for each class session late.

Deadlines: Deadlines are important. They help us plan. They motivate us. They keep us on the same page so that we can work together. Submitting your work on time is an important part of completing assignments for college classes, not to mention other aspects of your life. I understand, however, that you may experience an emergency or other circumstance that could prevent you from submitting your work on time. If this happens, please communicate with me as soon as reasonably possible to negotiate an extension. (The only way to get an extension is to ask for it.) Then, when you have completed the assignment, please let me know via email. Keep in mind that if you submit late work, you may miss out on an opportunity to collaborate with or receive feedback from your peers, and your feedback from me may be delayed or reduced, depending on the situation.

Exams (Making Up): Because I understand that illnesses and unexpected emergencies do arise, I will allow you to make up one exam during the semester, under the condition that you exercise due diligence by contacting me with an email or phone message before the end of the class session when the exam takes place. At that time, you must let me know when you can take the exam within the next two business days. It is your responsibility to follow up immediately to schedule a make-up exam. (Note: make-up exams may differ from in-class exams.)

Sample statement provided by Nichole LaGrow.

Each student has one opportunity to request an extension of up to four days to submit the assignment after its due date. In order to use an extension, students should request the additional time at least 24 hours before it is due. To document a personal or familial need that would require you to miss several days of class, please contact the Dean of Students by calling (920) 465-2152. If you are unable to call, a parent or guardian can call on your behalf.

Language Inclusivity Policy

When an assignment or discussion does not require formal language, some instructors encourage their students to write and speak in the way that is most natural to them to promote an inclusive classroom environment.

Sample statement provided by Cory Mathieu with slight modification.

I welcome and encourage you to use all of your language resources in this class. This means that all of your ways of speaking and writing are valued in our classroom as long as you continue to show respect for our learning community. I am more concerned about what is communicated than how. That being said, some assignments will require more standardized, formal language so that you have opportunities to practice writing in ways desired in most professions.

Mental Health and Wellness

We are all human, and we may all be impacted by stress, relationship challenges, and work-life balance issues. We are also all susceptible to common mental health concerns, such as depression, anxiety, and addictive behaviors. These can lead to difficulties with motivation and concentration and impact academic work. All too often we find it hard to ask for help when we need it, but I hope you will reach out and use the free and confidential counseling services available to you through the university. Your health and wellness are important.

Name and Pronouns

Many instructors choose to list their pronouns along with their name to promote an inclusive classroom environment.

Names and Pronouns: During the first week of class, I will ask you to write your preferred first name on the class sign-in roster. I will also invite you to make a nametag to use in class that includes your gender pronouns. I see sharing gender pronouns as a gesture of respect and a reminder that we should not make assumptions about gender based upon physical appearance, names, etc. If you misgender someone (i.e., call someone who identifies as a woman “he,” or vice versa), the best practice is to apologize (concisely) and move on, without making a big scene.

Names, Pronouns, and Gender: If you have changed your name (officially or unofficially) from what appears in SIS, go by a nickname, or wish to specify a set of appropriate pronouns, please feel free to ask me in person or by email. Everyone in this class has the right to be addressed and understood by their right name and their gender identity, and no one has the right to challenge anyone else’s self-identification. Everyone deserves trust and respect.


Consider providing “netiquette” (net + etiquette) guidelines for students to maintain a more welcoming, comfortable, and effective environment for online communication.

"Netiquette" is the socially and professionally acceptable way to communicate on the Internet. Please abide by these guidelines of "netiquette" when using online communication tools with your classmates and instructor: 

  • Identify yourself. Begin messages with a greeting and close with your name.
  • Avoid sarcasm. It can be misinterpreted causing hurt feelings.
  • Keep the dialog collegial and professional. Some discussion topics may be controversial. 
  • Do not flame—these are outbursts of extreme emotion or opinion. Think twice before you submit a response. You cannot take it back! 
  • Do not use offensive language or profanity. 
  • Use clear subject lines for your posts. 
  • Do not use all caps. It is the online equivalent of YELLING! 
  • Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms—like UNESCO—unless the entire class knows them. 
  • Use emoticons (emotion icons) to clarify your emotions. 
  • Be forgiving. Anyone can make a mistake. 

Communication in online courses is different than face-to-face conversation. To create a welcoming and open classroom environment, let's all practice "netiquette." There are ten simple guidelines you can follow to help us all have a better experience.  

Online Proctoring

As outlined in UW-Green Bay’s Online Test Proctoring Policy, instructors should include a note about their intention to use online proctoring in SIS so students are aware before registering for the class. Instructors who elect to use online proctoring should also include a syllabus statement that alerts students to specific information regarding the proctoring tool and any associated class policies.

Honorlock will proctor your exams this semester. Honorlock is an online proctoring service that allows you to take your exam from the comfort of your home. You DO NOT need to create an account or schedule an appointment in advance. Honorlock is available 24/7, and all that is required is a desktop or laptop computer, a working webcam/microphone, your school or a government-issued ID, a stable internet connection, and Google Chrome’s Honorlock Chrome Extension. 

Before you can take a proctored exam you will need Google Chrome installed on your computer and you will need to download the Honorlock Chrome Extension. You cannot take an Honorlock-proctored exam with a mobile device. 

Several of the tests or exams for this class will use Honorlock. When a test or exam uses Honorlock, log into Canvas, go to your course, and click on the exam. Clicking "Launch Proctoring" will begin the Honorlock authentication process, where you will take a picture of yourself, show your ID, and complete a scan of your room. Honorlock will be recording your exam session through your webcam and microphone. During your exam, Honorlock will also record your screen. Honorlock also has an integrity algorithm that can detect search-engine use, so please do not attempt to search for answers, even if it's on a secondary device. 

We’ll have a practice “exam” that will take you through the process from clicking “Launch Proctoring” to completing the authentication process and experiencing the proctoring tool. 

Honorlock support is available 24/7/365. If you encounter any issues, you may contact them through live chat on the support page or within the exam itself. Some guides you should review are Honorlock Minimum System Requirements, Student FAQ, Honorlock Knowledge Base, and How to Use Honorlock Video.  

Policy on Children in Virtual Sessions

Although the original statement was written by the UW System Caregiving Task Force in the context of the pandemic, the version below has been slightly adapted to apply to any course taught in the virtual classroom modality.

Caregivers deserve access to education. I strive to be inclusive to parents and other caregivers, and I ask that all students work with me to create a welcoming environment that is respectful of all forms of diversity, including diversity in caregiving status.

  1. Children may be visible onscreen during class sessions, either in a lap or playing in the background. This includes breastfeeding or chestfeeding [NOTE: this is a term many transmen and non-binary birth parents use] babies. Alternatively, you may turn your camera off if more privacy is required.
  2. Caregivers who anticipate having a child(ren) with them during class sessions are encouraged to wear a headset to help minimize background noise. You may mute your microphone and communicate through the “chat” feature at any point necessary.
  3. Stepping away momentarily for childcare reasons is completely understandable and expected. Simply mute and/or turn off your camera as necessary, and rejoin us when you are able.
  4. While I maintain the same high expectations for all student in my classes regardless of parenting status, I am happy to problem solve with you in a way that makes you feel supported as you strive for school-caregiving balance.

(Based on the policies by Dr. Melissa Cheyney and Dr. Elizabeth Horn care of the UW System caregiving task force)

Religious Observances Policy

Instructors are encouraged to include a statement on UW System’s Accommodation of Religious Beliefs Policy (UWS Chapter 22). Two statements are are presented below: the first sample statement provides specific policy and accommodation details directly from the Dean of Students office, while the second statement takes a broader, more student friendly approach to cultural and religious observations. See the Dean of Students website for more information. Instructors may also wish to consult the Interfaith Calendar to see if important course dates conflict with religious observances.

Students have the right to reasonable accommodation if their religious practices pose a scheduling conflict with one of their courses (Chapter UWS 22 of the Wisconsin State Legislature Administrative Code). If you have a religious observance that coincides with this class (meetings and/or due dates), let me know by email within the first 3 weeks of the course. We will then work together to develop an alternative scheduling plan. Please know that I encourage students to honor their religious beliefs, and that all requests for religious accommodation will remain confidential.

Persons who have religious or cultural observances that coincide with this class should let the instructor know in writing (by e-mail for example) by [date]. I encourage you to honor your cultural and religious holidays. Please let me know so that we can make a plan to ensure that you do not fall behind in class while you are celebrating a religious or cultural observance.

Student Advocacy or Student Complaints

Students are encouraged to go to their instructor and then chair, etc., if they have a complaint or concern. Instructors are encouraged to include the following or a similar statement on their syllabi.

If you have a concern or complaint about this course, please first try to address it with the instructor. If you continue to have concerns, you should contact the chairperson of the relevant academic unit. Contact information can be found here:  


Teaching Philosophy

Many instructors share their teaching philosophy explicitly with students.

My general philosophy is I want to encourage you to think critically and observe the holistic connections between ideas. I am less interested in your recitation of terms and concepts and more in your understanding of how what we discuss in class ties together. I encourage you to challenge and debate what you learn in class, and never be afraid to ask questions.


You can count on me to do these things:

  • Give your exam review one class prior to the exam.
  • I do not have any trick questions on the exam, what we talk about is what you will see.
  • We may go off topic as we explore different questions and ideas that you are interested in instead of what is exactly on the syllabus.
  • I will be as forgiving as I can with attendance, late assignments, and accommodating to you, but I will hold to the rules of the syllabus to ensure understanding and transparency.
  • I will be a resource for you to grow from and a soft landing pad should you make a mistake.
  • We will use collaborative-based learning as much as possible in this class to help you to be engaged in your learning.

UWGB Land Acknowledgment

In a continuing effort to create a more inclusive community, UW-Green Bay has adopted a formal land acknowledgment to honor our native peoples. UWGB’s land acknowledgment statement was developed by our First Nations faculty. Instructors are encouraged to incorporate the land acknowledgment in their syllabi and/or course welcome module.

We at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay acknowledge the First Nations people who are the original inhabitants of the region. The Ho-Chunk Nation and the Menominee Nation are the original First People of Wisconsin and both Nations have ancient historical and spiritual connections to the land that our institution now resides upon.

Today, Wisconsin is home to 12 First Nations communities including the Oneida Nation of Wisconsin, Potawatomi Nation, Ojibwe Nation communities, Stockbridge-Munsee Band of the Mohican Nation, and the Brothertown Indian Nation.

We acknowledge the First Nations People of Wisconsin.

Veterans Services

See also the UW-Green Bay active duty absence policy in full.

Students that are activated for the military may request a complete withdrawal. Individual (not unit) orders are needed if you withdraw during a semester. These orders need to be given to the following offices: Registrar, Student Billing Resources, Financial Aid, and Residence Life (if applicable).

  • Tuition and Fees: Activated students should be given the opportunity to earn their grade or a full refund of tuition should be made.
  • Room and Board: Activated students should be given a refund for the unused portions of room and board contracts.
  • Financial Aid: For students receiving financial aid at the time of their withdrawal, please be aware that the financial aid office is required by federal regulation to calculate the amount of aid (if any) that must be returned. This applies to any student that withdraws and there is not an exception for military deployment. Depending on the amount of aid received and the date of withdrawal in that semester, you may have to repay a percentage of aid to the appropriate aid programs.

If you are interested in doing an independent study during the time you are gone, we encourage you to work out the details with your instructor and fill out the independent study form before you leave. Please contact the Financial Aid Office if you plan to take a class while activated. We want to make this process as easy as possible.

  • Email Account: Please contact the IT Service Desk at to extend the activation of your UWGB email account.
  • Parking Decal Refund: If withdrawn within the first 4 weeks, you may be eligible for a parking refund. Contact Student Billing Resources for more information.
  • Library Books: Return any library books, media services equipment, etc.
  • Dining Points: Remaining balance of dining points and pass points are refundable less a $25 dollar administration fee.

The federal government provides options for service members who are being deployed for active duty and who have student loans. As a deployed service member, you may be eligible to delay or temporarily suspend making loan payments to reduce the burden on you and your family. In general, service members will fall into one of three categories:

  • Those currently enrolled in school, have taken out student loans, and are being called to active duty.
  • Those within the grace period of their student loans, have yet to make a first payment, and are being called to active duty.
  • Those currently making payments on student loans and are being called to active duty.

The key for you is to contact the lender or the agency that services your student loans to see if you are eligible for the delayed or suspended repayment benefit. Contact your lender or loan holder to learn more about your options.

When you return to UW-Green Bay, you need to apply for readmission. This is to update your account. The admissions office will also need an official transcript for any classes you may have taken at another institution while activated.

The financial aid application is an annual process and you can file your aid application in advance of your readmission to the University. You can file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online by going to FAFSA's website and completing the form for the aid year for which you plan to return.

Student Resources to Consider

UW-Green Bay offers a wide variety of services to help support all aspects of our students’ wellbeing and success. Instructors are encouraged to include a link to this directory of student resources in their syllabi. If you choose to copy and paste any of the descriptions into your syllabus instead, make sure you have the most current information the next time you update your syllabus by checking the Student Resources page linked above.

Creating and Using Rubrics for Assessment 

checklist on a clipboard

A rubric is a scoring tool that breaks down the expectations for an assignment into grading criteria. Rubrics serve as a guide for students to complete an assignment successfully and as a measurement tool for instructors to determine to what degree students have met the assignment’s expectations. Rubrics are highly flexible and can be used for a wide variety of assessments. Besides instructor grading, rubrics can also be useful for peer review and student self-evaluation. This guide provides an overview of the different types of rubrics, considerations for creating and using them, as well as examples you can borrow from.

Table of Contents

Advantages of Using Rubrics

Using rubrics for assessment can benefit both the student and the instructor. Rubrics provide transparency in how an assignment will be graded, helping students understand their instructor’s expectations. For instructors, using rubrics can help ensure that their assignment’s grading criteria are aligned with course and assignment outcomes. Grading with a rubric can also increase consistency and objectivity, whether you are the sole grader or are working with a co-teacher or TA. Although creating a rubric requires an initial time investment, it can make your grading process more efficient in the long run.

Rubric Types and Components

Rubrics can be used to assess a wide range of activities – formative and summative assessments, written and oral reports, individual and group projects, and everything in between. Most rubrics list the criteria along the left side and performance level categories (e.g., “meets” or “does not meet” expectations) along the top, creating a matrix for scoring. Other rubrics may omit these performance level categories in favor of freeform comments. A rubric may or may not have points attached to each criterion, depending on how the rubric is being used to assess a student’s work.


checklistA rubric defines the criteria used to assess an activity, project, or performance. On a typical rubric, the criteria are listed along the left side, and the document is divided into rows. The number of criteria a rubric contains will vary greatly depending on the complexity of the task being assessed and how granular the instructor would like the grade breakdown to be. A rubric for a simple activity might only have two or three criteria, whereas a rubric for a complex summative assessment might have ten.

Generally speaking, a rubric’s criteria should be:

  • Mutually exclusive. Criteria should not overlap with one another to avoid awarding or detracting points for the same category more than once.
  • Objective. Criteria should be measurable and rely on concrete, observable evidence. Try to avoid using subjective terminology like “interesting” or “good.”
  • Exhaustive. The listed criteria should cover all aspects that an assignment is designed to assess. Likewise, the point total for a rubric should match the point total for the activity.

Additionally, a rubric’s criteria should align with the assignment and course outcomes. As you develop a rubric, compare its criteria with the outcomes of the assignment. Are there any elements you need to assess that are not captured in the rubric? Are there elements in the rubric that are irrelevant to the assignment’s purpose? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, consider revising your rubric’s criteria to more accurately reflect the assignment’s learning outcomes.

Performance Levels

Most rubrics are broken down into performance levels that describe the quality of a student’s work and/or the level of completeness. Like criteria, the number of performance level categories can vary greatly depending on the type of assessment and the preferences of the instructor. Including more performance levels allows for more granular grading, but also makes a rubric more complex. Performance levels are usually listed as a scale along the top of a rubric, dividing the document into columns.

Example Performance Level Scales

2 Performance Levels 3+ Performance Levels
  • Meets Expectations
  • Does Not Meet Expectations
  • Exceeds Expectations
  • Meets Expectations
  • Does Not Meet Expectations
  • Complete
  • Incomplete
  • Advanced
  • Proficient
  • Developing
  • Beginner
  • Yes
  • No
  • Excellent
  • Good
  • Fair
  • Poor
  • Unacceptable/Inadequate


If you include performance levels, you should also explain what these levels look like for each criterion. For example, if “organization” is a criterion for a written report, what exactly does “excellent” organization in a report look like? What about a paper with “good” or “fair” organization? These descriptions should clarify any ambiguity about the criteria and the performance levels, guiding students in their successful completion of the assignment.



It is common for each criterion of a rubric to have a point value tied to it. The point values can be the same for each criterion, or they can vary if some criteria are a bigger contributing factor to students’ success on the assignment compared to the other criteria. If the rubric uses performance levels, each performance level should be assigned a point value as well. The highest performance level is awarded the maximum point value for a given criterion, with the rest of the performance levels assigned decreasing amounts of points accordingly.

If you’re not sure how to define point categories on a rubric, first determine the maximum number of points you’d like to award for a given criterion. Then, set a point value scale based on this maximum point value and the number of performance categories. Not every point scale will contain “0”, but if the criterion is something that a student could hypothetically earn no points on, you may want to factor that into your point scale.

You will also need to decide if you want each performance level to correlate to a single point value or encompass a range of point values. Using point value ranges allows for more flexibility in terms of scoring but it can also make grading more complicated than using set values. For example, if the “excellent” performance level is worth between 8 and 10 points, that allows you to assign a score of “9,” “9.5”, or any score that falls within that range when grading.

Example Point Scales

Let’s say you have a criterion worth 10 points and five performance level categories. Here are a few ways you could go about setting your point value scale depending on your grading needs. Notice that for the “Point Value Range” example there must not be any gaps or overlaps in the score ranges.

Set Point Values (Omitting Zero) Set Point Values (Including Zero) Point Value Range
Excellent: 10 pts

Good: 8 pts

Fair: 6 pts

Poor: 4 pts

Incomplete/No Submission: 2 pts

Excellent: 10 pts

Good: 7.5 pts

Fair: 5 pts

Poor: 2.5 pts

Incomplete/No Submission: 0 pts

Excellent: 10 > 8 pts

Good: 8 > 6 pts

Fair: 6 > 4 pts

Poor: 4 > 2 pts

Incomplete/No Submission: 2 > 0 pts

Using Rubrics Without Points

It is also possible to use a rubric without point values. If you’d like, you can grade students using just the performance categories or by writing freeform comments for each criterion. This can be useful for low-stakes formative assessments, in-class practice activities, and peer review exercises. Using rubrics without points also allows you to provide qualitative feedback for work graded on a complete/incomplete basis.

Recommendations for Using Rubrics

students adding post-it notes to a wall

In addition to the decisions outlined above regarding criteria, performance levels, descriptions, and points, here are a few recommendations to consider when using rubrics. These strategies can help you make the most out of rubrics as both a teaching tool and an assessment tool. Click on a suggestion to expand the accordion and read more.

One of the key advantages of using rubrics for assessment is that they can make your expectations more transparent to students. By sharing the rubric for an assignment in advance, students can use it as a guide to successfully complete the assignment. This practice is beneficial for all students but has particularly positive impacts for certain demographics that may require additional transparency in assignment directions, like first-gen students and neurodivergent students. 

There is quite a bit of research that supports the idea of involving students in the assessment creation process to enhance their engagement and learning (Stiggins & Chappuis, 2005Lubicz-Nawrocka, 2018; ). One way to achieve this is by developing rubrics together as a class. This work can be done synchronously through brainstorming session during class or asynchronously through a discussion board or survey. By co-authoring rubrics with your students, you allow them to develop a deeper understanding of their own learning and the nature of assessment. If you’d like to learn more about this strategy, this model for collaborative rubric construction from the Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice is a good place to start. 

Sometimes showing is more powerful than telling. In addition to providing written descriptions of your expectations within the rubric itself, consider providing a couple examples of what exemplary, satisfactory, or unsatisfactory work looks like. These could be resources that you’ve created, examples sourced online, or anonymized student work from a previous semester that you've received consent to use. Keep in mind that you can share just part of a work sample if you want it to serve as an example for a specific criterion. 

Although you can grade with rubrics in Microsoft Word or write out comments on paper, using the rubrics tool in Canvas has its own unique advantages. When you attach a Canvas rubric to an assignment or graded discussion, the rubric will also show up in SpeedGrader, making it very quick and easy to grade online submissions. To grade with a Canvas rubric, simply click a box for each criterion to indicate the student’s performance level. You can also type comments for each criterion. If you check the box “use rubric for assignment grading” when attaching a rubric to an assignment, Canvas will even auto-calculate the point total as you fill out the rubric. Plus, once you’ve built a rubric in Canvas, you can easily reuse it in any of your other courses. You can learn more about creating and using Canvas rubrics in the Canvas instructor guides or by setting up and consultation with CATL

Example Rubrics

Not sure where to start? See the examples below for rubrics for various assessments, projects, and disciplines. You might also consider using a GAI tool like Microsoft Copilot to speed up the drafting process.


CATL is available for consultations if you have any questions about rubrics or are wondering how to create your own. Send us an email or fill out our consultation form to set up a meeting with a CATL member. Or drop us a comment below to let us know how you’ve rubrics in your own courses!

Additional Resources & Further Reading

Web Guides from Other Universities


Articles and Research

Hands of students completing a cloud-shaped puzzle which reads "Online Collaboration"

Up and Running with Remote Group Work

A Case for Group Work

Group work can elicit negative reactions from instructors and students alike. Often enough, students groan about doing it and instructors dread grading it. The process is ripe for communication breakdowns resulting in stress from both perspectives. On top of this, the digital learning environment tends to compound these issues. Why then is group work so prevalent?

The answer is that, when done well, group activities help foster engagement and build relationships. Collaborative work helps students develop important skills like effectively articulating ideas, active listening, and cooperation with peers. Collaborative assignments correlate strongly with student success positioning them as one of eight high-impact practices identified by the Association of American Colleges and Universities. Making group work a worthwhile experience for students requires extra consideration and planning, but the positive gains are worth the effort.

Designing Group Work for Student Success

How can we design collaborative activities that are a quality learning experience for students? Scaffolding makes sure students are confident in their understanding of and ability to execute the activity. UW-Extension has created a helpful guide on facilitating group work that outlines three key suggestions to get you started. First, be sure students understand the purpose of the activity, in terms of what they are supposed to learn from it and why it is a group activity. Second, provide support so students have the necessary tools and training to collaborate. You are clear how and when students are to collaborate or provide suggestions. You ensure students understand how to use the needed technologies. Finally, providing opportunities for peer- and self-evaluation can alleviate frustrations of unequal workload by having students evaluate their own and their peers’ contributions. As challenges arise, guide groups toward solutions that are flexible but fair to all members. When embarking on group projects, be prepared to provide students with guidance about what to do when someone on the team is not meeting the group’s expectations.

One example of this as you design your group projects is to ask yourself whether it’s important students meet synchronously. If so, how might you design the project for students with caregiving responsibilities or with full-time or “off hours” work schedules? These students may not be able to meet as regularly or at the same time as other students. You might also consider whether all students need to hold the same role within the group, or if their collective project be split up based on group roles.

Consider how the group dynamics can impact student experiences. Helping students come up with a plan for group work and methods of holding one another accountable promotes an equitable learning environment. Consider any of these tools to help your students coordinate these efforts:

Assessing Group Work

Equitable, specific, and transparent grading are crucial to group-work success. The Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence of Carnegie Mellon University has a great resource on how to assess group work, including samples. This resource breaks grading group work down into three areas. First, assess group work based on both individual and group learning and performance. Include an individual assessment component to motivate all students to contribute and help them to feel their individual efforts are recognized. Also assess the process along with the product. What skills are you hoping students develop by working in groups? Your choice of assessment should point to these skills. One way to meet this need is to have students complete reflective team, peer, or individual evaluations as described above. Finally, outline your assessment criteria and grading scheme upfront. Students should have clear expectations of how you will assess them. Include percentages for team vs. individual components and product vs. process components as they relate to the total project grade.

Tools for Working Collaboratively

Picking the right tool among the many of what is available is an important step. First, consider how you would like students to collaborate for the activity. Is it important that students talk or chat synchronously, asynchronously, or both? Will students share files?

The following suggestions include the main collaboration tools supported at UWGB. Click to expand the sections for the various tools below.

If you are interested in learning more about any of these tools, consider scheduling a consultation with a CATL member.

Canvas discussions are one option for student collaboration. Operating much like an online forum, discussions are best suited for asynchronous communication, meaning students can post and reply to messages at any time, in any order. If you have groups set up in Canvas, you can create group discussions in which group members can only see one another’s posts. You can also adjust your course settings so that students can create their own discussion threads as well.

Hypothesis is a Canvas integration that lets instructors and students collaboratively annotate a digital document or website. Hypothesis annotation activities can be completed synchronously, such as over a Zoom call, or asynchronously on students' own time. Activities can be created for either the whole class or for small groups and are a great way for students to bounce around ideas about a text or reading. 

Office 365 refers to the online Microsoft Office Suite, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Students can work collaboratively and asynchronously on projects using online document versions of any of these software, which updates changes in nearly real time. Microsoft Office 365 has partial integration with Canvas, allowing students to set up and share Office documents from within Canvas using the Collaborations feature. Students will have to log in to Office 365 through their Canvas course before they can use most features of Canvas and Office 365 integration.

Zoom is one of two web conferencing tools supported by the university, the other being Teams. The Zoom Canvas integration allows instructors to set up meetings within a Canvas course. Students can then access meeting and recording links from within the Canvas course. As such, it is generally easy to for students to access and use. One downside to Zoom is that it is a purely synchronous meeting tool, so students will have to coordinate their schedules or find other ways of including members that may not be able to attend a live meeting. Students that wish to set up meetings amongst themselves are not able to set up meetings with the Canvas integration, though they can use the Zoom desktop app or web portal and their UWGB account.

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration tool that combines web conferencing, synchronous and asynchronous text communications (in the form of chat and posts), and shared, collaborative file space. Microsoft Teams also has partial integration with Canvas, meaning students and instructors can create and share Teams meeting links within the Rich Content Editor of Canvas (in pages, announcements, discussions, etc.).

Putting It into Practice

When we ask students to work collaboratively, it’s important we reveal the “hidden curriculum” by building in the steps they should take to be a successful team. As a starting point, asking students to answer these questions helps clarify the work of the group:

  • “Who’s on the team?”
  • “What are your tasks as a group?”
  • “How will you communicate?” (Asynchronously? Synchronously?)
  • “How will you ensure everyone can meet the deadlines you set?”
  • “If or when someone misses a meeting, how will you ensure that everyone has access to the information they’ll need to help you all complete the project on time?”
  • “When will you give each other feedback before you turn in the final assignment?”

For a ‘bare bones’ group assignment, take the above considerations on designing and assessing groupwork into account and create a worksheet for the student groups to fill out together. Create a Canvas group assignment to collect those agreements, assign it points that will be a part of the whole project grade, and set the deadline for turning it in early so that students establish their plan early enough for it to benefit their group. Scaffolded activities that give students enough structure and agency is a delicate balance, but these kinds of guided worksheets and steps can help students focus their energy on the project, assignment, or task once everyone is on the same page.

Let’s keep the conversation going!

Do you have some tried and tested strategies for helping students coordinate and complete group work online? Send them our way by emailing: or comment below!

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and Acknowledging or Citing Use

UW-Green Bay’s libraries have an excellent student-facing webpage on how to acknowledge or formally cite the use of GAI. This blog is intended to supplement that resource with information more specific to instructors. Professors will be vital in helping students understand both the ethics and practicalities of transparency when employing GAI tools in our work. Please keep the following caveats in mind as you explore this resource.

  • As with all things GAI, new developments are rapid and commonplace, which means everyone needs to be on the alert for changes.
  • Instructors are the ones who decide their specific course policies on disclosing or citing GAI. The information below provides some options for formatting acknowledgments, but they are not exhaustive.
  • Providing acknowledgment for the use of GAI may seem straightforward, but it is actually a very nuanced topic. Questions about copyright implications, whether AI can be considered an “author,” and the ethics of relationships between large AI entities and publishing houses are beyond the scope of this blog. Know, though, that such issues are being discussed.
  • Please remember that it is not only important for students to acknowledge or cite the use of GAI. Instructors need to do so with their use of it, as well.

Acknowledgment or Citation of GAI

There is a difference between acknowledging the use of GAI with a simple statement at the end of a paper, requiring students to submit a full transcript of their GAI chat in an appendix, and providing a formal citation in APA, MLA, or Chicago styles.

  • UWGB Libraries have some excellent acknowledgment examples on their page.
  • UWM’s library page provides basic templates for citations intended to be consistent with APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.
  • There are also lengthy blog explanations and detailed citation examples available directly from APA, MLA, and the Chicago Manual of Style.

Regardless of the specific format being used, the information likely to be required to acknowledge or cite GAI includes:

  1. The name of the GAI tool (e.g., Copilot, ChatGPT)
    Microsoft Copilot, OpenAI’s ChatGPT 4.o (May 23, 2024 version), etc.
  2. The specific use of the GAI tool
    “to correct grammar and reduce the length in one paragraph of a 15-page paper”
  3. The precise prompts entered (initial and follow-up)
    “please reduce this paragraph by 50 words and correct grammatical errors”; follow-up prompt: “now cut 50 words from this revised version”
  4. The specific output and how it was used (perhaps even a full transcript)
    “specific suggestions, some of which were followed, of words to cut and run-on sentences to revise”
  5. The date the content was created
    August 13, 2024

Ultimately, instructors decide what format is best for their course based on their field of study, the nature and extent of GAI use permitted, and the purpose of the assignment. It is important to proactively provide specific information to students about assignments. Professors who are particularly interested in whether students are using GAI effectively may focus on the prompts used or even ask for the full transcript of a session. If, in a specific assignment, the instructor is more interested in students learning their discipline’s citation style, then they might ask for a formal citation using APA format. Although the decision is up to the professor, they should tell students in advance and strongly encourage them to have separate Word documents for each of their classes in which they save any GAI chats (including prompts and output) and their date. That way they have records to go back to; If they use Copilot with data protection, it does not save the content of sessions.

What Messages Might I Give to Students about Using, Disclosing, or Citing GAI?

Instructors should consider how they will apply this information about acknowledgments and citations in their own classes. CATL encourages you to do the following in your work with students.

  1. Decide on a policy for acknowledging/citing GAI use for each course assignment and communicate it in your syllabus and any applicable handouts, Canvas pages, etc.
  2. Reinforce for students that GAI makes mistakes. Students are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the work they submit and for not using others’ intellectual property without proper acknowledgment. They should be encouraged to check on the actual existence of any sources cited by a GAI tool because they are sometimes “hallucinated,” not genuine.
  3. Talk to students about the peer review and publication processes and what those mean for source credibility compared to the “scraping” process used to train GAI models.
  4. Explain that GAI is not objective. It can contain bias. It has been created by humans and trained on data primarily produced by humans, which means it can reflect their very real biases.
  5. Communicate that transparency in GAI use is critical. Instructors should be clear with their students about when and how they may use GAI to complete specific assignments. At the same time, one of the best ways instructors can share the importance of transparency and attribution is through modeling it themselves (e.g., an instructor disclosing that they used Copilot to create a case study for their course and modeling how to format the disclosure).
  6. Remind students that even if the specific format varies, the information they are most likely to have to produce for a disclosure/acknowledgment or citation is: a) the name of the tool, b) the specific use of the tool, c) the prompts used, d) the output produced, and e) the date of use.
  7. Finally, encourage students to copy and paste all GAI interaction information, including an entire chat history, into a Word document for your course and to save it for future reference. One advantage of Microsoft Copilot with data protections is that it does not retain chat histories. That’s wonderful from a security perspective, but it makes it impossible to re-create that information once a session has ended. They should also know that even GAI tools that save interactions and use them to train their model are unlikely to re-produce a session even if the same prompt is entered.

Indicating Generative AI Assignment Permissions with the Traffic Light Model (Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light)

CATL recommends using the red, yellow, and green light approach to clearly label what level of generative AI (GAI) use is permitted for each of your course assignments. The traffic lights will be useful, but students will also need precise written instructions to supplement them on each assignment’s instructions. In general, you should include: a) whether GAI use is permitted, b) what tasks it can (e.g., brainstorming topic ideas) and can’t (e.g., creating text) be used on, c) how it should be cited (if applicable), and d) a rationale for why it can/can’t be used. We have provided brief examples below, but keep in mind that lengthy assignments that involve complex GAI use might require much more detailed instructions of even a page or more. Note that the text in brackets [ ] is designed to provide some examples of words that might go there; you will need to choose and insert your own text.

Red Light Approach: No GAI Use Permitted

A red traffic light illuminated with an “x” symbol.Collaboration with any GAI tool is forbidden for this activity. This assignment’s main goal is to develop your own [e.g., writing, coding] skills. Generative AI tools cannot be used because doing so will not be helpful to your own skill development and confidence in those abilities.

Yellow Light Approach: GAI Use Permitted for Specific Tasks and/or Using Specific Tools

A yellow traffic light illuminated with an “!” symbol.You may use the GAI tool Copilot – and only Copilot – for specific tasks in this assignment, but not for all of them. You may use GAI tools to [brainstorm a research topic], but not for [writing or editing your research proposal]. You will need to properly cite or disclose your generative AI using [e.g., APA Style]. If you are unsure or confused about what GAI use is permitted, please reach out to me.


You may use GAI tools on this assignment to [e.g., create the budget for your grant proposal], but not to do anything else, such as create text, construct your persuasive arguments, or edit your writing. You will need to properly cite or disclose your generative AI using [e.g., APA Style]. Although other tools are permitted, you are strongly encouraged to use Microsoft Copilot with data protections for reasons of security, equity, and access to GBIT technical support.

Green Light Approach: All GAI Use Permitted

A green traffic light illuminated with a checkmark symbol. You are encouraged to use GAI tools for this assignment. Any generative AI use will need to be disclosed and cited using the methods described in your syllabus. For this assignment, you may use GAI tools to [e.g., brainstorm, create questions, text, or code, organize information, build arguments, and edit]. You will need to properly cite or disclose how/where you used generative AI using [e.g., APA Style]. If you would like feedback on your GAI tool use or have questions, please reach out to me.


Outlining When and How Students May Use GAI

An instructor may want to outline specific tasks when using the traffic light approach. Consider some of the examples below.

You may use AI to “[task(s)]”, but not to “[task(s)]”:

  • Analyze Data
  • Brainstorm Ideas, Thesis Statements, etc.
  • Build Arguments
  • Conduct Peer Review
  • Create Discussion Posts
  • Create Questions
  • Create Study Guides
  • Develop Thesis Statements
  • Edit Content
  • Format Documents/Presentations
  • Generate Citations
  • Generate New Text, Code, Art, etc.
  • Generate Research Questions
  • Generate Samples/Examples
  • Organize Information
  • Provide Explanations/Definitions
  • Research a Topic
  • Search for Research Articles
  • Summarize Text/Literature/Article
  • Write Self-Reflections

Learn More

Explore even more CATL resources related to AI in education:

If you have questions, concerns, or ideas specific to generative AI tools in education and the classroom, please email us at or set up a consultation!