UWGB Nites

UWGB Nites – Good things happen late at nite!

Once a month, the sun goes down, the children and elderly get tucked in, and Green Bay Students stay up till one in the morning at UWGB Nites.

UWGB Nites is a program hosted by various campus departments and students orgs geared towards the bored student that is looking for something fun to do late on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. Continue reading UWGB Nites

Once In A Lifetime Experience

I was always told that in college you get so many new opportunities and experiences- this week- I finally understood what everyone was talking about.

For the Freshman Seminar classes (small classes offered exclusively to freshmen in the Focus program that help to enforce Green-Bay’s interdisciplinary approach to learning) each class had read a book by Kevin Sites called In The Hot Zone: One Man, One Year, Twenty Wars. Kevin Sites was a foreign correspondent for ABC, NBC, and CNN until he decided to be a self-sufficient journalist for Yahoo!. He won several awards for his reporting, book, and documentary on this year-long journey through all of the world’s conflict zones. Continue reading Once In A Lifetime Experience

My Daily Schedule: Much Different Than High School

In High School, you likely have class from about 8 in the morning till around 3 in the afternoon. You get minimum breaks between classes and you have to stay in the same building all day long. When I first came to UWGB, I had no clue how things were going to be. I didn’t know how often I would have class or how long my days were going to be, but quickly I found that it was much different than High School. Continue reading My Daily Schedule: Much Different Than High School

The Bathroom

That’s right; bathrooms have never been as fun to talk about as they are here at UWGB.

When on our first day of orientation we compiled a list of reasons people came here to GB the phrase “my own bathroom” was quite prominent.

It may be a selling point of our campus, something that appears on the pro list (or con when you realize you have to clean it), or just a fun fact you may have heard about our campus but we have our OWN bathroom. No flip-flops in the shower rule and no walking down the hallway in a towel in any on-campus housing. Continue reading The Bathroom

So what’s the food like?

I think it’s safe to say that the food in High School is not exactly five star dining. And most of you probably couldn’t wait until your junior or Senior year to eat outside of school and hit up an Arby’s or something. Some of you might be thinking what’s the food like in college, is it simular to High School? Well I’m here to tell you that food at UWGB is nothing like High School. There are so many options and choices that you’ll never be sad with whats on the menu! In this blog I will tell you about the dining options and different food choices that are available at UWGB. Continue reading So what’s the food like?

The Truth About Weekends

A big question about college, and part of the decision process for many, is about the term “commuter college.”

When I came for my UWGB tour on a Friday afternoon last fall I was very concerned with the fact that the tour guides said many of the students will go home or off campus on weekends. I would be one of the people on campus on those weekends…would I be the only one? Continue reading The Truth About Weekends


Hello again everybody,

It’s Mike again and Im here to talk about Orgsmorg!

I am a junior here at UWGB and I have acouple years of Orgsmorg under my belt…so here goes nothing!

So what is Orgsmorg? It’s kind of how it’s sounds…..it’s a smorgasborg of student organizations. FYI here at UWGB, student organizations are often times refered to as “Orgs”…It sounds cool! Orgsmorg is always held on a Wed. from 11-2 PM and in this case it is this Wed. Sept. 17th. Continue reading Orgsmorg