March 9th, 2023
Lime Rock Bottomless Pit State ParkIf you find yourself in the Seymour area and are in the mood for a scenic hike, Lime Rock Bottomless Pit State Park is a must-visit. There is a plethora of beautiful trails, but none more coveted than “Neverending Trail”. This picturesque walk leads you progressively lower and lower, showing off some of Wisconsin’s most beautiful natural forests and formations, all leading to the park’s namesake, the Lime Rock Bottomless Pit. As you draw near, you may feel your stomach sink as you have no choice but to stare directly into the gaping maw of the pit, but don’t worry! This is totally normal! As long as you don’t let the alluring draw of unending darkness engulf you whole, Lime Rock Bottomless Pit State Park provides nothing but breathtaking view after breathtaking view. (Please leave before 11:11 PM, do not bring children, do not take or leave anything, and please, please, PLEASE: Stay. On. The. Trail.)