The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Category: Featured Students/Alumni (page 9 of 14)

Featured Student: Morgan Storkson


1. When will you graduate? May 2019
2. What are your career plans? I am planning to attend graduate school for my Master’s or Ph. D. but am pretty flexible still. Ideally, I would like to work in a jail or prison with inmates as a therapist.
3. Why did you major in psychology? I am majoring in psychology because I love learning about how people operate and why we are the way that we are. I find helping people to be beneficial to not only others but myself as well. I have found that I work well with a variety of individuals and am looking forward to expanding my skills in the future.
4. What do you do for fun? I love to travel, read, learn about new things, go camping, roast hotdogs over a fire, and hang out with friends.
 5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of being inducted to Psi Chi and earning the role of Treasurer in the organization. I am very happy to learn more about our psychology department and be recognized for my hard work.
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? I really like Sherlock (both the movie and the television series) but I am also a fan of the television show Scorpion. I enjoy Sherlock’s quick thinking and the exciting way he analyzes people and situations. As for book related to psychology, I am a huge fan of anything Ellen Hopkins (particularly her novel Identical).
7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I hope to know more professors and students in the psychology department and I can do this by furthering my involvement in Psi Chi and PsycHD.
8. What else do you want people to know about you? I am a very involved person on campus and next year I will be a Community Advisor in Residence Life while juggling an internship at Freedom House Ministries.

Featured Student: Naomi Semb-Lovejoy


1. When will you graduate? May 2018
2. What are your career plans? I plan on attending graduate school after completing my degree here at  UWGB to become a high school guidance counselor.
3. Why did you major in psychology? I spent my first two years here majoring in Education, it wasn’t until I met our amazing Psychology Professors and started taking classes like Social Psychology and Middle Childhood that I realized I did not want to be a teacher.  However, I still wanted to work with kids so I figured out that Psychology was the way for me to go.  It was a great decision.  I love the Psychology and Human Development departments on our campus and appreciate all of the individualized learning opportunities I have been able to go through.
4. What do you do for fun? In my free time I like to play volleyball, watch Hulu, read, go shopping, and hang out with my friends.  If the weather is nice, I go for walks on the trails.
5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? Studying abroad in South Africa over winter break was an amazing experience. Taking classes at a University there was great and experiencing their culture was very eye opening.  An accomplishment that I am proud of is becoming the Psi Chi President for the 2017-2018 academic year.  I can’t wait to see what next year has to offer me.
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology?  My favorite movie would be “Inside Out.”  My favorite book is “Perks of a Wallflower.”  And my favorite TV show is “Criminal Minds.”
7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? One thing I want to accomplish at UWGB before I graduate is to complete a Research Assistantship with a faculty member.  I have been a Teaching Assistant, I have studied abroad, I am involved in Psi Chi, and I will be a Psych Mentor.  Being an RA will really complete my experience here in the Psychology and Human Development Department.

Featured Student: Zachary Scheuren


1. When will you graduate? My projected graduation date is Spring 2018.
2. What are your career plans? My career plan is to earn my MD in psychiatry.
3. Why did you major in psychology? I entered college already knowing that psychology was a field of study that I needed to pursue. I had a phenomenal experience with AP Psychology in high school, and I believe that primed me into continuing the science. Plus, I’ve always been intrigued with how individuals respond emotionally in specific situations, the thought processes that human beings have on a daily basis, and physiologically how the brain works.
4. What do you do for fun? For fun, you can find me either reading a book, playing video games, working out (or mustering up the motivation to work out), and being around my friends.
5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? An academic achievement that made me feel quite proud is being inducted into the Psi Chi Honor Society. I always hoped that one day I would be part of a collegiate honor society, especially one that prides themselves in advancing psychological research. I am also quite proud of my Psychology GPA.
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite book would probably be “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath. I also really enjoy the TV show “Brain Games”.
7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I will continue to seize any opportunity that comes my way within the Psychology department, continue my involvement in research, and hopefully take part in an internship.
8. What else do you want people to know about you? I dream big, but that’s the only way to dream in my mind. With hard work and dedication, I know that there is nothing that can stand in the way of my dreams.

Featured Student: Danielle Zahn


1. When will you graduate? I graduate in Spring 2018.
2. What are your career plans? I want to become a high school counselor or an athletic director while being a JV or Freshman softball coach.
3. Why did you major in psychology? When I was in high school my best friend went through a span of time where she was contemplating suicide, and I spent various sleepless nights talking her from that decision. I realized after this, that studying psychology and becoming a school counselor gives me the opportunity to help other kids at a critical point in their lives as well.
4. What do you do for fun? I love to read, eat watermelon, watch Hulu, eat cake, coach and umpire softball, long board, sing in the shower, spend time with my friends and family, playing with my corgi puppy Ace, and watch baseball.
5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am most proud of my GPA and getting on the highest honors list for the past few semesters.
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite TV shows are Elementary and Scrubs, my favorite books are the Infernal Devices, and favorite movie is point break. I love how these stories pull readers and watchers psychologically into the world they have created.
7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating? I hope to become more active in the Psychology department and it’s events and organizations!

Featured Student: Tanner Ross


  1. When will you graduate? I will graduate in May 2017.
  2. What are your career plans? I want to work in the corporate setting in the areas of worker well-being and worker safety. Another possible area of interest would be leadership development to choose the best possible person to promote in the company.
  3. Why did you major in psychology? It was the first entity I found a passion for other than basketball. Once I had that feeling, I knew I had the possibility of making a difference in the world and accomplishing my goals.
  4. What do you do for fun? I like to play basketball, and hang out with friends.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? I use to never really care about school or good grades but once I started Psychology I did not have to try to care, it just happened. I am most proud of earning semester highest honors and getting involved with research with the amazing faculty here at UWGB.
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? My favorite book about psychology is Sports Mind (thanks Allee). My favorite movie/documentary would be The Imposter.
  7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating?  I hope to continue building relationships with my professors and participating in research on campus. I hope to make a difference and be remembered by the faculty I worked with as a hardworking dedicated individual.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? I am an open book and always love to help people, if anyone ever has any questions about the psych program or anything in general I will try my best to answer that question for you or find someone who can.

Featured Alumni: Steve Wicks


  1. When did you graduate?  I graduated in May of 2009.
  2. What do you do now?  Currently I am an Enrollment Advisor/Financial Aid Specialist at Minneapolis Community & Technical College (MCTC).  Up until August of 2016 I was also teaching online courses for Oregon State University for the Human Development and Family Studies department.  I work in a unique location as MCTC is located right in downtown Minneapolis.  I provide higher-level, one-on-one services to students who are encountering multiple barriers in their pursuit of higher education and this position has been and continues to be extraordinarily rewarding.
  3. Why did you major in psychology?  I have to credit Dr. Gurung for my path down the rabbit hole that is Psychology;  his passion for Psychology and education was and continues to be contagious.  I later added Human Development as another major because of the parallels in curriculum and my own personal interests that were developing, thanks to Dr. Bartell and her focus on personal/romantic relationship research as it pertained to academic success.  The love and support you feel from the Psychology and Human Development faculty is genuine and second to none.
  4. What do you do for fun? I love the outdoors, no matter the weather so I try to find my inner peace in the woods and waters of Minnesota and Wisconsin.  My wife and I are transplants to Minnesota so we’re usually exploring what this state has to offer.  I’m also exploring the food and craft beer scene here in the Twin Cities.  Yes, I’m a craft brew snob and proud of it.
  5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of?  I am most proud of being nudged out of my comfort zone and getting involved as a teaching assistant and research assistant for Dr. Bartell and Dr. Jill White (whom has since moved on from UW-Green Bay).  Learning methods of pedagogy and being involved in research as an undergraduate was a life-changing experience.   From that, presenting research at the International Association of Relationship Research (IARR) in 2008 in Providence, RI with Dr. Bartell and fellow students was an incredible experience and opportunity that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
  6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show, related to psychology? Favorite book- The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness of Industry; favorite movie – One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest; favorite TV show: Criminal Minds
  7. What is an important goal or accomplishment you are currently working on? I left my graduate program prematurely after defending my Master’s thesis, mainly based on fit and the direction the program was going (and also due to the death of my advisor).  After working in higher education for the past 4 years, I am beginning the process of narrowing down doctoral programs in Higher Education Administration with a focus in Student Affairs. My timeline to apply and enroll is within the next two years, and take the GRE within the next year.
  8. What else do you want people to know about you? I am the middle child of my family; my wife is the middle child of her family.  My mom had three boys; my wife’s mother had three girls.  My life is a walking research article of family development and interpersonal/romantic relationship theory and there’s never a dull moment!

Featured Student: Amberlee Jorgenson


1. When will you graduate? I will graduate May 2018.
2. What are your career plans?  I am interested in many dimensions of psychology, so I have yet to fully decide. I know I want to work with at risk youth, but the specific route I will take is still undetermined.
3. Why did you major in psychology?  I majored in psychology because I found it fascinating that there are reasons for how we become who we are. I am an empathetic person and this field of study will allow me to help others.
4. What do you do for fun? I enjoy spending time with my loved ones and my dog, Willow. I am also trying to learn how to cook.
5. What academic experience or accomplishment are you most proud of? My proudest accomplishment so far is being a TA for Infancy and Early Childhood. It was a wonderful learning experience for taking initiative and helping others.
6. What’s your favorite movie, book, and TV show related to psychology? Good Will Hunting.
7. What single thing do you hope to accomplish at UWGB before graduating?  The one thing I hope to accomplish is to be knowledgeable and well-prepared for graduate school.
8. What else do you want people to know about you? I have overcome various obstacles in my life. These challenges have allowed for personal growth and compassion towards others. It is true when people tell you to never give up. I am also very grateful for the education I am receiving at UWGB.

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