Some of you can’t wait for college so that you can live on your own finally. Some of you have never spent more than a week away from your family and don’t know what to think.
When the first day of college comes you will probably have a mixture of excitement and nerves. Some people might not show it, but I think everyone is at least a little nervous…so you’re not alone. It’s a moment that not a lot of people will experienced until the morning of move-in for that first year of college…knowing that you will be living on their own. No parents means freedom right? No curfews, no rules, no one standing over your shoulder telling you what to do. But, no parents also means, no one to cook for you, to clean for you, and to do your laundry. And I can’t say that this will be how it is for everyone. Some of you might already be used to doing all of those things yourself, but for others it can be kind of scary.
It might be scary, but it’s just something that needs to happen for you to become an adult and grow independent from your family. College is a time for you to live on your own, make your own smart decisions, and take care of yourself. It is a very good middle stage between high school and the real world.
College prepares you for real life in more ways than one. Besides the education that will stay with you forever in finding a job, but you will grow in every aspect as a human being. You will come into college with excitement and youth, and leave with experience and knowledge for the future.
So I say live on campus! No matter where you are from, even if you already live in Green Bay, live on campus and get the experience of a lifetime. I understand that it may be much cheaper to live at home, but if it is at all possible for you to live at a resident hall or apartment on the UWGB campus, then take that chance! You will not regret it!
Like always…post any questions you have for me and I will get back to you ASAP!