The Psych Report

The Blog for the Psychology Program at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay

Author: Ryan Martin (page 11 of 13)

Psychology and Stuff

We’ve launched a brand new show, a podcast, called Psychology and Stuff.  It features interviews with psychology faculty, psychology students and alumni, and professionals out in the community.  We talk about a wide range of topics related to work, personal lives, and other “stuff.”

You can learn more about the podcast here.

Don’t Forget to Download the App

It’s no secret but there’s a UWGB Psychology app, available through ITunes and Google Play.  There’s event information, links to videos and podcasts, information on how to get involved, and more. Use the links above to go directly to it or search for “UWGB Psychology” in ITunes or Google Play.

If you already have use the app, tell us what you think by giving it a grade (and feel free to expand on your grade in the comments section below)?

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The PsychWord: Our First Winner

Congrats to Amy VanAble who was able to guess the PsychWord quote in just three amywords.

“Concern should drive us into action, not into a depression.” –Dr. Karent Horney.

Stay tuned for The PsychWord: Round 2.

Psychology and Stuff: Our Third Episode

Something a little different in our third episode of “Psychology and Stuff,” as Sarah Busko and Dr. Ryan Martin chat with John Galle and Jennifer Leanna from the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD;

Check Out the Episode Here

Psychology and Stuff: Dr. Jenell Holstead and Chad Osteen

Check out Episode 2 of Psychology and Stuff In this episode, Dr. Jenell Holstead talks IMG_6283with Chad Osteen and Dr. Ryan Martin about how she came to study School Psychology, what her favorite class is to teach, and her secret to throwing amazing birthday parties for her kids.

If you’re unfamiliar, Psychology and Stuff is a new podcast from UWGBpsych. Every other week, we’ll put out a new episode featuring faculty and students talking about Psychology… and stuff.

Psychology, Service, Inquiry: PSI Talks

Do you have powerful ideas that are worth spreading? If so, here’s an opportunity to share those ideas as a PSI Talk!  The UWGB Psychology Program would like to invite you to apply to do a short, 8 to 10 minute, presentation on an aspect of psychology as part of PSI Talks, an event we are hosting on December 7th, 2015 at 7:00pm.  This event will include five engaging and thought provoking student and alumni presentations, followed by a reception.

Possible topic areas for talks might include:

  • a meaningful personal experience you have had that can be connected to psychological concepts
  • service you have done for the community or on campus that is connected to your psychology education (e.g., an internship or volunteer experience)
  • a way that you use psychology in your work or your career
  • a review of a psychological concept or literature and how it is relevant to everyday life
  • original research you have conducted as a Research Assistant, Honors Student, or in class

The PSI Talks will be held On Monday, December 7th, 2015 at 7:00pm in Fort Howard Hall of the Weidner Center.

To be considered, you must:

  • be a UW-Green Bay Psychology major or a graduate of the UW-Green Bay Psychology program,
  • submit a 200-word abstract describing your talk, and
  • provide the name of a UW-Green Bay Psychology faculty member who would be willing to endorse your talk and supervise your talk if you are selected.

Please email the following information to Dr. Ryan Martin ( by 5:00 pm on Friday, October 16th.  We will then select semi-finalists who will meet with the selection committee for a brief interview the week of the October 26th.  The final presenters will be identified and notified that week.  Continue reading

Psychology and Stuff: Dr. Wilson-Doenges and Hollis Reynolds

Psychology and Stuff is a new podcast froCapturem UWGBpsych. Every other week, we’ll put out a new episode featuring faculty and students talking about Psychology… and stuff.

Check out Episode 1 featuring Dr. Wilson-Doenges and Hollis Reynolds and learn what drives Dr. Wilson-Doenges to be such a great teacher, how she stays warm in the winter, and why Dr. Martin still can’t figure out how to pronounce her name.

Plus, there might just be a PsychWord hidden in there.

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