Where’s Phlash!?

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, despite the terrible weather conditions!

While at home over break, I’ve decided to play a little game with you all! Before finals were done, I took my little Phlash the Phoenix doll around campus and took pictures. Your job is to figure out where on campus the picture was taken. Some will be harder than others, but overall it should be fun! I’ll be posting one or two pictures a week, so keep your eyes peeled for them.

Good luck, and Happy Holidays! 🙂


Hey Everyone!

The time has come (yet again) to enroll for my spring semester classes. My favorite time of year, when SIS (Student Information System) is checked more compulsively than facebook! Luckily, UWGB students don’t have to deal with the stresses of enrollment alone. Academic advising provides students with advisers on a walk-in basis through November 20th. The advisers are so helpful, and go above and beyond to answer any questions or concerns students might have about their classes or major. I definitely encourage anyone with questions or concerns to stop in.  It will only take about 20 minutes of your time! Continue reading Enrollment

Basketball Begins

This saturday kicked off our first basketball games, and pep band performances of the year! Both the men and women’s teams won, making for some fun weekend entertainment.  Saturday was also halloween, and members dressed up in costumes ranging from a Banana to a ladybug (that was me!). Here is the link to a video of our Phoenix Fight Song. Enjoy!

Go Phoenix!


Must See Attractions in Green Bay

Hey Everyone!
If you guys are ever looking for something to do in Green Bay, here are some fun ideas to try…

1) Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary
For all of you animal lovers, Bay Bay Beach Wildlife Sanctuary is the perfect place to visit! With a variety of different animals, they’re sure to have something for everyone. The wildlife sanctuary is open all year round, and it’s FREE! Continue reading Must See Attractions in Green Bay

Good Vibes

Good Vibes is an affirmation-based program that encourages students, faculty, and staff to submit notes of appreciation towards other UWGB community members.  Bright yellow boxes were placed at various locations around the UWGB campus from September 15 through September 30 allowing everyone to take a minute to write a note about the people who mean most to them.  

What are some of your Good Vibes? 

Go to:  http://www.flickr.com/photos/uwgbadmissions/sets/72157622409564095/  to check out some of our Good Vibes!

Why should you visit a college BEFORE you apply?

  1. All colleges are different. Don’t assume that if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.
  2. Location, location, location! Do you like the big city atmosphere, or something a little quieter? Take a walk around the campus and check out the surrounding area.

Continue reading Why should you visit a college BEFORE you apply?

Twelve Bonuses to Visiting UW-Green Bay this Summer.

  1. No weather issues like a snow storm!
  2. Don’t miss any classes. (It’s summer break!)
  3. You can convince the folks to take you to Packer Practice
  4. Get out of that boring summer job for a day.
  5. See what a real college classroom looks like.
  6. You can wear flip flops on your tour.
  7. Tan while you’re on tour.
  8. Get a free “green” tote to carry your things around in.
  9. Make it part of your Door County vacation.
  10. After the tour, work on your disc golf game, we have a course right on campus!
  11. Make a request to hear your favorite song on the carillon.
  12. See what UWGB residence hall looks like (It’s different than others-come find out why.

Scheduling a campus visit is easy. Get started!