A Peek Into Our Majors

UW-Green Bay has over 100 majors, minors, and emphasis areas – so how do you choose?! Well, we figured we could send some students your way to tell you about their majors and what they love about them. Hopefully, their stories will spark something in you!


“My major is Human Biology with a Health Science Emphasis, and minors in Chemistry and Spanish. I’m a sophomore but I will be able to graduate next year, in the spring of 2021. Once I’m done with undergrad, I plan on working as a medical scribe and then going to medical school. My most interesting course so far has definitely been Microbiology. The material is very cool and relevant, especially during a pandemic. The best part about my major is the professors and how passionate they are about their disciplines and then sharing that passion with their students. There are so many opportunities with professors at GB because they love having their students involved.” – Meghan Paluch, Sophomore

“I’m a senior majoring in Human Biology, with an emphasis in exercise science. I’m not completely sure where I’ll end up in the next few months, but I’d like to eventually attend graduate school for Athletic Training. My favorite part of my major has been the small class sizes in the courses for my majors. The general education classes are a bit bigger, but once I started taking classes for my major I was able to form better relationships with my professors. They’re willing to get to know the students in their classes, especially if they have had students for more than one class. The class I’ve enjoyed the most is Exercise Physiology. There’s a lab portion that aligns perfectly with what I want to do as a job. It gives me hands-on experience before I’m even done with undergrad!” – Jacob Tollefsrud, senior


“My name is Sydney Gille and I am a senior at UWGB majoring in business administration with emphases in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship. I love the creative side of business and marketing is something I’ve always been drawn to. Specifically, my favorite area has always been sports marketing. After graduation, my goal is to remain in the sports industry and continue to work with sales, marketing, or live entertainment. If I had to pick the best part about my major, I would say it’s the flexibility and the different opportunities it brings. With a business administration major, you can explore so many different facets of business: accounting, marketing, management, supply chain, and more. Business really has something for everyone whether you are more about the numbers, starting your own business, or even love the creative aspect of marking like me!” – Sydney Gille, senior


“I’m majoring in communication with emphases in mass media and journalism. I’ve already begun to found a video-marketing business. My focus will be on creating video content for companies to tell their story, personalize their social media content, and make better connections and first impressions with potential customers. UW-Green Bay has allowed me to make good connections with my professors through my major. There are many professors I’ve had that if I were to ask for advice, help, or a referral, they would be more than willing to help out in any way possible. My favorite course at UWGB was Advanced Video Production. I was also able to take part in the National Student Exchange through UWGB and studied for a semester at the University of Northern Colorado. There, I took Digital Storytelling. In both classes, I learned a lot about the kind of work that I’m interested in while getting the opportunity to build my portfolio.” – Logan O’Leary, senior


“I’m currently a junior education major here at UWGB. When I complete my undergraduate degree, my goal is to be an elementary school teacher. I am not set on a grade I want to teach, as I want to be as open to opportunity as possible, but I have really enjoyed my time in fourth-grade classrooms. It’s definitely the best part of my major, getting into the classrooms. I have loved every opportunity I have had through the education program going into classrooms and really sharing my passion for education with the students. It has been a really awesome experience being able to watch each student grow and accomplish their goals. My most interesting course was actually a democracy and justice studies (DJS) course. It was DJS 200- Mentoring for Equity. This class was an education-based course as we worked with a program called Upward Bound. This program was developed to help high school students, specifically first-generation and/or low income, prepare for success in college.  We had the opportunity of going into their after school study labs to help them with their academics and be there to answer questions they might have about their futures and college life. It was a really great opportunity because I never thought I would enjoy working with high schoolers, but I loved every moment of it.” – Callyn Diamond, junior

“I’m an education major here and when I graduate, I’d love to teach in a small school district! The best part of my major is all the field opportunities that are available. Within my first semester at UWGB, I was already gaining field experience in a middle school in the local school district. There are countless opportunities to learn and grow through foundational content taught in class, valuable field experience, the Phuture Phoenix program and other volunteer opportunities, and so much more! One of the classes in my candidacy block was my favorite so far. This was the first class that I was able to create and present a full lesson to a caring class of 4th graders! I grew more comfortable teaching a whole class of students and connected with students and my cooperating teacher to become a part of their classroom community. A course with a learning experience like that is priceless.” – Taylor Schreiber, sophomore


“My major is English with an emphasis in Education, and I am currently finishing up my sophomore year. I am working to become a high school English teacher with the goal of returning to school in the future to earn a master’s degree. I love the English program here at UWGB because each professor I work with has such a deep passion for literature that shines through their teaching. Everyone is incredibly kind and genuinely wants to see you succeed. I am currently taking a World Literature course that is focusing on Irish literature, and I enjoy that I am able to learn so much about Irish culture and history while simultaneously relating it to our world today.” – Autumn Rettke, sophomore


“My major is Mathematics with a Statistics Emphasis along with minors in Business Administration and Actuarial Science. I am currently finishing up my freshman year at UW-Green Bay. When finished with my undergraduate degree, I hope to pursue a career in Data Science Analyst or become a Statistician. The best part about my major is the professors. Not only do I get to enjoy learning more upper-level math concepts and spend more time studying a subject I enjoy, but the professors also take it one step further and really help with the understanding of the concepts and go out of their way to be sure that even the lectures are enjoyable. My most interesting course so far has been Calculus II. My professor was Dr. Woo Jeon and he went above and beyond to make to course interesting and exciting.” – Jordan Blohm, freshman


“Hello! My name is Natasha, I am currently a freshman at UWGB, and I am working towards earning a bachelor’s degree in Psychology with a general emphasis. Once I am done with undergrad, I think it would be really neat to begin an apprenticeship in Psychology and attend grad school if I am able. Ultimately, I would really like to work in a school system or with juveniles in some capacity. The best part about my major is the community within UWGB that encourages success and passion within the Psychology field. There are clubs and groups you can be a part of that foster learning and understanding while having fun! As a freshman, I haven’t yet had the opportunity to take a ton of courses related to my major. However, the class that has been most interesting to me thus far has been Social Science Statistics.” – Natasha Flaten, freshman

Social Work

“I’m a sophomore Social Work student with an emphasis in Child Welfare. I’m fortunate enough that UW-Green Bay also has a graduate social work program, so I’ll be getting back-to-back degrees here! I really enjoy the social work program because there’s a lot of hands-on learning opportunities! I’m also part of a cohort, meaning that I’ll be working with the same students the entire way through the program. It’s really nice to get to know my classmates really well and have a support system. My favorite class so far has been Psychopharmacology. It was fascinating to learn about the effects of pharmaceuticals on the body. Some of our coursework involved diagnosing fictional patients, and it was super cool to take that ‘clinician’ role as a student to learn!” – Amanda Rosado, sophomore


“I’m majoring in theatre with an emphasis on musical theatre. After finishing undergrad, I want to pursue a career in acting (on-stage and on camera) and voice acting. The best part about my major is the number of career paths you can take because of the training offered. Every semester I’m working on voice lessons, dance skills, and acting; but I’m also learning what it takes to build the set of a show, the costuming, lighting, voice acting, and more! There’s just so much to take in, and even after I graduate there will be so much more to learn while working that I’ll never grow tired of learning more about my passion. Someone could enter the major thinking they’re going to stick to just performing on stage, and then they find out they could direct, or write, or choreograph. My most interesting class has been Voice for the Actor II. After taking the first pre-requisite class, I went in thinking we were going to learn the standard dialects and vocal health. It turns out the course was directly geared towards voice acting! I was excited to take [the course] even though I didn’t know much about voice acting beyond commercials, but it has been an enriching class that helped me decide to pursue a career in voice acting!” – Aisa Rogers, junior

We hope that you’ve gained some inspiration from our students! To see a full list of majors, minors, and emphasis areas, visit our majors page.  Looking for more guidance? Chat with an admissions counselor about what UW-Green Bay can do for you!