And over here we have….your future. by Amy Manske

I have been giving tours at UWGB for almost 3 years. It’s a similar routine; we see the remarkable view of campus from the eighth floor of the library, wander the Kress Events Center, and make a stop in a residence hall to show off our famous personal bathrooms. Why would I love giving a tour of a campus I see every day? The easy answer is because every person I meet on a tour makes me feel even better about choosing UWGB.

I have met students from all over looking to compare colleges. I have given tours to students as young as eighth grade. Their questions are usually “what kind of food do you eat here?” and “what is your favorite color?”, but they are still excited to be on a college campus and learn about what we do here.

The best thing about giving tours is the fresh perspective everyone brings based on what they have done and what they plan to do.

I had the privilege of meeting a high school senior from Hawaii. Her sole reason in checking out UWGB was because it was the hometown of the Green Bay Packers. How cool is that?
Every person I meet on a tour makes me more excited to be a UWGB student. Not only do I get to tell them what is great about our campus but I get to tell them all about the great memories I have here. It is the greatest feeling in the world when you get done with a tour and the student says they love the campus and is interested in attending. You have introduced someone into the UWGB college perspective and lifestyle. Some people don’t fit UWGB and that is ok, we don’t hate you. Your college should be right for you no matter where it might be and what better way can you find this out but with a visit!
If you are in the process of looking at colleges or will be soon, I highly suggest a tour. A tour will give you the best perspective as to what the atmosphere is like here and how you would fit in. Tours run twice a day, Monday through Friday at 10:00 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. We also have days during the school year labeled as Campus Preview Days. These days are big touring days where hundreds of people come to take a tour of the campus and get information on tuition, dining, housing and more.

What better way to find out about a school than to visit it and look around? Walk where the students walk, sit where the students sit and talk to a real student. Hope to see you soon!

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